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数据解析时,python可以相互转换各种数据类型。最近在斯坦福公开课《密码学》网站上面做题发现,我对数据转换很不熟悉,写下日志记下用法。 导航 | | 数字 | 字符串 | 字节码 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 到数字 | [进制转换](进制转换) | [字符转整数](字符to整数) | [字节串转整数](字节串to整数) | | 到字符串 | str() | [字符串编码解码](字节串to字符串) | decode(‘hex’) | | 到字节码 | [数字转字符串](整数to字节串) | [字符串转字节串](字符串to字节串) | no | 还有常见的单个字符转换 | 函数 | 功能 | 记忆口诀 | 备注 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | chr | 数字转成对应的ascii字符 | chr长得很像char,因此转成char | 范围为0~255 | | ord | 单个字符转对应ascii序号 | digit为最后一个字母 | ### [](进制转换 "进制转换")进制转换 10进制转16进制: ~~~ hex(16) ==> 0x10 ~~~ 16进制转10进制: int(STRING,BASE)将字符串STRING转成十进制int,其中STRING的基是base。该函数的第一个参数是字符串 ~~~ int('0x10', 16) ==> 16 ~~~ 类似的还有八进制oct(), 二进制bin() 16进制字符串转成二进制 ~~~ hex_str='00fe' bin(int('1'+hex_str, 16))[3:] #含有前导0 # 结果 '0000000011111110' bin(int(hex_str, 16))[2:] #忽略前导0 # 结果 '11111110' ~~~ 二进制字符串转成16进制字符串 ~~~ bin_str='0b0111000011001100' hex(int(bin_str,2)) # 结果 '0x70cc' ~~~ ### [](字符to整数 "字符to整数")字符to整数 10进制字符串: ~~~ int('10') ==> 10 ~~~ 16进制字符串: ~~~ int('10', 16) ==> 16 # 或者 int('0x10', 16) ==> 16 ~~~ ### [](字节串to整数 "字节串to整数")字节串to整数 使用网络数据包常用的struct,兼容C语言的数据结构 struct中支持的格式如下表 | Format | C-Type | Python-Type | 字节数 | 备注 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | x | pad byte | no value | 1 | | | c | char | string of length 1 | 1 | | | b | signed char | integer | 1 | | | B | unsigned char | integer | 1 | | | ? | _Bool | bool | 1 | | | h | short | integer | 2 | | | H | unsigned short | integer | 2 | | | i | int | integer | 4 | | | I | unsigned int | integer or long | 4 | | | l | long | integer | 4 | | | L | unsigned long | long | 4 | | | q | long long | long | 8 | 仅支持64bit机器 | | Q | unsigned long long | long | 8 | 仅支持64bit机器 | | f | float | float | 4 | | | d | double | float | 8 | | | s | char[] | string | 1 | | | p | char[] | string | 1(与机器有关) | 作为指针 | | P | void * | long | 4 | 作为指针 | 对齐方式:放在第一个fmt位置 | CHARACTER | BYTE ORDER | SIZE | ALIGNMENT | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | @ | native | native | native | | = | native | standard | none | | < | little-endian | standard | none | | > | big-endian | standard | none | | ! | network (= big-endian) | standard | none | 转义为short型整数: ~~~ struct.unpack('<hh', bytes(b'\x01\x00\x00\x00')) ==> (1, 0) ~~~ 转义为long型整数: ~~~ struct.unpack('<L', bytes(b'\x01\x00\x00\x00')) ==> (1,) ~~~ ### [](整数to字节串 "整数to字节串")整数to字节串 转为两个字节: ~~~ struct.pack('<HH', 1,2) ==> b'\x01\x00\x02\x00' ~~~ 转为四个字节: ~~~ struct.pack('<LL', 1,2) ==> b'\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00' ~~~ ### [](整数to字符串 "整数to字符串")整数to字符串 直接用函数 ~~~ str(100) ~~~ ### [](字符串to字节串 "字符串to字节串")字符串to字节串 [我用c++实现的encode(hex)和decode(hex)](实现encode) *decode和encode区别* decode函数是重新解码,把CT字符串所显示的69dda8455c7dd425【每隔两个字符】解码成十六进制字符\x69\xdd\xa8\x45\x5c\x7d\xd4\x25 ~~~ CT='69dda8455c7dd425' print "%r"%CT.decode('hex') ~~~ encode函数是重新编码,把CT字符串所显示的69dda8455c7dd425【每个字符】编码成acsii值,ascii值为十六进制显示,占两位。执行下列结果显示36396464613834353563376464343235等价于将CT第一个字符’6’编码为0x36h 第二个字符’9’编码为0x39h ~~~ CT='69dda8455c7dd425' print "%r"%CT.encode('hex') ~~~ *可以理解为:decode解码,字符串变短一半,encode编码,字符串变为两倍长度* decode(‘ascii’)解码为字符串Unicode格式。输出带有’u’ encode(‘ascii’),编码为Unicode格式,其实python默认处理字符串存储就是Unicode,输出结果估计和原来的字符串一样。 字符串编码为字节码: ~~~ '12abc'.encode('ascii') ==> b'12abc' ~~~ 数字或字符数组: ~~~ bytes([1,2, ord('1'),ord('2')]) ==> b'\x01\x0212' ~~~ 16进制字符串: ~~~ bytes().fromhex('010210') ==> b'\x01\x02\x10' ~~~ 16进制字符串: ~~~ bytes(map(ord, '\x01\x02\x31\x32')) ==> b'\x01\x0212' ~~~ 16进制数组: ~~~ bytes([0x01,0x02,0x31,0x32]) ==> b'\x01\x0212' ~~~ ### [](字节串to字符串 "字节串to字符串")字节串to字符串 字节码解码为字符串: ~~~ bytes(b'\x31\x32\x61\x62').decode('ascii') ==> 12ab ~~~ 字节串转16进制表示,夹带ascii: ~~~ str(bytes(b'\x01\x0212'))[2:-1] ==> \x01\x0212 ~~~ 字节串转16进制表示,固定两个字符表示: ~~~ str(binascii.b2a_hex(b'\x01\x0212'))[2:-1] ==> 01023132 ~~~ 字节串转16进制数组: ~~~ [hex(x) for x in bytes(b'\x01\x0212')] ==> ['0x1', '0x2', '0x31', '0x32'] ~~~ 问题:什么时候字符串前面加上’r’、’b’、’r’,其实官方文档有写。我认为在Python2中,r和b是等效的。 The Python 2.x documentation: > A prefix of ‘b’ or ‘B’ is ignored in Python 2; it indicates that the literal should become a bytes literal in Python 3 (e.g. when code is automatically converted with 2to3). A ‘u’ or ‘b’ prefix may be followed by an ‘r’ prefix. > ‘b’字符加在字符串前面,对于python2会被忽略。加上’b’目的仅仅为了兼容python3,让python3以bytes数据类型(0~255)存放这个字符、字符串。 The Python 3.3 documentation states: > Bytes literals are always prefixed with ‘b’ or ‘B’; they produce an instance of the bytes type instead of the str type. They may only contain ASCII characters; bytes with a numeric value of 128 or greater must be expressed with escapes. > 数据类型byte总是以’b’为前缀,该数据类型仅为ascii。 下面是stackflow上面一个回答。我觉得不错,拿出来跟大家分享 In Python 2.x > Pre-3.0 versions of Python lacked this kind of distinction between text and binary data. Instead, there was: > > * unicode = u’…’ literals = sequence of Unicode characters = 3.x str > * str = ‘…’ literals = sequences of confounded bytes/characters > Usually text, encoded in some unspecified encoding. > But also used to represent binary data like struct.pack output. Python 3.x makes a clear distinction between the types: > * str = ‘…’ literals = a sequence of Unicode characters (UTF-16 or UTF-32, depending on how Python was compiled) > * bytes = b’…’ literals = a sequence of octets (integers between 0 and 255) ### [](实现encode "CPP实现encode")CPP实现encode 就是做个笔记,毕竟在做题Cryptography时候用c++写字符串的处理很蛋疼!为了防止再次造轮子,记下来。 ~~~ #include <cstring> //用到strlen函数 static unsigned char ByteMap[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8','9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; unsigned char hex_2_dec(unsigned char c){ if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 10; } void str_encode(unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dest, int len_of_src) { // 使用注意:dest_len >= 2*len_src +1,最后一位是存放'\0'。 int t1; for (int i = 0; i < len_of_src; ++i) { t1 = (int) src[i]; dest[2 * i] = ByteMap[t1 / 16]; dest[2 * i + 1] = ByteMap[t1 % 16]; } dest[2 * len_of_src] = 0; //必须填充最后一个为'\0' } void str_decode(unsigned char *src,unsigned char *dest){ int len_of_src=strlen((char *)src); unsigned char t1; for(int i=1;i<=len_of_src;i+=2){ t1=hex_2_dec(src[i-1]); t1= 16*t1 + hex_2_dec(src[i]); dest[i/2]=t1; } } ~~~ 鸣谢 本文转载自csdn博客的[《python常用的十进制、16进制、字符串、字节串之间的转换》](。