mysql -u root mysql
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
则找到mysql的配置文件my.ini 在mysqld加上skip-grant-tables,保存重启
mariaDB 命令操作跟mysql操作一样 ,**每一个操作后面要加分号“;” ,有些操作要分行才有效,**它的性能比mysql 要好
### 1-1.关于数据库#
create database h_test;
show databases;
show create database h_test; ***亲测有error***
alter database h_test default character set gbk collate gbk_bin;
drop database h_test;
### 1-2.关于数据表
use h_test;
create table student(
id int(11),
name varchar(20),
age int(11)
show tables;
show create table student;
desc student;
alter table student rename [to] h_student;***亲测无效***
alter table h_student change name stu_name varchar(20);
alter table h_student modify id int(20);
alter table h_student add grade float;
alter table h_student drop grade;
alter table h_student modify stu_name varchar(20) first;
alter table h_student modify id int(11) after age;
drop table h_student;
### 1-3表的约束
| 约束条件 | 说明 |
| --- | --- |
| PRIMARY KEY | 主键约束,用于唯一标识对应的记录 |
| FOREIGN KEY | 外键约束 |
|NOT NULL | 非空约束 |
|UNIQUE | 唯一性约束 |
| DEFAULT | 默认值约束,用于设置字段的默认值 |
### 1-4索引
create table 表名(
字段名 数据类型[完整性约束条件],
字段名 数据类型,
create table test1(
id INT,
name VARCHAR(20),
age INT,
INDEX (id)
explain select * from test1 where id=1 \G;
create table test2(
id INT,
name VARCHAR(20),
age INT,
UNIQUE INDEX unique_id(id asc)
create table test3(
id INT,
name VARCHAR(20),
age INT,
FULLTEXT INDEX fulltext_name(name)
create table test4(
id INT,
name VARCHAR(20),
age INT,
INDEX single_name(name(20))
create table test5(
id INT,
name VARCHAR(20),
age INT,
INDEX multi(id,name(20))
create table test6(
id INT,
//二.使用create index语句在已经存在的表上创建索引
create table student(
id int,
age int,
name varchar(20),
intro varchar(40),
create index index_id on student(id);
create unique index uniqueidx on student(id);
create index singleidx on student(age);
create index mulitidx on student(name(20),intro(40));
create fulltext index fulltextidx on student(name);
create spatial index spatidx on student(g);
//三.使用alter table语句在已经存在的表上创建索引
drop table student;
create table student(
id int,
age int,
name varchar(20),
intro varchar(40),
alter table student add index index_id(id);
alter table student add unique uniqueidx(id);
alter table student add index singleidx (age);
alter table student add index multidx(name(20),intro(40));
alter table student add fulltext index fulltextidx(name);
alter table student add spatial index spatidx(space);
//1.使用alter table删除索引fulltextidx
alter table student drop index fulltextidx;
//2.使用drop index删除索引spatidx
drop index spatidx on student;
### 1-5.添加数据
drop table student;
create table student(
id int,
name varchar(20) not null,
grade float
insert into student(id,name,grade) values(1,'howie',70);
insert into student values(2,'howie',80);
insert into student set id=3,name="howie",grade=90;
insert into student values
### 1-6.更新数据
update student set name="howie1",grade=60 where id=1;
update student set grade=100 where id<4;
### 1-7.删除数据
delete from student where id=6;
delete from student where id>3;
//删除所有数据,DDL(数据定义语言)语句 truncate table student也可以删除表内所有数据
delete from student;
### 二 、单表查询和多表操作
create table student2(
id int not null auto_increment,
name varchar(20) not null,
grade float,
primary key(id)
insert into student2 (name,grade) values
select * from student;
select name from student;
select * from student where id=2;
//in关键字查询,也可以使用not in
select * from student where id IN(1,2,3);
//between and关键字查询
select * from student where id between 2 and 5;
//空值(NULL)查询,使用IS NULL来判断
select * from student where grade is null;
select distinct name from student;
select * from student where name like "h%e";
select * from student where id>5 and grade>60;
### 2-1-2.高级查询
select count(*) from student;
select sum(grade) from student;
select avg(grade) from student;
select max(grade) from student;
select min(grade) from student;
select * from student order by grade;
//1.单独使用group by分组
select * from student group by grade;
select count(*),grade from student group by grade;
select sum(grade),name from student group by grade having sum(grade) >100;***不是很懂***
having字句可以让我们筛选成组后的各种数据,where字句在聚合前先筛选记录,也就是说作用在group by和having字句前。而 having子句在聚合后对组记录进行筛选。
SELECT region, SUM(population), SUM(area) FROM bbc GROUP BY region
先以region把返回记录分成多个组,这就是GROUP BY的字面含义。分完组后,然后用聚合函数对每组中
二、 显示每个地区的总人口数和总面积.仅显示那些面积超过1000000的地区。
SELECT region, SUM(population), SUM(area)
FROM bbc
GROUP BY region
HAVING SUM(area)>1000000
select * from student limit 5;
select * from student limit 2,2;
select * from student order by grade desc limit 2,2;
select concat(id,':',name,':',grade) from student;
select * from student as stu where stu.name="howie";
select name as stu_name,grade stu_grade from student;
### 2-2.多表操作
### 2-2-1.外键
create table class(
id int not null primary key,
classname varchar(20) not null
create table student(
stu_id int not null primary key,
stu_name varchar(20) not null,
cid int not null -- 表示班级id,它就是class表的外键
alter table student add constraint FK_ID foreign key(cid) references class(id);
alter table student drop foreign key FK_ID;
### 2-2-2.操作关联表
alter table student add constraint FK_ID foreign key(cid) references class(id);
//添加数据,这两个表便有了关联若插入中文在终端显示空白,可设置set names 'gbk';
insert into class values(1,"软件一班"),(2,"软件二班");
insert into student values(1,"howie",1),(2,"howie1",2),(3,"howie2",1),(4,"howie3",2);
select * from student cross join class;
select student.stu_name,class.classname from student join class on class.id=student.cid;
insert into class values(3,"软件三班");
select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,c.classname from student s left join class c on c.id=s.cid;
select s.stu_id,s.stu_name,c.classname from student s right join class c on c.id=s.cid;
select * from student where cid in(select id from class where id=2);
select * from student where exists(select id from class where id=12); -- 外层不会执行
select * from student where exists(select id from class where id=1); -- 外层会执行
select * from student where cid>any(select id from class);
select * from student where cid=any(select id from class);
### 三 、事务与存储过程
start transaction; -- 开启事务
commit; -- 提交事务
rollback; -- 取消事务(回滚)
create table account(
id int primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(40),
money float
insert into account(name,money) values('a',1000),('b',2000),('c',3000);
start transaction;
update account set money=money-100 where name='a';
update account set money=money+100 where name='b';
select @@autocommit; -- 若为1,表示自动提交,为0,就要手动提交
set @@autocommit = 0; -- 设置为手动提交
start transaction;
update account set money=money+100 where name='a';
update account set money=money-100 where name='b';
//现在执行select * from account 可以看到转账成功,若此时退出数据库重新登录,会看到各账户余额没有改变,所以一定要用commit语句提交事务,否则会失败
start transaction;
update account set money=money-100 where name='a';
update account set money=money+100 where name='b';
read uncommitted;
read committed;
repeatable read;
### 3-2 存储过程(这部分有待研究,不是很懂)
create table student(
id int not null primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(4),
grade float
)ENGINE=InnoDB default character set utf8;
delimiter // -- 将mysql的结束符设置为//
create procedure Proc()
select * from student;
end //
delimiter ; -- 将mysql的结束符设置为;
call Proc(); -- 这样就可以调用该存储过程
set @number=100; -- 或set @num:=1;
DECLARE * cursor_name* CURSOR FOR select_statement
2. 光标OPEN语句
OPEN cursor_name
3. 光标FETCH语句
FETCH cursor_name INTO var_name [, var_name] ...
4. 光标CLOSE语句
CLOSE cursor_name
//流程控制的使用 不做介绍
### 3-3 调用存储过程
delimiter //
create procedure proc1(in name varchar(4),out num int)
select count(*) into num from student where name=name;
delimiter ;
call proc1("tom",@num) -- 查找名为tom学生人数
select @num; -- 看下图
show procedure status like 'p%' \G -- 获得以p开头的存储过程信息
alter {procedure|function} sp_name[characteristic...]
drop procedure proc1;
### 四、视图
### 4-1、视图的基本操作
create table student(
id int not null primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(10) not null,
math float,
chinese float
insert into student(name,math,chinese) values
create view stu_view as select math,chinese,math+chinese from student; -- 下图可看出创建成功
create view stu_view2(math,chin,sum) as select math,chinese,math+chinese from student;
create table stu_info(
id int not null primary key auto_increment,
class varchar(10) not null,
addr varchar(100)
insert into stu_info(class,addr) values
create view stu_class(id,name,class) as
select student.id,student.name,stu_info.class from
student,stu_info where student.id=stu_info.id;
desc stu_class;
show table status like 'stu_class'\G
show create view stu_class\G
create or replace view stu_view as select * from student;
alter view stu_view as select chinese from student;
update stu_view set chinese=100;
insert into student values(null,'haha',100,100);
delete from stu_view2 where math=100;
drop view if exists stu_view2;