## 问题 Problem
Someone else needs to run parts of your code in a controlled fashion. Alternately, your language of choice cannot express the problem domain in a concise fashion.
## 方案 Solution
Use the Interpreter pattern to create a domain-specific language that you translate into specific code.
Assume, for example, that the user wants to perform math inside of your application. You could let them forward code to _eval_ but that would let them run arbitrary code. Instead, you can provide a miniature “stack calculator” language that you parse separately in order to only run mathematical operations while reporting more useful error messages.
class StackCalculator
parseString: (string) ->
@stack = [ ]
for token in string.split /\s+/
@parseToken token
if @stack.length > 1
throw "Not enough operators: numbers left over"
parseToken: (token, lastNumber) ->
if isNaN parseFloat(token) # Assume that anything other than a number is an operator
@parseOperator token
@stack.push parseFloat(token)
parseOperator: (operator) ->
if @stack.length < 2
throw "Can't operate on a stack without at least 2 items"
right = @stack.pop()
left = @stack.pop()
result = switch operator
when "+" then left + right
when "-" then left - right
when "*" then left * right
when "/"
if right is 0
throw "Can't divide by 0"
left / right
throw "Unrecognized operator: #{operator}"
@stack.push result
calc = new StackCalculator
calc.parseString "5 5 +" # => { result: 10 }
calc.parseString "4.0 5.5 +" # => { result: 9.5 }
calc.parseString "5 5 + 5 5 + *" # => { result: 100 }
calc.parseString "5 0 /"
catch error
error # => "Can't divide by 0"
calc.parseString "5 -"
catch error
error # => "Can't operate on a stack without at least 2 items"
calc.parseString "5 5 5 -"
catch error
error # => "Not enough operators: numbers left over"
calc.parseString "5 5 5 foo"
catch error
error # => "Unrecognized operator: foo"
## 讨论 Discussion
如果不自己写解释器, 你可以结合目前有的CoffeeScrtipt解释器,以某种方式,这种方式使用它平常的语法创建算法的更加自然的(因此更易于理解)表达方式。
As an alternative to writing our own interpreter, you can co-op the existing CoffeeScript interpreter in a such a way that its normal syntax makes for more natural (and therefore more comprehensible) expressions of your algorithm.
class Sandwich
constructor: (@customer, @bread='white', @toppings=[], @toasted=false)->
white = (sw) ->
sw.bread = 'white'
wheat = (sw) ->
sw.bread = 'wheat'
turkey = (sw) ->
sw.toppings.push 'turkey'
ham = (sw) ->
sw.toppings.push 'ham'
swiss = (sw) ->
sw.toppings.push 'swiss'
mayo = (sw) ->
sw.toppings.push 'mayo'
toasted = (sw) ->
sw.toasted = true
sandwich = (customer) ->
new Sandwich customer
to = (customer) ->
send = (sw) ->
toastedState = sw.toasted and 'a toasted' or 'an untoasted'
toppingState = ''
if sw.toppings.length > 0
if sw.toppings.length > 1
toppingState = " with #{sw.toppings[0..sw.toppings.length-2].join ', '} and #{sw.toppings[sw.toppings.length-1]}"
toppingState = " with #{sw.toppings[0]}"
"#{sw.customer} requested #{toastedState}, #{sw.bread} bread sandwich#{toppingState}"
send sandwich to 'Charlie' # => "Charlie requested an untoasted, white bread sandwich"
send turkey sandwich to 'Judy' # => "Judy requested an untoasted, white bread sandwich with turkey"
send toasted ham turkey sandwich to 'Rachel' # => "Rachel requested a toasted, white bread sandwich with turkey and ham"
send toasted turkey ham swiss sandwich to 'Matt' # => "Matt requested a toasted, white bread sandwich with swiss, ham and turkey"
This example allows for layers of functions by how it returns the modified object so that outer functions can modify it in turn. By borrowing a very and the particle _to_, the example lends natural grammar to the construction and ends up reading like an actual sentence when used correctly. This way, both your CoffeeScript skills and your existing language skills can help catch code problems.
- 贡献
- 作者
- 授权协议
- 1、Syntax
- 在服务端和客户端重用代码
- For循环
- 嵌入JavaScript代码
- 值域
- 2、Classes and Objects
- 类方法和实例方法
- CoffeeScript式的Type函数
- 链式调用
- 克隆对象(深度克隆)
- 不存在就赋值为对象字面量
- 类变量
- 3、Strings
- 分割字符串
- 字符串匹配
- 查找子字符串
- 让整个字符串小写
- 大写整个字符
- 去掉字符串首尾的空白
- 生成唯一的ID
- 首字母大写
- 重复字符串
- 字符串插值
- 4、Arrays
- Python式的Zip函数 Python-like Zip Function
- 数组去重 Removing Duplicate Elements from Arrays
- 基于数组构建字典对象 Creating a dictionary Object from an Array
- 数组转成字符串 Creating a String from an Array
- 检查每一个元素 Testing Every Element
- 数组最大值
- 过滤数组 Filtering Arrays
- 定义区间数组 Define Ranges Array
- 转置数组 Reversing Arrays
- 化简数组 Reducing Arrays
- 使用数组来做值交换 Using Arrays to Swap Variables
- 列表解析 List Comprehensions
- 检查值的类型是否是数组
- 连接数组
- 搅乱数组中的元素 Shuffling Array Elements
- 数组映射 Mapping Arrays
- 5、Dates and Times
- Calculate Phase of the Moon for a Date
- 找出某月的最后一天是几号 Finding the Last Day of the Month
- 获取两个日期相差的天数 Get Days Between Two Dates
- 计算复活节岛日期 Calculate the Date of Easter Sunday
- 计算感恩节的日期(美国和加拿大) Calculate the Date of Thanksgiving (USA and Canada)
- 计算上一个(下一个)月份 Finding Last (or Next) Month
- 6、Math
- 快速逆平方根
- 一个随机整数的函数
- 更快的斐波那契算法
- 生成可预测的随机数
- 弧度与度转换
- 生成随机数
- 数学常数
- 7、Functions
- 反抖动函数 Debounce Functions
- 参数数组化 Splat Arguments
- 当函数调用的括号不可以省略时 When Function Parentheses Are Not Optional
- 递归函数 Recursive Functions
- 8、Metaprogramming
- 扩展内置对象 Extending Built-in Objects
- 检测并创建缺失的函数 Detecting and Creating Missing Functions
- 9、jQuery
- 回调绑定
- 创建jQuery插件
- 10、Ajax
- 不依赖jQuery的Ajax请求 Ajax Request Without jQuery
- 11、Regular Expressions
- 替换子字符串 Replacing Substrings
- 使用定点 Using Heregexes
- 使用HTML字符实体替换HTML标签 Replacing HTML Tags with HTML Named Entities
- 搜索子字符串 Searching for Substrings
- 12、Networking
- 简单的服务器
- 双向客户端
- 最简单的HTTP客户端
- 最简单的HTTP服务器
- 简单的客户端
- 双向服务端 Bi-Directional Server
- 13、Design Patterns
- 命令模式
- 单例模式
- 策略模式 Strategy Pattern
- 建造者模式 Builder Pattern
- 备忘录模式 Memento Pattern
- 解释器模式 Interpreter Pattern
- 装饰者模式
- 桥接模式
- 工厂方法模式
- 14、Databases
- MongoDB
- SQLite
- 15、Testing
- 使用Jasmine测试