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# HoloCubic移植LVGL8 ## 一、开发环境 - 操作系统:Windows 11 专业版 - 开发工具:VS Code + Platform IO - 硬件资源:HoloCubic(ESP32) ## 二、新建项目 选择主板“ESP32 Pico Kit(Espressif)” ![]( 设置波特率为“115200” ![]( ![]( 成功输出“Hello World !” ![]( ## 二、下载驱动 克隆以下工程到`lib`文件夹中 ``` git clone ``` ``` git clone ``` ``` git clone ``` ``` git clone ``` ## 三、修改配置 ### 1、修改`lib\TFT_eSPI\User_Setup.h`文件 ``` // #define ILI9341_DRIVER ``` ``` #define ST7789_DRIVER ``` ``` #define TFT_WIDTH 240 ``` ``` #define TFT_HEIGHT 240 ``` ``` // #define SPI_FREQUENCY  27000000 ``` ``` #define SPI_FREQUENCY 80000000 ``` ### 2、修改`lib\TFT_eSPI\User_Setup_Select.h`文件 ``` #include <User_Setups/Setup24_ST7789.h> ``` ### 3、修改`lib\TFT_eSPI\Setup24_ST7789.h`文件 ``` #define TFT_MISO 19 #define TFT_MOSI 23 #define TFT_SCLK 18 #define TFT_CS -1 // Not connected #define TFT_DC 2 #define TFT_RST 4 // Connect reset to ensure display initialises ``` ``` // #define TFT_CS -1 // Define as not used // #define TFT_DC PIN_D1 // Data Command control pin // #define TFT_RST PIN_D4 // TFT reset pin (could connect to NodeMCU RST, see next line) ``` ``` #define SPI_FREQUENCY 60000000 ``` ### 4、修改`lib\TFT_eSPI\TFT_Drivers\ST7789_Rotation.h`文件 ``` rotation = m & 0x0F; ``` ``` case 4: // Inverter portrait & Mirror Y #ifdef CGRAM_OFFSET if (_init_width == 135) { colstart = 53; rowstart = 40; } else { colstart = 0; rowstart = 0; } #endif writedata(TFT_MAD_MX | TFT_MAD_COLOR_ORDER); _width = _init_width; _height = _init_height; break; case 5: #ifdef CGRAM_OFFSET if (_init_width == 135) { colstart = 40; rowstart = 53; } else { colstart = 80; rowstart = 0; } #endif writedata(TFT_MAD_MX | TFT_MAD_MY | TFT_MAD_MV | TFT_MAD_COLOR_ORDER); _width = _init_height; _height = _init_width; break; ``` ### 5、将`lib\lv_demos\lv_demo_conf_template.h`改名为`lv_demo_conf.h` ``` #if 1 ``` ``` #define LV_USE_DEMO_MUSIC 0 ``` ``` #define LV_USE_DEMO_WIDGETS 1 #if LV_USE_DEMO_WIDGETS #define LV_DEMO_WIDGETS_SLIDESHOW 1 #endif ``` ### 6、将`lib\lv_drivers\lv_drv_conf_template.h`改名为`lv_drv_conf.h` ``` #if 1 ``` ### 7、将`lib\lvgl\lv_conf_template.h`改名为`lv_conf.h` ``` #if 1 ``` ``` #define LV_MEM_CUSTOM 0 ``` ``` #define LV_TICK_CUSTOM 1 ``` ``` #define LV_USE_LOG 1 ``` ### 8、将`lib\lv_demos\src\lv_demo_widgets\lv_demo_widgets.c`文件中的所有`dsc->clip_area`改为`dsc->draw_area` ## 四、测试工程(main.cpp) ``` #include <lvgl.h> #include <TFT_eSPI.h> #include <lv_demo.h> static lv_disp_draw_buf_t draw_buf; static lv_color_t buf[TFT_WIDTH * 10]; TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(TFT_WIDTH, TFT_HEIGHT); /* TFT instance */ #if LV_USE_LOG != 0 /* Serial debugging */ void my_print(const char *buf) { Serial.printf("%s\r\n", buf); Serial.flush(); } #endif /* Display flushing */ void my_disp_flush(lv_disp_drv_t *disp, const lv_area_t *area, lv_color_t *color_p) { uint32_t w = (area->x2 - area->x1 + 1); uint32_t h = (area->y2 - area->y1 + 1); tft.startWrite(); tft.setAddrWindow(area->x1, area->y1, w, h); tft.pushColors((uint16_t *)&color_p->full, w * h, true); tft.endWrite(); lv_disp_flush_ready(disp); } #define LCD_BL_PWM_CHANNEL 0 #define LCD_BL_PIN 5 void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); /* prepare for possible serial debug */ String LVGL_Arduino = "Hello LVGL "; LVGL_Arduino += String('V') + lv_version_major() + "." + lv_version_minor() + "." + lv_version_patch(); Serial.println(LVGL_Arduino); Serial.println("I am LVGL_Arduino"); ledcSetup(LCD_BL_PWM_CHANNEL, 5000, 8); ledcAttachPin(LCD_BL_PIN, LCD_BL_PWM_CHANNEL); lv_init(); #if LV_USE_LOG != 0 lv_log_register_print_cb(my_print); /* register print function for debugging */ #endif tft.begin(); /* TFT init */ tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLUE); tft.writecommand(ST7789_DISPON); tft.setRotation(4); /* Landscape orientation, flipped */ lv_disp_draw_buf_init(&draw_buf, buf, NULL, TFT_WIDTH * 10); /*Initialize the display*/ static lv_disp_drv_t disp_drv; lv_disp_drv_init(&disp_drv); /*Change the following line to your display resolution*/ disp_drv.hor_res = TFT_WIDTH; disp_drv.ver_res = TFT_HEIGHT; disp_drv.flush_cb = my_disp_flush; disp_drv.draw_buf = &draw_buf; lv_disp_drv_register(&disp_drv); /*Initialize the (dummy) input device driver*/ static lv_indev_drv_t indev_drv; lv_indev_drv_init(&indev_drv); indev_drv.type = LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER; // indev_drv.read_cb = my_touchpad_read; lv_indev_drv_register(&indev_drv); /* Create simple label */ lv_obj_t *label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act()); lv_label_set_text(label, LVGL_Arduino.c_str()); lv_obj_align(label, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); Serial.println("Setup done"); } void loop() { lv_timer_handler(); /* let the GUI do its work */ delay(5); } ```