💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
>以下几节将描述一些提高 Julia 代码运行速度的技巧。 ### 避免全局变量 全局变量的值、类型,都可能变化。这使得编译器很难优化使用全局变量的代码。应尽量使用局部变量,或者把变量当做参数传递给函数。 对性能至关重要的代码,应放入函数中。 声明全局变量为常量可以显著提高性能: `const DEFAULT_VAL = 0` 使用非常量的全局变量时,最好在使用时指明其类型,这样也能帮助编译器优化: ``` global x y = f(x::Int + 1) ``` 写作功能比较好。它会导致更多的可重用代码,并阐明正在做什么,以及他们的输入和输出是什么 ### 使用 `@time` 来衡量性能并且留心内存分配 衡量计算性能最有用的工具是 @time 宏. 下面的例子展示了良好的使用方式 ``` julia> function f(n) s = 0 for i = 1:n s += i/2 end s end f (generic function with 1 method) julia> @time f(1) elapsed time: 0.008217942 seconds (93784 bytes allocated) 0.5 julia> @time f(10^6) elapsed time: 0.063418472 seconds (32002136 bytes allocated) 2.5000025e11 ``` 在第一次调用时 (`@time f(1`)), `f` 会被编译. (如果你在这次会话中还 没有使用过 `@time`, 计时函数也会被编译.) 这时的结果没有那么重要. 在 第二次调用时, 函数打印了执行所耗费的时间, 同时请注意, 在这次执行过程中 分配了一大块的内存. 相对于函数形式的 `tic` 和 `toc`, 这是 `@time` 宏的一大优势. 出乎意料的大块内存分配往往意味着程序的某个部分存在问题, 通常是关于类型 稳定性. 因此, 除了关注内存分配本身的问题, 很可能 Julia 为你的函数生成 的代码存在很大的性能问题. 这时候要认真对待这些问题并遵循下面的一些个建 议. 另外, 作为一个引子, 上面的问题可以优化为无内存分配 (除了向 REPL 返回结 果), 计算速度提升 30 倍 ``` julia> @time f_improved(10^6) elapsed time: 0.00253829 seconds (112 bytes allocated) 2.5000025e11 ``` 你可以从下面的章节学到如何识别 f 存在的问题并解决. 在有些情况下, 你的函数可能需要为本身的操作分配内存, 这样会使得问题变得 复杂. 在这种情况下, 可以考虑使用下面的 工具 之一来甄别问题, 或者将函数拆分, 一部分处理内存分 配, 另一部分处理算法 (参见 预分配内存). ### 工具 — Julia 提供了一些工具包来鉴别性能问题所在 : * Profiling 可以用来衡量代码的性能, 同时鉴别出瓶颈所在. 对于复杂的项目, 可以使用 ProfileView <https://github.com/timholy/ProfileView.jl> 扩展包来直观的展示分析 结果. * 出乎意料的大块内存分配, – @time, @allocated, 或者 -profiler - 意味着你的代码可能存在问题. 如果你看不出内存分配的问题, -那么类型系统可能存在问题. 也可以使用 --track-allocation=user 来 -启动 Julia, 然后查看 *.mem 文件来找出内存分配是在哪里出现的. * `TypeCheck <https://github.com/astrieanna/TypeCheck.jl`_ 可以帮助找 出部分类型系统相关的问题. 另一个更费力但是更全面的工具是 code_typed. 特别留意类型为 Any 的变量, 或者 Union 类型. 这些问题可以使用下面的建议解决. * * Lint 扩展包可以指出程序一 些问题. ### Avoid containers with abstract type parameters When working with parameterized types, including arrays, it is best to avoid parameterizing with abstract types where possible. Consider the following: ``` a = Real[] # typeof(a) = Array{Real,1} if (f = rand()) < .8 push!(a, f) end ``` Because a is `a` an array of abstract type `Real`, it must be able to hold any `Real` value. Since Real objects can be of arbitrary size and structure, `a` must be represented as an array of pointers to individually allocated `Real` objects. Because `f` will always be a `Float64`, we should instead, use: a = Float64[] # typeof(a) = Array{Float64,1} which will create a contiguous block of 64-bit floating-point values that can be manipulated efficiently. 见下面讨论 参数化类型. ### 类型声明 在 Julia 中,编译器能推断出所有的函数参数与局部变量的类型,因此声名变量类型不能提高性能。然而在有些具体实例中,声明类型还是非常有用的。 ### 给复合类型做类型声明 假如有一个如下的自定义类型: ``` type Foo field end ``` 编译器推断不出 `foo.field` 的类型,因为当它指向另一个不同类型的值时,它的类型也会被修改。这时最好声明具体的类型,比如 `field::Float64` 或者 `field::Array{Int64,1}` 。 ### 显式声明未提供类型的值的类型 我们经常使用含有不同数据类型的数据结构,比如上述的 `Foo` 类型,或者元胞数组( `Array{Any}` 类型的数组)。如果你知道其中元素的类型,最好把它告诉编译器: ``` function foo(a::Array{Any,1}) x = a[1]::Int32 b = x+1 ... end ``` 假如我们知道 `a` 的第一个元素是 `Int32` 类型的,那就添加上这样的类型声明吧。如果这个元素不是这个类型,在运行时就会报错,这有助于调试代码。 ### 显式声明命名参数的值的类型 命名参数可以显式指定类型: ``` function with_keyword(x; name::Int = 1) ... end ``` 函数只处理指定类型的命名参数,因此这些声明不会对该函数内部代码的性能产生影响。 不过,这会减少此类包含命名参数的函数的调用开销。 与直接使用参数列表的函数相比,命名参数的函数调用新增的开销很少,基本上可算是零开销。 如果传入函数的是命名参数的动态列表,例如``f(x; keywords...)``,速度会比较慢,性能敏感的代码慎用。 ### 把函数拆开 把一个函数拆为多个,有助于编译器调用最匹配的代码,甚至将它内联。 举个应该把“复合函数”写成多个小定义的例子: ``` function norm(A) if isa(A, Vector) return sqrt(real(dot(A,A))) elseif isa(A, Matrix) return max(svd(A)[2]) else error("norm: invalid argument") end end ``` 如下重写会更精确、高效: ``` norm(x::Vector) = sqrt(real(dot(x,x))) norm(A::Matrix) = max(svd(A)[2]) ``` 写“类型稳定”的函数 尽量确保函数返回同样类型的数值。考虑下面定义: `pos(x) = x < 0 ? 0 : x` 尽管看起来没问题,但是 `0` 是个整数( `Int` 型), `x` 可能是任意类型。因此,函数有返回两种类型的可能。这个是可以的,有时也很有用,但是最好如下重写: `pos(x) = x < 0 ? zero(x) : x` Julia 中还有 `one` 函数,以及更通用的 `oftype(x,y)` 函数,它将 `y` 转换为与 `x` 同样的类型,并返回。这仨函数的第一个参数,可以是一个值,也可以是一个类型。 避免改变变量类型 在一个函数中重复地使用变量,会导致类似于“类型稳定性”的问题: ``` function foo() x = 1 for i = 1:10 x = x/bar() end return x end ``` 局部变量 x 开始为整数,循环一次后变成了浮点数( / 运算符的结果)。这使得编译器很难优化循环体。可以修改为如下的任何一种: * 用 x = 1.0 初始化 x * 声明 x 的类型: x::Float64 = 1 * 使用显式转换: x = one(T) ### 分离核心函数 很多函数都先做些初始化设置,然后开始很多次循环迭代去做核心计算。尽可能把这些核心计算放在单独的函数中。例如,下面的函数返回一个随机类型的数组: ``` function strange_twos(n) a = Array(randbool() ? Int64 : Float64, n) for i = 1:n a[i] = 2 end return a end ``` 应该写成: ``` function fill_twos!(a) for i=1:length(a) a[i] = 2 end end function strange_twos(n) a = Array(randbool() ? Int64 : Float64, n) fill_twos!(a) return a end ``` Julia 的编译器依靠参数类型来优化代码。第一个实现中,编译器在循环时不知道 a 的类型(因为类型是随机的)。第二个实现中,内层循环使用 `fill_twos`! 对不同的类型 a 重新编译,因此运行速度更快。 第二种实现的代码更好,也更便于代码复用。 标准库中经常使用这种方法。如 [abstractarray.jl](https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/base/abstractarray.jl) 文件中的 `hvcat_fill` 和 `fill`! 函数。我们可以用这两个函数来替代这儿的 `fill_twos`! 函数。 形如 `strange_twos` 之类的函数经常用于处理未知类型的数据。比如,从文件载入的数据,可能包含整数、浮点数、字符串,或者其他类型。 ### Access arrays in memory order, along columns Multidimensional arrays in Julia are stored in column-major order. This means that arrays are stacked one column at a time. This can be verified using the `vec` function or the syntax `[:]` as shown below (notice that the array is ordered `[1 3 2 4]`, not `[1 2 3 4]`): ``` julia> x = [1 2; 3 4] 2x2 Array{Int64,2}: 1 2 3 4 julia> x[:] 4-element Array{Int64,1}: 1 3 2 4 ``` This convention for ordering arrays is common in many languages like Fortran, Matlab, and R (to name a few). The alternative to column-major ordering is row-major ordering, which is the convention adopted by C and Python (`numpy`) among other languages. Remembering the ordering of arrays can have significant performance effects when looping over arrays. A rule of thumb to keep in mind is that with column-major arrays, the first index changes most rapidly. Essentially this means that looping will be faster if the inner-most loop index is the first to appear in a slice expression. Consider the following contrived example. Imagine we wanted to write a function that accepts a Vector and and returns a square `Matrix` with either the rows or the columns filled with copies of the input vector. Assume that it is not important whether rows or columns are filled with these copies (perhaps the rest of the code can be easily adapted accordingly). We could conceivably do this in at least four ways (in addition to the recommended call to the built-in function repmat): ``` function copy_cols{T}(x::Vector{T}) n = size(x, 1) out = Array(eltype(x), n, n) for i=1:n out[:, i] = x end out end function copy_rows{T}(x::Vector{T}) n = size(x, 1) out = Array(eltype(x), n, n) for i=1:n out[i, :] = x end out end function copy_col_row{T}(x::Vector{T}) n = size(x, 1) out = Array(T, n, n) for col=1:n, row=1:n out[row, col] = x[row] end out end function copy_row_col{T}(x::Vector{T}) n = size(x, 1) out = Array(T, n, n) for row=1:n, col=1:n out[row, col] = x[col] end out end ``` Now we will time each of these functions using the same random `10000` by `1` input vector: ``` julia> x = randn(10000); julia> fmt(f) = println(rpad(string(f)*": ", 14, ' '), @elapsed f(x)) julia> map(fmt, {copy_cols, copy_rows, copy_col_row, copy_row_col}); copy_cols: 0.331706323 copy_rows: 1.799009911 copy_col_row: 0.415630047 copy_row_col: 1.721531501 ``` **************************************** Notice that `copy_cols` is much faster than `copy_rows`. This is expected because `copy_cols respects the column-based memory layout of the `Matrix` and fills it one column at a time. Additionally, `copy_col_row` is much faster than `copy_row_col` because it follows our rule of thumb that the first element to appear in a slice expression should be coupled with the inner-most loop. ### Pre-allocating outputs If your function returns an Array or some other complex type, it may have to allocate memory. Unfortunately, oftentimes allocation and its converse, garbage collection, are substantial bottlenecks. Sometimes you can circumvent the need to allocate memory on each function call by pre-allocating the output. As a trivial example, compare ``` function xinc(x) return [x, x+1, x+2] end function loopinc() y = 0 for i = 1:10^7 ret = xinc(i) y += ret[2] end y end ``` #### **with** ``` function xinc!{T}(ret::AbstractVector{T}, x::T) ret[1] = x ret[2] = x+1 ret[3] = x+2 nothing end function loopinc_prealloc() ret = Array(Int, 3) y = 0 for i = 1:10^7 xinc!(ret, i) y += ret[2] end y end ``` Timing results: ``` julia> @time loopinc() elapsed time: 1.955026528 seconds (1279975584 bytes allocated) 50000015000000 julia> @time loopinc_prealloc() elapsed time: 0.078639163 seconds (144 bytes allocated) 50000015000000 ``` Pre-allocation has other advantages, for example by allowing the caller to control the “output” type from an algorithm. In the example above, we could have passed a SubArray rather than an Array, had we so desired. Taken to its extreme, pre-allocation can make your code uglier, so performance measurements and some judgment may be required. ### Avoid string interpolation for I/O When writing data to a file (or other I/O device), forming extra intermediate strings is a source of overhead. Instead of: `println(file, "$a $b")` use: `println(file, a, " ", b)` The first version of the code forms a string, then writes it to the file, while the second version writes values directly to the file. Also notice that in some cases string interpolation can be harder to read. Consider: `println(file, "$(f(a))$(f(b))")` versus: `println(file, f(a), f(b))` ### 处理有关舍弃的警告 被舍弃的函数,会查表并显示一次警告,而这会影响性能。建议按照警告的提示进行对应的修改。 ### 小技巧 注意些有些小事项,能使内部循环更紧致。 避免不必要的数组。例如,不要使用 `sum([x,y,z])` ,而应使用 `x+y+z` 对于较小的整数幂,使用 `* `更好。如 `x*x*x` 比 `x^3` 好 针对复数 `z` ,使用 `abs2(z)` 代替 `abs(z)^2` 。一般情况下,对于复数参数,尽量用 `abs2` 代替 `abs` 对于整数除法,使用 `div(x,y)` 而不是 `trunc(x/y)`, 使用 `fld(x,y)` 而不是 `floor(x/y)`, 使用 `cld(x,y)` 而不是 `ceil(x/y)`. ### Performance Annotations Sometimes you can enable better optimization by promising certain program properties. * Use `@inbounds` to eliminate array bounds checking within expressions. Be certain before doing this. If the subscripts are ever out of bounds, you may suffer crashes or silent corruption. * Write `@simd` in front of `for` loops that are amenable to vectorization. This feature is experimental and could change or disappear in future versions of Julia. Here is an example with both forms of markup: ``` function inner( x, y ) s = zero(eltype(x)) for i=1:length(x) @inbounds s += x[i]*y[i] end s end function innersimd( x, y ) s = zero(eltype(x)) @simd for i=1:length(x) @inbounds s += x[i]*y[i] end s end function timeit( n, reps ) x = rand(Float32,n) y = rand(Float32,n) s = zero(Float64) time = @elapsed for j in 1:reps s+=inner(x,y) end println("GFlop = ",2.0*n*reps/time*1E-9) time = @elapsed for j in 1:reps s+=innersimd(x,y) end println("GFlop (SIMD) = ",2.0*n*reps/time*1E-9) end ``` timeit(1000,1000) On a computer with a 2.4GHz Intel Core i5 processor, this produces: ``` GFlop = 1.9467069505224963 GFlop (SIMD) = 17.578554163920018 ``` The range for a `@simd` for loop should be a one-dimensional range. A variable used for accumulating, such as `s` in the example, is called a reduction variable. By using``@simd``, you are asserting several properties of the loop: * It is safe to execute iterations in arbitrary or overlapping order, with special consideration for reduction variables. * Floating-point operations on reduction variables can be reordered, possibly causing different results than without `@simd`. * No iteration ever waits on another iteration to make forward progress. Using `@simd` merely gives the compiler license to vectorize. Whether it actually does so depends on the compiler. To actually benefit from the current implementation, your loop should have the following additional properties: * The loop must be an innermost loop. * The loop body must be straight-line code. This is why `@inbounds` is currently needed for all array accesses. * Accesses must have a stride pattern and cannot be “gathers” (random-index reads) or “scatters” (random-index writes). * The stride should be unit stride. * In some simple cases, for example with 2-3 arrays accessed in a loop, the LLVM auto-vectorization may kick in automatically, leading to no further speedup with `@simd`.