🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
## 1. 释义 `fabric-ca-server`命令用来初始化并启动一个CA管理进程。 ## 2. 使用方法 ``` ~$ fabric-ca-server [command] ``` 可用命令: ``` init Initialize the fabric-ca server start Start the fabric-ca server version Prints Fabric CA Server version ``` 命令标志: ``` --address string Listening address of fabric-ca-server (default "") -b, --boot string The user:pass for bootstrap admin which is required to build default config file --ca.certfile string PEM-encoded CA certificate file (default "ca-cert.pem") --ca.chainfile string PEM-encoded CA chain file (default "ca-chain.pem") --ca.keyfile string PEM-encoded CA key file -n, --ca.name string Certificate Authority name --cacount int Number of non-default CA instances --cafiles stringSlice A list of comma-separated CA configuration files --cfg.affiliations.allowremove Enables removal of affiliations dynamically --cfg.identities.allowremove Enables removal of identities dynamically --crl.expiry duration Expiration for the CRL generated by the gencrl request (default 24h0m0s) --crlsizelimit int Size limit of an acceptable CRL in bytes (default 512000) --csr.cn string The common name field of the certificate signing request to a parent fabric-ca-server --csr.hosts stringSlice A list of space-separated host names in a certificate signing request to a parent fabric-ca-server --csr.serialnumber string The serial number in a certificate signing request to a parent fabric-ca-server --db.datasource string Data source which is database specific (default "fabric-ca-server.db") --db.tls.certfiles stringSlice A list of comma-separated PEM-encoded trusted certificate files (e.g. root1.pem,root2.pem) --db.tls.client.certfile string PEM-encoded certificate file when mutual authenticate is enabled --db.tls.client.keyfile string PEM-encoded key file when mutual authentication is enabled --db.type string Type of database; one of: sqlite3, postgres, mysql (default "sqlite3") -d, --debug Enable debug level logging -H, --home string Server's home directory (default "/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca") --intermediate.enrollment.label string Label to use in HSM operations --intermediate.enrollment.profile string Name of the signing profile to use in issuing the certificate --intermediate.parentserver.caname string Name of the CA to connect to on fabric-ca-server -u, --intermediate.parentserver.url string URL of the parent fabric-ca-server (e.g. http://<username>:<password>@<address>:<port) --intermediate.tls.certfiles stringSlice A list of comma-separated PEM-encoded trusted certificate files (e.g. root1.pem,root2.pem) --intermediate.tls.client.certfile string PEM-encoded certificate file when mutual authenticate is enabled --intermediate.tls.client.keyfile string PEM-encoded key file when mutual authentication is enabled --ldap.attribute.names stringSlice The names of LDAP attributes to request on an LDAP search --ldap.enabled Enable the LDAP client for authentication and attributes --ldap.groupfilter string The LDAP group filter for a single affiliation group (default "(memberUid=%s)") --ldap.tls.certfiles stringSlice A list of comma-separated PEM-encoded trusted certificate files (e.g. root1.pem,root2.pem) --ldap.tls.client.certfile string PEM-encoded certificate file when mutual authenticate is enabled --ldap.tls.client.keyfile string PEM-encoded key file when mutual authentication is enabled --ldap.url string LDAP client URL of form ldap://adminDN:adminPassword@host[:port]/base --ldap.userfilter string The LDAP user filter to use when searching for users (default "(uid=%s)") -p, --port int Listening port of fabric-ca-server (default 7054) --registry.maxenrollments int Maximum number of enrollments; valid if LDAP not enabled (default -1) --tls.certfile string PEM-encoded TLS certificate file for server's listening port (default "tls-cert.pem") --tls.clientauth.certfiles stringSlice A list of comma-separated PEM-encoded trusted certificate files (e.g. root1.pem,root2.pem) --tls.clientauth.type string Policy the server will follow for TLS Client Authentication. (default "noclientcert") --tls.enabled Enable TLS on the listening port --tls.keyfile string PEM-encoded TLS key for server's listening port ```