企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
``` ~~~ <?php namespace app\program\controller;  //命名空间 use think\App; use think\facade\Db; class ProgramService  //类名(可自定义) { private $table = "数据库表名";  //我的数据库表名 取你自己的表名或者表名写在SQL语句中 ~~~ ~~~ private $authorization_uri = "";    //微信授权获取openID以及session_key的地址   //自定义变量 private $AppID; private $Secret; private $session_key; private $openid; private $unionid; public function __construct() {     //构造方法,用于变量赋值 也可以在定义变量时直接赋值 注, 类变量不能直接调用方法 $this -> AppID = sysconf("program.app_id"); $this -> Secret = sysconf("program.secret"); } /** * 小程序授权入口    * 接收小程序传过来的code值获取openID及sessionkey * @param $code * @param $rawData * @param $session_key * @param $signature * @param $iv * @param $encryptedData * @return \think\response\Json * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public function authorization($code,$rawData,$signature,$iv,$encryptedData,$from_id = ''){ if(empty($code)) return json(returnData(1,'小程序授权参数code不存在'));     //拼接url地址 $url = $this -> authorization_uri . "?appid=" . $this -> AppID . "&secret=" . $this -> Secret . "&js_code=" . $code . "&grant_type=authorization_code";     //自己封装的请求 composer 安装php-curl 直接调用curl 请求即可 封装是为了简化代码 $res = json_decode(requestGetData($url),true); // dump($res);die; if(isset($res['errcode'])) return json(returnData(1,'授权失败',$res['errmsg']));     //变量赋值 $this -> session_key = $res['session_key']; $this -> openid = $res['openid']; // $this -> unionid = $res['unionid'];     //验证签名。判断数据真实性 $signature2 = sha1(htmlspecialchars_decode($rawData) . $this -> session_key); if($signature != $signature2) return json(returnData(1,'授权失败',"签名认证失败"));     //检查用户登录状态 return $this -> changeLoginStatus($this -> session_key,$iv,$encryptedData,$from_id); } /** * 检查用户登录状态 * @param $session_key * @param $iv * @param $encryptedData * @return \think\response\Json * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public function changeLoginStatus($session_key,$iv,$encryptedData,$from_id){     //根据openID判断数据库是否存在该用户。存在即直接返回用户数据 $user = Db::name($this -> table) -> where("openid",$this -> openid) -> find(); if($user) {         //是否被人邀请 如无需此功能可删除 if($from_id != '' && $user['from_id'] == 0){ Db::name($this -> table) -> where("id",$user['id']) -> update(['form_id' => $from_id]); } return json(returnData(99,'登录成功',$user['openid'])); }       //用户未授权,调用微信授权解密参数并存入数据库 return $result = $this -> decryptionEncryptedData($session_key,$iv,$encryptedData,$from_id); } /** * 解密参数,保存用户数据 * @param $session_key * @param $iv * @param $encryptedData * @return \think\response\Json */ public function decryptionEncryptedData($session_key,$iv,$encryptedData,$from_id){ if (strlen($session_key) != 24) return json(returnData(1,'授权失败',"解密后得到的sessionKey非法")); if (strlen($iv) != 24) return json(returnData(1,'授权失败',"解密后得到的iv非法")); $aesKey = base64_decode($session_key); $aesIV = base64_decode($iv); $aesCipher = base64_decode($encryptedData); $result = openssl_decrypt( $aesCipher, "AES-128-CBC", $aesKey, 1, $aesIV); $result = json_decode($result,true); // dump($result);die; if(empty($result)) return json(returnData(1,'授权失败',"解密后得到的Buffer非法"));     //确认小程序AppID是否为同一个 if($result['watermark']['appid'] != $this -> AppID ) return json(returnData(1,'授权失败',"解密后得到的AppID非法"));       //需保存的用户数组 请改成你自己的数据库字段 $customer['openid'] = $this -> openid;     //开放平台标识,如无需开放平台 请注释或删除 $customer['unionid'] = $result['unionId'];     //用户昵称可能包含特殊字符,需处理 $customer['nickname'] = $this->removeEmoji($result['nickName']); $customer['sex'] = $result['gender']; $customer['city'] = $result['city']; $customer['level'] = $this -> setCustomerLevel(); $customer['from_id'] = $from_id; $customer['province'] = $result['province']; $customer['country'] = $result['country']; $customer['headimgurl'] = $result['avatarUrl']; $customer['appid'] = $result['watermark']['appid']; $customer['authorization_time'] = $result['watermark']['timestamp']; $id = Db::name($this -> table) -> insertGetId($customer); if($id) return json(returnData(99,'授权成功',$this -> openid)); return json(returnData(1,'授权失败',"保存用户信息出错".Db::name($this -> table) -> getLastSql())); } /** * 处理特殊字符 * @param $text * @return string|string[]|null */ public function removeEmoji($text) { $clean_text = ""; preg_match_all("/[\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}|0-9|a-z|A-Z|_]/u", $text, $matches); $clean_text = isset($matches[0]) ? implode('', $matches[0]) : ''; // Match Emoticons $regexEmoticons = '/[\x{1F600}-\x{1F64F}]/u'; $clean_text = preg_replace($regexEmoticons, '', $text); // Match Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs $regexSymbols = '/[\x{1F300}-\x{1F5FF}]/u'; $clean_text = preg_replace($regexSymbols, '', $clean_text); // Match Transport And Map Symbols $regexTransport = '/[\x{1F680}-\x{1F6FF}]/u'; $clean_text = preg_replace($regexTransport, '', $clean_text); // Match Miscellaneous Symbols $regexMisc = '/[\x{2600}-\x{26FF}]/u'; $clean_text = preg_replace($regexMisc, '', $clean_text); // Match Dingbats $regexDingbats = '/[\x{2700}-\x{27BF}]/u'; $clean_text = preg_replace($regexDingbats, '', $clean_text); return $clean_text; } ?> ~~~ ```