## 深阅读
**Mobile TCP optimization - lessons learned in production**
**JavaScript: from alert() to Machine Learning**
介绍了 JavaScript 在各个领域的使用。
A web-specific refinement of Model-View-Controller. The term MVC has experienced some semantic diffusion from its original meaning, especially in a web context. (See this video from Stefan Priebsch for a more extensive discussion.) To resolve this diffusion, the Action-Domain-Responder pattern description is offered as a web-specific refinement of the MVC user interface pattern.
这是一篇长文,看完需要十几分钟的时间。但如果你之前没有认真看过并且思考过,这十几分钟会改变你的职业生涯。这文章可能会出现一些让人不适的词语或者过时的例子,但我认为这不会影响它要表达的内容,而你需要好好琢磨作者希望传达的思想。偶尔看到一些注册2、3年的帐号,依然还在问些无趣的问题,透支着“新手问题”节点给予的包容,这样下去永远也无法从初级程序员水平毕业,而且更严重的是: 这些人在拉低社区的讨论水准。
**6 Gulp Best Practices You Can Use Today to Radically Improve Your Development Experience**
Gulp has established itself as an important piece of most modern front end projects. As early adopters of this life changing technology at Rangle, we've encountered our share of pitfalls which guided us to valuable lessons about sublteties that can make a world of difference.
感觉是黑科技,看看即可。真需要跨域提交或获取数据,jsonp、xhr2http2 或者 后端代理才是正道。
在JavaScript中this的用法的确是千奇百怪,但是如果利用自然语言的方式来理解,一切就顺理成章了。可以借鉴来介绍 this 给初学者。这位同学挺高产的,还有两篇 node 的 blog :
- 在Node应用中避免“Dot Hell” [http://blog.leapoahead.com/2015/09/03/prevent-node-require-dot-hell/](http://blog.leapoahead.com/2015/09/03/prevent-node-require-dot-hell/)
- 谈如何管理Web应用的环境常量 [http://blog.leapoahead.com/2015/09/04/managing-env-constants/](http://blog.leapoahead.com/2015/09/04/managing-env-constants/)
**React, Flux, RethinkDB and SageMathCloud**
I've been using databases and doing web development for over 20 years, and I've never really loved any database before and definitely didn't love any web development frameworks either. That all changed for me this summer...
通过CSS3 的 border-radius 和 gradients 属性来实现眼球、气泡等效果。
**How to write a great error message**
通过一些 case 说明了如何给用户错误提示,几个可参考的观点:
- The best error message is the one that never shows up
- Use a friendly, non-technical, non-threatening tone of voice.
- Don’t just assume people know about the context of a message.
**Mobile Frameworks Comparison Chart**
Docker 的实践。
## 新鲜货
**New React Developer Tools**
A month ago, we posted a beta of the new React developer tools. Today, we're releasing the first stable version of the new devtools. We're calling it version 0.14, but it's a full rewrite so we think of it more like a 2.0 release.
**微软开源项目: Office-UI-Fabric**
Fabric is a responsive, mobile-first, front-end framework, designed to make it quick and simple for you to create web experiences using the Office Design Language. It’s easy to get up and running with Fabric—whether you’re creating a new Office experience from scratch or adding new features to an existing one.
**GitLab Mail Receiver**
Help your GitLab support Email receive and parse content to create Issue replies, like GitHub.
The way of allow your GitLab support Email receive and parse the email content, and find Issue/MergeRequest to create reply.
**nuophoto - A JavaScript/HTML5 canvas image editor**
Nuophoto is basically a web interface that aims to show the capabilities of JavaScript as a photo editing software. The photo editing part is done with the library PhotoJShop.
**Eight Terminal Utilities Every OS X Command Line User Should Know**
OS X comes with a number of its own text-based utilities not found on any other operating system. Learning about these Mac-only programs can make you more productive on the command line and help you bridge the gap between UNIX and your Mac.
[http://www.zhihu.com/question/26998618](http://www.zhihu.com/question/26998618) 科普了芯片的知识。
**JS Perf - Popular test cases**
汇集了一些最流行的性能测试 case,间接说明开发者在性能问题上关注的一些点。
**Alliance for Open Media Established to Deliver Next-Generation Open Media Formats**
Amazon, Cisco, Google, Intel Corporation, Microsoft, Mozilla and Netflix 开始联合制定下一代开放的高清媒体格式。
**The future of layout with CSS: Grid Layouts**
In this article we'll take a look at the wonderful world of the CSS Grid Layout, a relatively new W3C specification that has partially started to see the day in some browsers. 另附一个 css grid 的类库: Layout Grid [https://clippings.github.io/layout-grid/](https://clippings.github.io/layout-grid/)
**Typeset - An html pre-processor for web typography**
Typeset is an html pre-processor for web typography. It uses no client-side JavaScript but gives you hanging punctuation, soft hyphen insertion, optical margin outdents, small-caps conversion and punctuation substitution.
**Google’s look, evolved**
厉害的是这个 logo 只有305字节 [http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3MzYwNjQ3NA==&mid=207858150&idx=1&sn=d3723a8481f9c092054fdd560b8f1b82&scene=0#rd](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3MzYwNjQ3NA==&mid=207858150&idx=1&sn=d3723a8481f9c092054fdd560b8f1b82&scene=0#rd)
**Chrome 45 发布,内存管理机制升级**
**Hack - A typeface designed for source code**
Hack is hand groomed and optically balanced to be your go-to code face.相关字体:
- [https://github.com/chrissimpkins/codeface](https://github.com/chrissimpkins/codeface)
- [https://github.com/nathco/office-code-pro](https://github.com/nathco/office-code-pro)
**OOSMOS The Object-Oriented State Machine Operating System**
OOSMOS stands for Object-Oriented State Machine Operating System. It is a new type of operating system where the fundamental contextual unit is the object, not the thread as it is in traditional operating systems.
堪称前端 hao123,赞这位工程师的悉心整理。
**Github Protected branches and required status checks**
大家大概都会有不小心force push到错误分支的经验,导致其他人的修改被覆盖。为了解决这个问题,我们将在接下来的几周逐步部署受保护分支的功能,可以让管理员设置禁止向指定的分支进行force push操作。
**HTML5 Deck of Cards**
**TiDB is a distributed SQL database**
TiDB is a distributed SQL database. Inspired by the design of Google F1, TiDB supports the best features of both traditional RDBMS and NoSQL. Go 语言比较容易懂,可以去看代码学习存储技术。
## 产品及其它
**Madoko - Write Beautiful Documents**
Madoko is a fast markdown processor for writing professional articles, books, manuals, webpages and presentations, with a focus on simplicity and plain text readability. 竟然能支持写论文,不得不说:万能的 md。
美国创业新秀Airbnb创立于2008年,现今已经过7轮融资,估值高达255亿美元。其火箭般高速发展背后有哪些不为人知的故事?这句话最赞:分享时代 - 给普通人新希望的时代
**你碰到过的最难调的 Bug 是什么样的?**
见识一下一些奇葩 bug
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