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开发咨询,想在function返回之前insert或者update的值,postgresql有个returning的特性,可以返回之前各种DML(insert,delete,update)掉的值,比mysql的返回last_insert_id更丰富一点。  环境:  PostgreSQL 9.3.2  CentOS 6.3  类似的Function如下: ~~~ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fun_test(v_id int, v_remark text) RETURNS integer AS $BODY$ declare o_id int; begin perform 1 from foo where id=v_id and remark = v_remark ; if not found then insert into foo(remark) values (v_remark) returning id into o_id; return o_id; else update foo set id=v_id, remark=v_remark where id=v_id and remark = v_remark returning id into o_id; return o_id ; end if; exception when others then raise exception 'exec fun fun_test error,PLZ contact DBA!'; return 999; end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; ALTER FUNCTION fun_test(int, text) OWNER TO postgres; ~~~ 参考:  http://my.oschina.net/Kenyon/blog/54376  http://my.oschina.net/Kenyon/blog/108303