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# Change History 在某些情况下,4.25版本修复错误会阻止在Windows上执行。 4.24版本包含对小部件图像和字体规范的进一步更正。 它还有助于使用多个初始化文件。 请参阅[初始化和执行PAGE]( 4.23a版本修复了阻止代码生成的错误。 4.23版本修复了多个错误,一个错误与Scrolledtreeview有关,另一个错误与在没有IDE规范的情况下生成代码有关,另一个与在“属性编辑器”中更改相对大小属性有关。 此外,图像使用的某些方面已得到改进。 字体支持显示错误,必须进行修复。 最后,解决了编码问题和国际化问题。 4.22版本修复了多个错误。 4.21版本包括很多支持的小部件和错误修复的气球帮助(工具提示)。 4.20版本修复了与Scale小部件和Scrolledtreeview小部件有关的错误。 4.19版本: * 提供存储和应用机制,用于将属性从一个小部件转移到另一个小部件, * 启用“属性编辑器”中的上下文菜单,以将属性从一个小部件转移到其他小部件-[请参阅属性编辑器](, * 进一步增强了PAGE窗口的滚动, * 修复了一些错误,其中一些错误与颜色偏好有关, 4.18版本: * 增强了“滚动”小部件,以支持鼠标滚轮在生成的Python模块中的数据窗口上滚动, * 增强了鼠标滚轮在PAGE数据窗口上的滚动, * 删除了一些警告消息并添加了其他更有意义的消息, * 改进了tkinter导入语句的样式(请参阅[命名约定](, * 将行号添加到Python控制台, * 将顶部按钮添加到多个PAGE窗口中,… 4.17版本:在“属性编辑器”中显示窗口小部件的锁定状态,添加用于设置缩进的首选项,在更新支持模块时展开选项卡,修复在标架窗口小部件中放置的细微错误,并增强了几何属性在 属性编辑器。 4.16版本修复了支持模块更新功能中的一个重要错误,并改进了“填充容器”功能。 4.15版本改进了绑定窗口的使用,改进了回调函数的显示以及自动保存了项目文件。 添加了ttk :: separator小部件,并扩展了对自定义小部件的支持。 现在可以锁定各个小部件的几何形状,以防止更改鼠标。 4.14版本提供了将小部件树保存到文件的功能以及显示回调函数的功能。 还针对复制和粘贴以及相对位置进行了修复。 The 4.13 release adds a search function to the Python Consols, fixes a syntax coloring problem, adds additional support for utf-8 encoding, and fixes some bugs. The 4.12 release fixes several bugs related to placement, cut and paste, and borrowing. The 4.11 release allows one to copy a menu bar from an existing project to the current project. An important addition is the inclusion of a tutorial written by Greg Walters. The 4.10 release includes a reuse facility which allows one to copy from existing projects and paste to the current project. This release also modifies the startup to automatically create the Toplevel widget and expands support for the Canvas widget and adds some checking of identifier syntax. In addition, there is a new custom version of the TNotebook widget which incorporates an icon for closing tabs. The 4.9 release fixes bugs related to state values of several widgets. It also improves the Widget Tree by changing the labels to display the class and the alias of the widget and automatically updating it in more cases. The 4.8.x releases fixes bugs and updates the documentation. The 4.8 release includes support for Custom widgets which are widgets for which the Python implementation is left to the user. Python 3 versions of the examples are included. The widgets handles have been enlarged and colored to facilitate selection. Bugs related to the changing of aliases have been corrected. Finally, a function which expands a widget to fill its container has been added to some widgets I have fixed some bug within the font handling code and that may require that fonts in existing PAGE projects be re-specified. The 4.7 release includes support for binding events to top level windows and reorganizes the generated code for greater clarity and provides variable parameter lists for the init function in the support module using the Python convention of \*vargs, \*\*kwargs. Important fixes for Cut, Copy, and Paste and for the TCombobox widget. The 4.6 release includes new function. a) Shows generated code in separate console windows. b) Allows loading of consol windows without generating code. c) Allows the opening of user’s favorite IDE with saved versions of the generated code. d) Corresponding changes in the Gen\_Python menu. The 4.5 release incorporates new flexibility for the location of the toplevel widget in the generated GUI using the default location determined by the window manager. The 4.4.x releases contain bug fixes. The 4.4 releases supported popup or context menus. Also, support for ttk menubuttons was removed pending more debugging and the Labelframe widget was added. Finally, support for function definition was; however, PAGE still defined skeleton functions as before. The 4.3 release includes code to update an existing support module with Tkinter variables and skeleton functions newly required as a result of [Rework](file:///C:/Program%20Files/page/docs/html/rework.html#rework). The 4.2 releases has new function which aids [Rework](file:///C:/Program%20Files/page/docs/html/rework.html#rework). This is a fairly extensive departure from the previous workings of PAGE. Additional examples were added to illustrate some aspects of the rework scheme. They also provided additional Help and additional scrolled widgets. The 4.1 releases contains several changes dealing with preferences dealing with font preferences and function to backup versions of the generated GUI. The 4.0 release contains sufficient advances including: > * Significant improvements in the specification and clarity of Preferences. > * Significant work with color and associated connections with styles. Emphasis on readability of generated style code. Unfortunately, this seems to work better with Linux/Unix systems than with Windows or OS X. > * Better support for OS X. > * Better support for the Scale and TScale widgets. > * Better support for Toplevel widgets. You can now change attributes; background and cursor, for example. > * Corrected problems with the TMenubutton. > * Shifted emphasis to Python 2.7 from 2.6. > * Added the ttk::sizegrip widget. > * Fixed numerous bugs. The 3.0 release was a major revision of PAGE initiated because of the following events: > * The release of Tcl/Tk 8.5 which includes the ttk widget set. This is a themed widget set containing new core widgets such as notebook, combobox, treeview and progressbar widgets. Further, the themed feature allows the same design look natural on Linux, Windows, and OS X. > * The advent of a new version of Visual Tcl upon which PAGE is built. The new version provides an improved user interface. > * I have realized that some of the bells and whistles that I included before are superfluous or perhaps error prone. > * Although relative placement was incorporated in the previous version, it added to the desirability of making a major revision because some Tix widgets had some problems when stretched. I want to thank George Tellalov for his suggestions and encouragement regarding this feature. > * The Pyttk package by Guilherme Polo showed me how to create scrolled versions of text boxes and list boxes in a very transparent manner.