## 请求主体
Every HTTP request has a body. If you are building a Slim application that consumes JSON or XML data, you can use the PSR-7 Request object’s`getParsedBody()`method to parse the HTTP request body into a native PHP format. Note that body parsing differs from one PSR-7 implementation to another.
> 每个HTTP请求都有一个主体。如果您正在构建一个使用JSON或XML数据的slim应用程序,那么可以使用PSR-7请求对象的`getParsedBody()`方法将HTTP请求体解析为原生PHP格式。注意,不同的PSR-7实现之间的主体解析是不同的。
You may need to implement middleware in order to parse the incoming input depending on the PSR-7 implementation you have installed. Here is an example for parsing incoming`JSON`input:
> 您可能需要实现中间件,以便根据安装的PSR-7实现来解析输入。下面是一个解析传入`JSON`输入的例子:
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request;
use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface as RequestHandler;
class JsonBodyParserMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface
public function process(Request $request, RequestHandler $handler): Response
$contentType = $request->getHeaderLine('Content-Type');
if (strstr($contentType, 'application/json')) {
$contents = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
if (json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
$request = $request->withParsedBody($contents);
return $handler->handle($request);
$parsedBody = $request->getParsedBody();
Figure 9: Parse HTTP request body into native PHP format
Technically speaking, the PSR-7 Request object represents the HTTP request body as an instance of`Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface`. You can get the HTTP request body`StreamInterface`instance with the PSR-7 Request object’s`getBody()`method. The`getBody()`method is preferable if the incoming HTTP request size is unknown or too large for available memory.
> 从技术上讲,Psr -7请求对象将HTTP请求体表示为`Psr\ HTTP \Message\StreamInterface`的一个实例。您可以使用PSR-7请求对象的`getBody()`方法获得HTTP请求体`StreamInterface`实例。如果传入的HTTP请求大小未知或者对于可用内存来说太大,则使用`getBody()`方法更好。
$body = $request->getBody();
Figure 10: Get HTTP request body
The resultant`Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface`instance provides the following methods to read and iterate its underlying PHP`resource`.
> 由此产生的`Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface`实例提供了以下方法来读取和迭代它的底层PHP`资源`。
* getSize()
* tell()
* eof()
* isSeekable()
* seek()
* rewind()
* isWritable()
* write($string)
* isReadable()
* read($length)
* getContents()
* getMetadata($key = null)
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- PSR 7
- 中间件
- 依赖容器
- 实例 及通知和警告处理
- Request
- 请求方法
- 请求头信息
- 请求主体
- 上传的文件
- 请求帮助
- 路由对象
- Response
- 响应状态
- 响应标头
- 响应体
- 返回JSON
- 视图模板
- 路由
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- 路由回调
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- 路线占位符
- 路由名
- 路由组
- 路由中间件
- 路由表达式缓存
- 容器识别解析
- 封装中间件
- 路由的中间件
- 错误处理中间件
- 方法重写的中间件
- 输出缓冲中间件
- 内容长度中间件
- 扩展功能
- 以 / 结尾的路由模式
- 获取当前路由
- 设置CORS
- 使用POST表单上传文件
- 第三方组件
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- slim-api-skeleton
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