## 1. 释义
## 2. 使用方法
~$ peer channel update [flags]
## 3. 命令标志
-c, --channelID string In case of a newChain command, the channel ID to create. It must be all lower case, less than 250 characters long and match the regular expression: [a-z][a-z0-9.-]*
-f, --file string Configuration transaction file generated by a tool such as configtxgen for submitting to orderer
-h, --help help for update
--cafile string Path to file containing PEM-encoded trusted certificate(s) for the ordering endpoint
--certfile string Path to file containing PEM-encoded X509 public key to use for mutual TLS communication with the orderer endpoint
--clientauth Use mutual TLS when communicating with the orderer endpoint
--connTimeout duration Timeout for client to connect (default 3s)
--keyfile string Path to file containing PEM-encoded private key to use for mutual TLS communication with the orderer endpoint
-o, --orderer string Ordering service endpoint
--ordererTLSHostnameOverride string The hostname override to use when validating the TLS connection to the orderer.
--tls Use TLS when communicating with the orderer endpoint
## 4. 示例代码
下面的示例使用文件`./updatechannel.txn`中的配置交易更新通道mychannel, 使用位于orderer.example.com:7050的排序器向所有peer节点发送配置交易以便更新其 通道配置:
~$ peer channel update -c mychannel -f ./updatechannel.txn -o orderer.example.com:7050
2018-02-23 06:32:11.569 UTC [channelCmd] InitCmdFactory -> INFO 003 Endorser and orderer connections initialized
2018-02-23 06:32:11.626 UTC [main] main -> INFO 010 Exiting.....
- Fabric命令手册
- Peer命令
- peer
- peer node
- peer node start
- peer node status
- peer channel
- peer channel create
- peer channel fetch
- peer channel getinfo
- peer channel join
- peer channel list
- peer channel signconfigtx
- peer channel update
- peer chaincode
- peer chaincode install
- peer chaincode instantiate
- peer chaincode invoke
- peer chaincode list
- peer chaincode package
- peer chaincode query
- peer chaincode signpackage
- peer chaincode upgrade
- peer version
- peer logging
- peer logging getlevel
- peer logging revertlevels
- peer logging setlevel
- Configtxgen命令
- configtxgen
- Configtxlator命令
- configtxlator
- configtxlator start
- configtxlator proto_encode
- configtxlator proto_decode
- configtxlator compute_update
- configtxlator version
- Cryptogen命令
- cryptogen
- cryptogen help
- cryptogen generate
- cryptogen showtemplate
- FabricCA命令
- fabric-ca-client
- fabric-ca-server