企业🤖AI Agent构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
[TOC] # Takeaways 1. **Start with a simple project**. Avoid those ToDos and Chat apps. You can practice with them to know the power of Dart and Flutter, butthe best way to learn is having a real project you care for. 2. **Stay away from Firebase/Firestore at the beginning**, first try to learn about HTTP request and API connections using[http]([dio]( Once you feel comfortable with this, you can take all the advantages of Firebase. 3. **Read all you can about State Management**. Once you have a good understanding of the Flutter native State Management, go for the approach you like more:[BLoC](,[Provider](,[Scoped Model]( even Redux. (I personally use Provider). 4. **Pick and follow a**[**Design Pattern**]( Avoid making your project based on blocks of codes copied from Stack Overflow… like me. ([Stacked]( a new interesting architecture from the guys of[@filledstacks]( 5. [Learn what ASO is]( and practice with your first project. # rxdart # pubx The missing`pub`commands. Search and view packages from from the command line. # dab 0.2.1 []( # [shell]( Wrapper over `dart:io` \[Process\] API's that supports additional features. # [archive]( Provides encoders and decoders for various archive and compression formats such as zip, tar, bzip2, gzip, and zlib. # [process_run]( Process run helpers for Linux/Win/Mac and which like feature for finding executables. # Blocs An easy to use visual web design app.