Adopt anelePHPant[1] - your PHPmascott[2]
领养一头“大象”- 你的PHP吉祥物
Many userstold me that I should create a page in English totalk about
theelePHPant. Here it is :))!
I aminviting you to discover how and why the elePHPant isborn…
How it wasborn the elePHPant?
In 1998, Idecided to begin learning the PHP language. As agraphicsdesigner, I wanted tolearn how to create dynamic pages for mypersonalweb site. While I was learning,I discovered the power of thislanguageand its applications. Naturally, Istarted to making drawings aboutPHP.So, I create the first elePHPant,illustrating the power of PHP…
>>See the first drawing of elephpant of 1999.
Thispicture was created for fun, just to send to a friendwho begunlearning thislanguage, like I did. The elePHPant was telling him “PHP,isstronger than you!”.This friend suggested that I proposethispicture to well known PHP french sites.To my surprise, theyimmediatelyadopted it! This picture has been used by manyothers. Somefrench PHP Webmasters asked me to illustrate their sitewithelePHPants.
So, thatwas the beginning of the elePHPant story. But youcan ask me, “Why an elephantto symbolize PHP?”
If you payattention to the tree[3] letters P H P,you note that the set looks like anelephant (see the banner up page).
如果你留意PHP 的三个字母,你会注意到这整个看起来就像是一头大象(看页面顶部的图片)。
After thefirst illustrations, a friend suggest me to createa“logo” with theelePHPant,with color and typography of the officiallogo.
I proposedto the french PHP community making it available asfreedownload. Some of webmasters started using it in their sites. It istoday alogo for many french PHPsites. Even though it is not anofficial logo…alot of french users adopted it.
In 2002,Rasmus Lerdorf (PHP “creator”)recognized the elePHPant asa possible alternativefor PHP logo. A link toelePHPants appears nowin the logo downloading page ofthe official PHP site,[4]
在2002 年,RasmusLerdorf(PHP创造者)认可了”大象”作为一个可选择的PHP标识。”大象”现在出现在了官方PHP 站点的标识下载页面中,。
Why a PHPmascott?
为什么要有一个PHP 的吉祥物?
PHP is apopular Open Source product but it lacks of astrongbranding figure that helpspeople recognize PHP related initiatives[5],like Tux the penguin that is usedto represent Linuxrelatedinitiatives. ElePHPant is meant to fill that void inthe PHP community.
PHP是一个流行的开源产品但是它缺乏一个强有力的品牌标识可以帮助人们辨识出PHP的相关产品,就像TUX 企鹅那样被用于表明它是Linux的象征。”大象”的意义即是填补了PHP 社区中的空白。
ElePHPantis now very popular in France and it is beginningto be appear in many sitesaround the world.
Why shouldI adopt an elePHPant?
If youdeveloped a PHP related site, software product orprovide PHPrelated services,this will help you to make your users recognizeyourwork as a PHP friendly. Butyou really do not have to adopt anelePHPant,unless you like it!!! If you don’tlike it, don’tuse it!
如果你开发了一个PHP 的相关网站、软件产品或者提供了PHP 的相应服务的话,这可以帮助你的用户辨识出你的作品是和PHP 息息相关的。但你真的不必一定要领养一头“大象”,除非你喜欢它!!!如果你不喜欢,就不要用了吧!
In thesame “spirit” ofPHP, the elePHPant is a free proposal, afunny alternative toofficial PHP logo.Feel FREE to adopt one if youwant.
同PHP 的某些精神一样,“大象”也是一个自由的提议,一个有趣地可选择的官方PHP 标识。想要就随便地拿去吧。
Can I usethe elePHPant graphics freely?
Sure,elePHPant is licensed by me - El Roubio - as freesoftware.Feel free to copy,modify and use it in your PHP relatedinitiatives.You can transform the originalgraphics as you like, to adaptcolorsfor example, or to integrate it in yourlogos, or to draw yourownelePHPant as some Web sites already did using the ideaof elePHPantwithoutmy drawing ( or forexamples).
当然,“大象”之于我的授权 -El Roubio - 它就是免费的。自由地复制、修改和使用到你的PHP相关产品中。你可以按照个人喜好转换原始图像,比如调整颜色,或者结合到你自己的标志中,又或者画你自己的“大象”就像一些已经使用了这个“大象”创意而并非是我绘制的网站一样(举例: 和。
So FEELFREE to use, change, transform or create your ownelePHPants !!
It’s inthatspirit that I provide the elePHPant in differentformats (psd, eps, ai,xcf), togive you all the freedom to adapt it.
You don’thave tocredit me if you use these graphics. Otherwise I will
behonored. It’s my simple “gift” toPHP community ! ;)
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