# 创建一个Go模块
1. 创建一个模块 -- 编写一个小模块,里面的功能可以从另一个模块调用。
2. 从另一个模块调用你的代码](https://golang.org/doc/tutorial/call-module-code.html) --导入并使用你的新模块。
3. [返回和处理错误](https://golang.org/doc/tutorial/handle-errors.html) -- 添加简单的错误处理。
4. [返回一个随机的问候语](https://golang.org/doc/tutorial/random-greeting.html) -- 处理片中的数据(Go的动态大小数组)。
5. [返回多人的问候语](https://golang.org/doc/tutorial/greetings-multiple-people.html) -- 在地图中存储键/值对。
6. 添加测试](https://golang.org/doc/tutorial/add-a-test.html) -- 使用 Go 的内置单元测试功能来测试您的代码。
7. [编译并安装应用程序](https://golang.org/doc/tutorial/compile-install.html) -- 在本地编译并安装你的代码。
## 先决条件
- **有一定的编程经验.**这里的代码非常简单,但了解一些关于函数,循环和数组的知识是有帮助的。
- **一个编辑代码的工具.**任何你有的文本编辑器都可以工作。大多数文本编辑器都对Go有很好的支持。最流行的是 VSCode(免费)、GoLand(付费)和 Vim(免费)。
- **命令终端.** Go在Linux和Mac上使用任何终端都可以很好地工作,在Windows上使用PowerShell或cmd也可以。
## 启动一个别人可以使用的模块
1. 打开一个命令提示符,然后
to your home directory.
On Linux or Mac:
On Windows:
2. Create a
directory for your Go module source code. This is where you'll write your module code.
For example, from your home directory use the following commands:
mkdir greetings
cd greetings
3. Start your module using the
`go mod init` command
to create a go.mod file.
Run the `go mod init` command, giving it the path of the module your code will be in. Here, use `example.com/greetings` for the module path -- in production code, this would be the URL from which your module can be downloaded.
$ go mod init example.com/greetings
go: creating new go.mod: module example.com/greetings
The `go mod init` command creates a go.mod file that identifies your code as a module that might be used from other code. The file you just created includes only the name of your module and the Go version your code supports. But as you add dependencies -- meaning packages from other modules -- the go.mod file will list the specific module versions to use. This keeps builds reproducible and gives you direct control over which module versions to use.
4. In your text editor, create a file in which to write your code and call it greetings.go.
5. Paste the following code into your greetings.go file and save the file.
package greetings
import "fmt"
// Hello returns a greeting for the named person.
func Hello(name string) string {
// Return a greeting that embeds the name in a message.
message := fmt.Sprintf("Hi, %v. Welcome!", name)
return message
This is the first code for your module. It returns a greeting to any caller that asks for one. You'll write code that calls this function in the next step.
In this code, you:
- Declare a `greetings` package to collect related functions.
- Implement a
function to return the greeting.
This function takes a `name` parameter whose type is `string`, and returns a `string`. In Go, a function whose name starts with a capital letter can be called by a function not in the same package. This is known in Go as an [*exported* name](https://tour.golang.org/basics/3).
- Declare a
variable to hold your greeting.
In Go, the `:=` operator is a shortcut for declaring and initializing a variable in one line (Go uses the value on the right to determine the variable's type). Taking the long way, you might have written this as:
var message string
message = fmt.Sprintf("Hi, %v. Welcome!", name)
- Use the `fmt` package's `Sprintf` function to create a greeting message. The first argument is a format string, and `Sprintf` substitutes the `name` parameter's value for the `%v` format verb. Inserting the value of the `name` parameter completes the greeting text.
- Return the formatted greeting text to the caller.
In the [next step](https://golang.org/doc/tutorial/call-module-code.html), you'll call this function from another module.
- 关于本书
- 引言
- 准备工作
- 安装 Go语言开发环境
- 开始使用Go
- 创建一个Go模块
- 第一章 手把手系列
- 1.1 教你搭建Nginx教程
- 1.2 教你搭建Jupyter教程
- 1.3 教你搭建Node教程
- 1.4 教你搭建Fabric教程
- 1.5 教你搭建Ethereum教程
- 1.6 教你搭建Bitcoin教程
- 1.7 教你搭建Systemd教程
- 第二章 架构师之路
- 2.1 微服务开发笔记
- 2.2 Docker开发笔记
- 2.3 ElasticSearch开发笔记
- 2.4 Linux开发笔记
- 2.5 Mysql开发笔记
- 2.6 Nginx开发笔记
- 2.7 Redis开发笔记
- 第三章 区块链教程
- 3.1 Bitcoin开发笔记
- 3.2 Ethereum开发笔记
- 3.3 USDT开发笔记
- 第四章 网络知识库
- 4.1 比特币白皮书
- 4.2 以太坊白皮书
- 第五章 技术博客园
- 5.1 Fabric架构详解
- 5.2 技术开发指南
- 5.3 共识机制详解
- 第六章 项目管理
- 6.1 项目运行环境
- 6.2 项目经理的角色
- 6.3 第6、7、8章框架
- 第七章 公务员考公
- 7.1 程序员成功上岸经历
- 7.2 程序员备考的最佳实践
- 7.3 程序员备考过程中会遇到哪些问题?
- 7.4 公考公平吗,35岁再去考可以么?
- 7.5 资料、工具推荐和扩展阅读
- 结论
- 附录