## install
Install the EPEL repository:
sudo yum install epel-release
Update the repository:
sudo yum update
sudo yum install nginx
Verify the installation:
sudo nginx -v
#### 安装依赖
yum install openssl-devel pcre-devel pcre gcc zlib -y
* pcre 正则处理需要
* gcc 编译需要
* zlib 压缩需要
* openssl 安全链接需要
$ wget https://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.16.1.tar.gz
$ tar zxf nginx-1.16.1.tar.gz
$ cd nginx-1.16.1
$ ./configure --help
$ ./configure
$ make;make install
The main purpose of the master process is to read and evaluate configuration, and maintain worker processes.Worker processes do actual processing of requests. nginx employs event-based model and OS-dependent mechanisms to efficiently distribute requests among worker processes. The number of worker processes is defined in the configuration file and may be fixed for a given configuration or automatically adjusted to the number of available CPU cores. To start nginx, run the executable file. Once nginx is started, it can be controlled by invoking the executable with the`-s`parameter. Use the following syntax.
nginx -s signal
* `stop` — fast shutdown
* `quit` — graceful shutdown
* `reload` — reloading the configuration file
* `reopen` — reopening the log files
nginx -s quit
This command should be executed under the same user that started nginx.
Changes made in the configuration file will not be applied until the command to reload configuration is sent to nginx or it is restarted. To reload configuration, execute:
nginx -s reload
### Basic Functionlity
* `events`– General connection processing
* `http`– HTTP traffic
* `mail`– Mail traffic
* `stream`– TCP and UDP traffic
Directives placed outside of these contexts are said to be in the*main*context.
- 文章翻译
- Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg
- Borg Omega and kubernetes
- scaling kubernetes to 7500 nodes
- bpf 的过去,未来与现在
- Demystifying Istio Circuit Breaking
- 知识图谱
- skill level up graph
- 一、运维常用技能
- 1.0 Vim (编辑器)
- 1.1 Nginx & Tengine(Web服务)
- 基础
- 1.2 zabbix
- 定义
- 登录和配置用户
- 1.3 RabbitMQ(消息队列)
- 原理
- RabbitMQ(安装)
- 1.4虚拟化技术
- 1.5 Tomcat(Web中间件)
- 1.6Jenkins
- pipline
- 1.7 Docker
- network
- 1.8 Keepalived(负载均衡高可用)
- 1.9 Memcache(分布式缓存)
- 1.10 Zookeeper(分布式协调系统)
- 1.11 GitLab(版本控制)
- 1.12 Jenkins(运维自动化)
- 1.13 WAF(Web防火墙)
- 1.14 HAproxy负载均衡
- 1.15 NFS(文件传输)
- 1.16 Vim(编辑器)
- 1.17 Cobbler(自动化部署)
- 二、常用数据库
- 2.1 MySQL(关系型数据库)
- mysql主从复制
- 2.2 Mongodb(数据分析)
- 2.3 Redis(非关系数据库)
- 三、自动化运维工具
- 3.1 Cobbler(系统自动化部署)
- 3.2 Ansible(自动化部署)
- 3.3 Puppet(自动化部署)
- 3.4 SaltStack(自动化运维)
- 四、存储
- 4.1 GFS(文件型存储)
- 4.2 Ceph(后端存储)
- 五、运维监控工具
- 5.1 云镜
- 5.2 ELK
- 六、运维云平台
- 6.1 Kubernetes
- 6.2 OpenStack
- 介绍
- 安装
- 七、Devops运维
- 7.1 理念
- 7.2 Devops运维实战
- 八、编程语言
- 8.1 Shell
- 书籍《Wicked Cool Shell Scripts》
- 8.2 Python
- 8.3 C
- 8.4 Java
- leecode算法与数据结构
- 九、杂记
- 高优先级技能
- 知识点
- JD搜集
- 明显的短板
- 1.0 Python
- 1.1 Kubernetes
- 1.18.2 《kubernetes in action》
- 遗漏知识点
- 1.18.3 GCP、azure、aliyun
- Azure文档
- 1.18.5 《program with kubernetes》
- Istio
- 《Kubernetes best practice》
- Kubernetes源码学习
- Scheduler源码
- 调度器入口
- 调度器框架
- Node筛选算法
- Node优先级算法
- pod抢占调度
- 入口
- 主要代码结构
- new
- 文章翻译
- Flannel
- 从二进制集群搭建
- 信息收集
- docker优化
- 1.2 shell
- 面试题
- grep awk sed 常见用法
- shell实践
- 1.3 Data structure(数据结构)
- Calico
- Aliyun文档以及重点模块
- git
- 大数据组件
- 前端,后端,web框架
- cgroup,namespace
- 内核
- Linux搜集
- crontab
- centos7常用优化配置
- centos Mariadb
- eBPF
- ebpf的前世今生
- Linux性能问题排查与分析
- 性能分析搜集
- 性能分析常用10条
- 网络性能优化
- 文本处理命令
- sql
- Iptables
- python面试题
- iptables
- iptables详细
- zabbix面试题,proj
- prometheus
- web中间件
- nginx
- Haproxy
- grep sed awk
- Linux常用命令
- 云平台
- 书籍Linux应用技巧
- kafka
- kafka面试题
- Jenkins
- 3天补充的点
- K8s源码
- K8s
- k8s实操
- etcd
- test
- StackOverflow问答精选
- 问题
- 我对于学习思考
- 修改ssh超时时间
- 课程目录
- 运维与运维开发
- The Person
- 个人杂谈
- mysql主从复制
- 对于工作的认识与思考