ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
特殊校验不能加到web层。 Validator和DataBinder组成了validation包, 主要用于但不限于MVC框架。 3.3 错误信息的处理代码 3.4 Bean操作和 BeanWrapper 3.4.1 得到基本的和嵌套的属性 Expression Explanation name Indicates the property name corresponding to the methods getName() or isName() and setName(..) Indicates the nested property name of the property account corresponding e.g. to the methods getAccount().setName() or getAccount().getName() account[2] Indicates the third element of the indexed property account. Indexed properties can be of type array, listor other naturally ordered collection account[COMPANYNAME] Indicates the value of the map entry indexed by the key COMPANYNAME of the Map property account 实例: 1. Employee 类: name,salary 2. Company类 name,managingDirector ; managingDirector是一个Employee对象 /** * @Title: * @Package com.oscar999.valid * @Description: TODO * @author oscar999 * @date Sep 3, 2018 4:25:22 PM * @version V1.0 */ package com.oscar999.valid; /** * @ClassName: Employee * @Description: TODO * @author oscar999 */ public class Employee { private String name; private float salary; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public float getSalary() { return salary; } public void setSalary(float salary) { this.salary = salary; } } /** * @Title: * @Package com.oscar999.valid * @Description: TODO * @author oscar999 * @date Sep 3, 2018 4:24:29 PM * @version V1.0 */ package com.oscar999.valid; /** * @ClassName: Company * @Description: TODO * @author oscar999 */ public class Company { private String name; private Employee managingDirector; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public Employee getManagingDirector() { return managingDirector; } public void setManagingDirector(Employee managingDirector) { this.managingDirector = managingDirector; } } /** * @Title: * @Package com.oscar999.valid * @Description: TODO * @author oscar999 * @date Sep 3, 2018 4:27:45 PM * @version V1.0 */ package com.oscar999.valid; import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapper; import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl; /** * @ClassName: BeanWrapperTest * @Description: TODO * @author oscar999 */ public class BeanWrapperTest { /** * @Title: main * @Description: TODO * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub BeanWrapper company = new BeanWrapperImpl(new Company()); company.setPropertyValue("name","oscar999 Company Inc."); //can also be done like this /*PropertyValue value = new PropertyValue("name", "Some Company Inc."); company.setPropertyValue(value);*/ BeanWrapper jim = new BeanWrapperImpl(new Employee()); jim.setPropertyValue("name", "Oscar999"); jim.setPropertyValue("salary", 1000000); company.setPropertyValue("managingDirector", jim.getWrappedInstance()); Float salary = (Float) company.getPropertyValue("managingDirector.salary"); System.out.println("salary="+salary); } } 3.4.2 内置的PropertyEditor 实现 -使用PropertyEditor设置bean的属性 - 在MVC框架中解析Http请求参数 Class Explanation ByteArrayPropertyEditor Editor for byte arrays. Strings will simply be converted to their corresponding byte representations. Registered by default by BeanWrapperImpl. ClassEditor Parses Strings representing classes to actual classes and the other way around. When a class is not found, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. Registered by default by BeanWrapperImpl. CustomBooleanEditor Customizable property editor for Boolean properties. Registered by default by BeanWrapperImpl, but, can be overridden by registering custom instance of it as custom editor. CustomCollectionEditor Property editor for Collections, converting any source Collection to a given target Collection type. CustomDateEditor Customizable property editor for java.util.Date, supporting a custom DateFormat. NOT registered by default. Must be user registered as needed with appropriate format. CustomNumberEditor Customizable property editor for any Number subclass like Integer, Long, Float, Double. Registered by default by BeanWrapperImpl, but can be overridden by registering custom instance of it as a custom editor. FileEditor Capable of resolving Strings to objects. Registered by default by BeanWrapperImpl. InputStreamEditor One-way property editor, capable of taking a text string and producing (via an intermediate ResourceEditor and Resource) an InputStream, so InputStream properties may be directly set as Strings. Note that the default usage will not close the InputStream for you! Registered by default by BeanWrapperImpl. LocaleEditor Capable of resolving Strings to Locale objects and vice versa (the String format is [country][variant], which is the same thing the toString() method of Locale provides). Registered by default by BeanWrapperImpl. PatternEditor Capable of resolving Strings to java.util.regex.Patternobjects and vice versa. PropertiesEditor Capable of converting Strings (formatted using the format as defined in the javadocs of the java.util.Propertiesclass) to Properties objects. Registered by default by BeanWrapperImpl. StringTrimmerEditor Property editor that trims Strings. Optionally allows transforming an empty string into a null value. NOT registered by default; must be user registered as needed. URLEditor Capable of resolving a String representation of a URL to an actual URL object. Registered by default by BeanWrapperImpl. 3.5 Spring类型转换 继承Convert接口 /** * @Title: * @Package com.oscar999.valid * @Description: TODO * @author oscar999 * @date Sep 3, 2018 4:47:22 PM * @version V1.0 */ package com.oscar999.valid; import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter; /** * @ClassName: StringToInteger * @Description: TODO * @author oscar999 */ public class StringToInteger implements Converter<String, Integer> { @Override public Integer convert(String source) { return Integer.valueOf(source); } } 3.5.2 ConverterFactory 当需要集中转换整个类层级逻辑时,例如: 转换Stirng 到枚举java.lang.Enum, 继承ConverterFactory /** * @Title: * @Package com.oscar999.valid * @Description: TODO * @author oscar999 * @date Sep 3, 2018 4:51:27 PM * @version V1.0 */ package com.oscar999.valid; import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter; import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.ConverterFactory; /** * @ClassName: StringToEnumConverterFactory * @Description: TODO * @author oscar999 * @param <S> */ public class StringToEnumConverterFactory<S> implements ConverterFactory<String,Enum> { @Override public <T extends Enum> Converter<String, T> getConverter(Class<T> targetType) { return new StringToEnumConverter(targetType); } private final class StringToEnumConverter<T extends Enum> implements Converter<String, T> { private Class<T> enumType; public StringToEnumConverter(Class<T> enumType) { this.enumType = enumType; } public T convert(String source) { return (T) Enum.valueOf(this.enumType, source.trim()); } } } 3.5.3 GenericConverter 需要复杂的转换实现时,考虑使用。 3.5.4 ConversionService API ConversionService定义了统一的接口用于在运行时执行类型转换逻辑。转换器通常在此接口之后执行。 3.5.3 配置ConversionService <bean id="conversionService" class=""/> 或者 <bean id="conversionService" class=""> <property name="converters"> <set> <bean class="example.MyCustomConverter"/> </set> </property> </bean> 3.5.6 程式使用ConversionService @Service public class MyService { @Autowired public MyService(ConversionService conversionService) { this.conversionService = conversionService; } public void doIt() { this.conversionService.convert(...) } } } 3.6 Spring 栏位格式 public class MyModel { @NumberFormat(style=Style.CURRENCY) private BigDecimal decimal; } } public class MyModel { @DateTimeFormat(iso=ISO.DATE) private Date date; } } 3.8 Sprin 验证 public class PersonForm { private String name; private int age; } } JSR-303标准 public class PersonForm { @NotNull @Size(max=64) private String name; @Min(0) private int age; } } 配置Validator <bean id="validator" class="org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFactoryBean"/> Java 的 import javax.validation.Validator; @Service public class MyService { @Autowired private Validator validator; Spring的: import org.springframework.validation.Validator; @Service public class MyService { @Autowired private Validator validator; } } 3.8.3 配置DataBinder DataBinder可以配置一个Validator, 当调用binder.validate()会触发验证。