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[TOC] []( [贝塞尔曲线]( **** # [SmashingMagazine]( # 在线测试: # [ css-tricks]( # [Learn CSS: The Complete Guide]( 我们已经构建了一个完整的指南来帮助您学习CSS,无论您是刚刚开始使用基础知识,还是希望探索更高级的CSS。 # 书籍 [想编写出规范可维护的css,这5本书籍可以帮到你]( Pro CSS3 Layout Techniques Table of Contents Chapter 1: Overcoming the Layout Challenges of the Web Chapter 2: Layout Modules in CSS: the Old and the New Chapter 3: Where We’ve Been: Position, Float, and Display Chapter 4: CSS Multi-column Layout Chapter 5: CSS Flexible Box Layout Chapter 6: CSS Grid Layout Chapter 7: CSS Regions Layout Chapter 8: Supporting Older Browsers Chapter 9: Speeding Up Workflow: CSS Libraries and Frameworks Chapter 10: What the Future Holds for CSS Layout