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### 现象: > 导入OFBiz项目到Eclipse中之后, Eclipse抛出如下错误: > >[warning] 日志如下 > Synchronize Gradle projects with workspace failed due to an unsupported configuration in the referenced Gradle build. Project at '~/ofbizr-xpp1611' can't be named 'ofbiz' because it's located directly under the workspace root. If such a project is renamed, Eclipse would move the container directory. To resolve this problem, move the project out of the workspace root or configure it to have the name 'ofbizr-xpp1611'. org.eclipse.buildship.core.UnsupportedConfigurationException: Project at '~/ofbizr-xpp1611' can't be named 'ofbiz' because it's located directly under the workspace root. If such a project is renamed, Eclipse would move the container directory. To resolve this problem, move the project out of the workspace root or configure it to have the name 'ofbizr-xpp1611'. ### 异常分析与解决 > 原因是因为项目中 settings.gradle 文件的 `rootProject.name` 属性值与项目名不同造成的, > 把这个属性值改的和项目名一样就好了,导入成功。