💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
# 设计页 路径 D:\ireport365\ireport365.war\js\enduser\designer\vs-component-echarts.js 一添加地图 ~~~ { name: "", type: "echartsBubbleMap", coverImage: contextPath + "/images/componenttypes/" + locale + "/widget/zh_baiduMap.png?v=3", coverImageWidth: "50%", tip: "气泡地图" } ~~~ 添加判断的初始化大小 ~~~ if (b.type === "echartsBubbleMap") { b.sizeX = 4; b.sizeY = 18 } ~~~ 二 添加地图数据 顶级变量 和3D地图数据通用 后期加3d地图也用此数据 ~~~ let geoCoordMap3d = { "海门": [121.15, 31.89], "鄂尔多斯": [109.781327, 39.608266], "招远": [120.38, 37.35], "舟山": [122.207216, 29.985295], "齐齐哈尔": [123.97, 47.33], "盐城": [120.13, 33.38], "赤峰": [118.87, 42.28], "青岛": [120.33, 36.07], "乳山": [121.52, 36.89], "金昌": [102.188043, 38.520089], "泉州": [118.58, 24.93], "莱西": [120.53, 36.86], "日照": [119.46, 35.42], "胶南": [119.97, 35.88], "南通": [121.05, 32.08], "拉萨": [91.11, 29.97], "云浮": [112.02, 22.93], "梅州": [116.1, 24.55], "文登": [122.05, 37.2], "上海": [121.48, 31.22], "攀枝花": [101.718637, 26.582347], "威海": [122.1, 37.5], "承德": [117.93, 40.97], "厦门": [118.1, 24.46], "汕尾": [115.375279, 22.786211], "潮州": [116.63, 23.68], "丹东": [124.37, 40.13], "太仓": [121.1, 31.45], "曲靖": [103.79, 25.51], "烟台": [121.39, 37.52], "福州": [119.3, 26.08], "瓦房店": [121.979603, 39.627114], "即墨": [120.45, 36.38], "抚顺": [123.97, 41.97], "玉溪": [102.52, 24.35], "张家口": [114.87, 40.82], "阳泉": [113.57, 37.85], "莱州": [119.942327, 37.177017], "湖州": [120.1, 30.86], "汕头": [116.69, 23.39], "昆山": [120.95, 31.39], "宁波": [121.56, 29.86], "湛江": [110.359377, 21.270708], "揭阳": [116.35, 23.55], "荣成": [122.41, 37.16], "连云港": [119.16, 34.59], "葫芦岛": [120.836932, 40.711052], "常熟": [120.74, 31.64], "东莞": [113.75, 23.04], "河源": [114.68, 23.73], "淮安": [119.15, 33.5], "泰州": [119.9, 32.49], "南宁": [108.33, 22.84], "营口": [122.18, 40.65], "惠州": [114.4, 23.09], "江阴": [120.26, 31.91], "蓬莱": [120.75, 37.8], "韶关": [113.62, 24.84], "嘉峪关": [98.289152, 39.77313], "广州": [113.23, 23.16], "延安": [109.47, 36.6], "太原": [112.53, 37.87], "清远": [113.01, 23.7], "中山": [113.38, 22.52], "昆明": [102.73, 25.04], "寿光": [118.73, 36.86], "盘锦": [122.070714, 41.119997], "长治": [113.08, 36.18], "深圳": [114.07, 22.62], "珠海": [113.52, 22.3], "宿迁": [118.3, 33.96], "咸阳": [108.72, 34.36], "铜川": [109.11, 35.09], "平度": [119.97, 36.77], "佛山": [113.11, 23.05], "海口": [110.35, 20.02], "江门": [113.06, 22.61], "章丘": [117.53, 36.72], "肇庆": [112.44, 23.05], "大连": [121.62, 38.92], "临汾": [111.5, 36.08], "吴江": [120.63, 31.16], "石嘴山": [106.39, 39.04], "沈阳": [123.38, 41.8], "苏州": [120.62, 31.32], "茂名": [110.88, 21.68], "嘉兴": [120.76, 30.77], "长春": [125.35, 43.88], "胶州": [120.03336, 36.264622], "银川": [106.27, 38.47], "张家港": [120.555821, 31.875428], "三门峡": [111.19, 34.76], "锦州": [121.15, 41.13], "南昌": [115.89, 28.68], "柳州": [109.4, 24.33], "三亚": [109.511909, 18.252847], "自贡": [104.778442, 29.33903], "吉林": [126.57, 43.87], "阳江": [111.95, 21.85], "泸州": [105.39, 28.91], "西宁": [101.74, 36.56], "宜宾": [104.56, 29.77], "呼和浩特": [111.65, 40.82], "成都": [104.06, 30.67], "大同": [113.3, 40.12], "镇江": [119.44, 32.2], "桂林": [110.28, 25.29], "张家界": [110.479191, 29.117096], "宜兴": [119.82, 31.36], "北海": [109.12, 21.49], "西安": [108.95, 34.27], "金坛": [119.56, 31.74], "东营": [118.49, 37.46], "牡丹江": [129.58, 44.6], "遵义": [106.9, 27.7], "绍兴": [120.58, 30.01], "扬州": [119.42, 32.39], "常州": [119.95, 31.79], "潍坊": [119.1, 36.62], "重庆": [106.54, 29.59], "台州": [121.420757, 28.656386], "南京": [118.78, 32.04], "滨州": [118.03, 37.36], "贵阳": [106.71, 26.57], "无锡": [120.29, 31.59], "本溪": [123.73, 41.3], "克拉玛依": [84.77, 45.59], "渭南": [109.5, 34.52], "马鞍山": [118.48, 31.56], "宝鸡": [107.15, 34.38], "焦作": [113.21, 35.24], "句容": [119.16, 31.95], "北京": [116.46, 39.92], "徐州": [117.2, 34.26], "衡水": [115.72, 37.72], "包头": [110, 40.58], "绵阳": [104.73, 31.48], "乌鲁木齐": [87.68, 43.77], "枣庄": [117.57, 34.86], "杭州": [120.19, 30.26], "淄博": [118.05, 36.78], "鞍山": [122.85, 41.12], "溧阳": [119.48, 31.43], "库尔勒": [86.06, 41.68], "安阳": [114.35, 36.1], "开封": [114.35, 34.79], "济南": [117, 36.65], "德阳": [104.37, 31.13], "温州": [120.65, 28.01], "九江": [115.97, 29.71], "邯郸": [114.47, 36.6], "临安": [119.72, 30.23], "兰州": [103.73, 36.03], "沧州": [116.83, 38.33], "临沂": [118.35, 35.05], "南充": [106.110698, 30.837793], "天津": [117.2, 39.13], "富阳": [119.95, 30.07], "泰安": [117.13, 36.18], "诸暨": [120.23, 29.71], "郑州": [113.65, 34.76], "哈尔滨": [126.63, 45.75], "聊城": [115.97, 36.45], "芜湖": [118.38, 31.33], "唐山": [118.02, 39.63], "平顶山": [113.29, 33.75], "邢台": [114.48, 37.05], "德州": [116.29, 37.45], "济宁": [116.59, 35.38], "荆州": [112.239741, 30.335165], "宜昌": [111.3, 30.7], "义乌": [120.06, 29.32], "丽水": [119.92, 28.45], "洛阳": [112.44, 34.7], "秦皇岛": [119.57, 39.95], "株洲": [113.16, 27.83], "石家庄": [114.48, 38.03], "莱芜": [117.67, 36.19], "常德": [111.69, 29.05], "保定": [115.48, 38.85], "湘潭": [112.91, 27.87], "金华": [119.64, 29.12], "岳阳": [113.09, 29.37], "长沙": [113, 28.21], "衢州": [118.88, 28.97], "廊坊": [116.7, 39.53], "菏泽": [115.480656, 35.23375], "合肥": [117.27, 31.86], "武汉": [114.31, 30.52], "大庆": [125.03, 46.58], "安徽": [117.17, 31.52], "澳门": [115.07, 21.33], "北京": [116.24, 39.55], "福建": [119.18, 26.05], "甘肃": [103.51, 36.04], "广东": [113.14, 23.08], "广西": [108.19, 22.48], "贵州": [106.42, 26.35], "海南": [110.2, 20.02], "河北": [114.3, 38.02], "河南": [11340, 34.46], "黑龙江": [126.36, 45.44], "湖北": [114.17, 30.35], "湖南": [112.59, 28.12], "吉林": [125.19, 43.54], "江苏": [118.46, 32.03], "江西": [115.55, 28.4], "辽宁": [123.25, 41.48], "内蒙古": [111.41, 40.48], "宁夏": [106.16, 38.27], "青海": [101.48, 36.38], "山东": [117, 36.4], "山西": [112.33, 37.54], "陕西": [108.57, 34.17], "上海": [121.29, 31.14], "四川": [104.04, 30.4], "台湾": [121.3, 25.03], "天津": [117.12, 39.02], "西藏": [91.08, 29.39], "香港": [115.12, 21.23], "新疆": [87.36, 43.45], "云南": [102.42, 25.04], "浙江": [120.1, 30.16], "重庆": [106.33, 29.35] }; ~~~ 三 echarts对象 模板 ~~~ // 气泡地图 // 模板 echartsBubbleMapOptionTemplate = { title: { show:false }, tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c}" }, legend: { orient: 'vertical', y: 'bottom', x: 'right', data: ['sell_area'], textStyle: { color: '#fff' } }, visualMap: { show: false, min: 0, max: 10000, left: 'left', top: 'bottom', text: ['高', '低'], // 文本,默认为数值文本 calculable: true, seriesIndex: [1], inRange: { color: ['#0f0c29', '#302b63', '#24243e'] // 黑紫黑 } }, geo: { show: true, map: 'china', label: { normal: { show: false }, emphasis: { show: false, } }, roam: true, itemStyle: { normal: { areaColor: '#031525', borderColor: '#3B5077', }, emphasis: { areaColor: '#2B91B7', borderColor: '#3B5077' } } }, series: [{ name: '散点', type: 'scatter', coordinateSystem: 'geo', data: '', symbolSize: function(val) { return val[2] / 1200; }, label: { normal: { formatter: '{b}', position: 'right', show: false }, emphasis: { show: false //鼠标移入地区文字显示 } }, itemStyle: { normal: { color: '#05C3F9' } } }, { type: 'map', map: 'china', geoIndex: 0, aspectScale: 0.75, //长宽比 showLegendSymbol: false, // 存在legend时显示 label: { normal: { show: false }, emphasis: { show: false, textStyle: { color: '#fff' } } }, roam: true, itemStyle: { normal: { areaColor: '#031525', borderColor: '#3B5077', }, emphasis: { areaColor: '#2B91B7', borderColor: '#3B5077' } }, animation: false, data: '' }, { name: '', type: 'scatter', coordinateSystem: 'geo', symbol: 'pin', symbolSize: function(val) { var a = (100 - 20) / (10000 - 20); var b = 20 - a * 10000; b = 100 - a * 10000; return a * val[2] + b; }, label: { normal: { show: false, textStyle: { color: '#fff', fontSize: 9, } } }, itemStyle: { normal: { color: '#ff8800', //标志颜色 } }, zlevel: 12, data: '', }, ] }; // end ~~~ 四 在buildChartOption 图形函数里添加 ~~~ case "echartsBubbleMap": // 初始化数据 var data = [{ name: '海南', value: 925.73 }, { name: '河南', value: 737.01 }, { name: '河北', value: 177.64 }, { name: '湖北', value: 174.96 }, { name: '广东', value: 230.15 }, { name: '湖南', value: 9173.05 }, { name: '江西', value: 23.08 }, { name: '黑龙江', value: 829.69 }, { name: '四川', value: 158.43 }, { name: '安徽', value: 930.80 }, ]; // 处理数据函数 var convertData = function(data) { var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var geoCoord = geoCoordMap3d[data[i].name]; if (geoCoord) { res.push({ name: data[i].name, value: geoCoord.concat(data[i].value) }); } } // console.log(res) return res; }; option = angular.copy(echartsBubbleMapOptionTemplate); option.series[0].data = convertData(data); option.series[1].data = data; option.series[2].data = convertData(data); break; ~~~ 五 添加 数据函数判断 ~~~ case "echartsBubbleMap": internalRefreshechartsBubbleMapModelData(); break; ~~~ 六 处理数据函数 ~~~ //echarts气泡地图函数 var internalRefreshechartsBubbleMapModelData = function(){ // 处理数据函数 var convertData = function(data) { var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var geoCoord = geoCoordMap3d[data[i].name]; if (geoCoord) { res.push({ name: data[i].name, value: geoCoord.concat(data[i].value.toString()) }); } } // console.log(res) return res; }; var option = component.config.chartConfig; var dimensions = component.config.datasourceConfig.dimensions; var measures = component.config.datasourceConfig.measures; var data = component.context.data; var chartData = []; var chartDataMap = {}; var measureIdx = 0; if (component.config.receiveMeasureLink != null && component.config.receiveMeasureLink === true) { var newMeasures = scope.getSelectedLinkMeasure(component, component.config.datasourceConfig.measures); for (var i = 0; i < measures.length; i++) { if (newMeasures[i] != null) { measureIdx = i; break } } } for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var value = data[i][measures[measureIdx].name]; var name = factory._internalFindKvValue(component, data[i][dimensions[dimensions.length - 1].name]); chartData.push({ name: name, value: value }); var dataMap = chartDataMap[data[i][dimensions[dimensions.length - 1].name]]; if (dataMap == null) { dataMap = {}; chartDataMap[name] = dataMap } for (var m = 0; m < measures.length; m++) { dataMap[measures[m].name] = data[i][measures[m].name] } } if (component.config["measureAlias_" + measureIdx] != null && component.config["measureAlias_" + measureIdx].length > 0) { option.series[0].name = component.config["measureAlias_" + measureIdx] } option.series[0].seriesIndex = measureIdx; // 度量设置 option.tooltip.formatter = function (p) { if (component.config.tooltipStatus != null && component.config.tooltipStatus === "hide") { return "" } var seriesIndex = option.series[0].seriesIndex; if (!VSUtils.isEmpty(component.config.tooltipValueScript)) { try { var f = eval("(function(name, params, VSUtils){ " + Base64.decode(component.config.tooltipValueScript) + "})"); return f.call(null, p.name, p, VSUtils) } catch (e) { console.log(e) } } var unit = component.config["unit_" + seriesIndex]; if (unit == null) { unit = "" } // console.log(p) if(p.value[2]== undefined){ return '' } var displayValue = $vsUtils.processValue(p.value[2], component.config["digit_" + seriesIndex]); // console.log(p.seriesName) var str = p.name + "<br/>" + p.seriesName + ": " + $vsUtils.comdifyValue(displayValue) + "" + unit+"<br/>"+"地理坐标:[" + p.value[0]+","+p.value[1] +"]"; return str }; option.series[0].name = measures[measureIdx].label; option.series[2].name = measures[measureIdx].label; option.series[0].data = convertData(chartData); option.series[1].data = chartData; option.series[2].data = convertData(chartData); component.context.chart.setOption(option, true) } ~~~ 七 接收其他组件联动的方式 ~~~ case "echartsBubbleMap": var dataIndex = -1; // console.log(component.config.chartConfig) var option = component.config.chartConfig; console.log(option) for (var i = 0; i < component.config.chartConfig.series[0].data.length; i++) { if ("" + component.config.chartConfig.series[0].data[i].name === "" + event.source.value) { console.log(component.config.chartConfig.series[0].data[i].name) dataIndex = i; break } } console.log(dataIndex) if (dataIndex < 0) { component.context.chart.dispatchAction({ type: "hideTip" }); return } if (dataIndex > -1) { console.log(event.source.value) component.context.chart.dispatchAction({ type: "showTip", name: event.source.value, seriesIndex: 0 }) } break; ~~~ 八 推送联动数据 ~~~ case "echartsBubbleMap": component.context.chart.on("mouseover", function (param) { if (component.config.datasourceConfig.measures == null || component.config.datasourceConfig.dimensions == null) { return } var data = component.context.data; var dataIndex = param.dataIndex; var to = param.data.name; if (to == null || param.value == null || param.value === "-") { return } component.context.tooltipName = to; scope.notifyDimensionValueChange(null, scope.getLastDimension(), to) }); break; ~~~ 九 internalBuildChartDescription 面板函数里添加配置项 新添加一个switch 和echarts线路图写在一起 ~~~ switch (component.type) { // echarts 气泡图 case "echartsBubbleMap": chartCategory.groups.push({ title: { text: "地图配置" }, elements: [{ title: "地图颜色", type: "colorpicker", bind: "mapColor" },{ title: "地图轮廓色", type: "colorpicker", bind: "mapBorderColor" },{ title: "鼠标移入色", type: "colorpicker", bind: "mapActiveColor" },{ title: "鼠标移入轮廓色", type: "colorpicker", bind: "mapBorderActiveColor" },{ title: "工具", type: "switch", bind: "showVisualMap", on: vsLang.on, off: vsLang.off }] }) chartCategory.groups.push({ title: { text: "散点配置" }, elements: [{ title: "移入显示地区", type: "switch", bind: "showClass", on: vsLang.on, off: vsLang.off },{ title: "散点颜色", type: "colorpicker", bind: "dianColor" }] }) chartCategory.groups.push({ title: { text: "气泡配置" }, elements: [{ title: "气泡颜色", type: "colorpicker", bind: "pieColor" }] }) break; } ~~~ 十 在监听配置面板监听函数里 添加监听方法 同理在这里也新建一个switch ~~~ switch (component.type) { case "echartsBubbleMap": // 监听地图颜色 scope.$watch("component.config.mapColor", function (newValue) { if (newValue != null) { var option = component.config.chartConfig; option.geo.itemStyle.normal.areaColor = newValue; option.series[1].itemStyle.normal.areaColor = newValue; scope.component.context.chart.setOption(option, true); } }); // 监听地图轮廓颜色 scope.$watch("component.config.mapBorderColor", function (newValue) { if (newValue != null) { var option = component.config.chartConfig; option.geo.itemStyle.normal.borderColor = newValue; option.series[1].itemStyle.normal.borderColor = newValue; scope.component.context.chart.setOption(option, true); } }); // 监听鼠标移入地图颜色 scope.$watch("component.config.mapActiveColor", function (newValue) { if (newValue != null) { var option = component.config.chartConfig; option.geo.itemStyle.emphasis.areaColor = newValue; option.series[1].itemStyle.emphasis.areaColor = newValue; scope.component.context.chart.setOption(option, true); } }); // 监听鼠标移入地图轮廓颜色 scope.$watch("component.config.mapBorderActiveColor", function (newValue) { if (newValue != null) { var option = component.config.chartConfig; option.geo.itemStyle.emphasis.borderColor = newValue; option.series[1].itemStyle.emphasis.borderColor = newValue; scope.component.context.chart.setOption(option, true); } }); // 监听地图工具开启 scope.$watch("component.config.showVisualMap", function (newValue) { if (newValue != null) { var option = component.config.chartConfig; option.visualMap.show = newValue; scope.component.context.chart.setOption(option, true); } }); // 散点鼠标移入显示地区 scope.$watch("component.config.showClass", function (newValue) { if (newValue != null) { var option = component.config.chartConfig; option.series[0].label.emphasis.show = newValue; scope.component.context.chart.setOption(option, true); } }); // 散点颜色值 scope.$watch("component.config.dianColor", function (newValue) { if (newValue != null) { var option = component.config.chartConfig; option.series[0].itemStyle.normal.color = newValue; scope.component.context.chart.setOption(option, true); } }); //气泡颜色 scope.$watch("component.config.pieColor", function (newValue) { if (newValue != null) { var option = component.config.chartConfig; option.series[2].itemStyle.normal.color = newValue; scope.component.context.chart.setOption(option, true); } }); break } ~~~ # 分享页 路径D:\ireport365\ireport365.war\WEB-INF\classes\report-resource\design.js 一 添加判断数据处理函数 ~~~ case "echartsBubbleMap": internalRefreshechartsBubbleMapModelData(); break; } ~~~ 二 添加数据处理函数 ~~~ // echarts气泡图 数据处理函数 var internalRefreshechartsBubbleMapModelData = function(){ // 处理数据函数 var convertData = function(data) { var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var geoCoord = geoCoordMap3d[data[i].name]; if (geoCoord) { res.push({ name: data[i].name, value: geoCoord.concat(data[i].value.toString()) }); } } // console.log(res) return res; }; var option = component.config.chartConfig; var dimensions = component.config.datasourceConfig.dimensions; var measures = component.config.datasourceConfig.measures; var data = component.context.data; var chartData = []; var chartDataMap = {}; var measureIdx = 0; if (component.config.receiveMeasureLink != null && component.config.receiveMeasureLink === true) { var newMeasures = scope.getSelectedLinkMeasure(component, component.config.datasourceConfig.measures); for (var i = 0; i < measures.length; i++) { if (newMeasures[i] != null) { measureIdx = i; break } } } for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var value = data[i][measures[measureIdx].name]; var name = _internalFindKvValue(component, data[i][dimensions[dimensions.length - 1].name]); chartData.push({ name: name, value: value }); console.log(chartData) var dataMap = chartDataMap[data[i][dimensions[dimensions.length - 1].name]]; if (dataMap == null) { dataMap = {}; chartDataMap[name] = dataMap } for (var m = 0; m < measures.length; m++) { dataMap[measures[m].name] = data[i][measures[m].name] } } if (component.config["measureAlias_" + measureIdx] != null && component.config["measureAlias_" + measureIdx].length > 0) { option.series[0].name = component.config["measureAlias_" + measureIdx] } option.series[0].seriesIndex = measureIdx; // 度量设置 option.tooltip.formatter = function (p) { if (component.config.tooltipStatus != null && component.config.tooltipStatus === "hide") { return "" } var seriesIndex = option.series[0].seriesIndex; if (!VSUtils.isEmpty(component.config.tooltipValueScript)) { try { var f = eval("(function(name, params, VSUtils){ " + Base64.decode(component.config.tooltipValueScript) + "})"); return f.call(null, p.name, p, VSUtils) } catch (e) { console.log(e) } } var unit = component.config["unit_" + seriesIndex]; if (unit == null) { unit = "" } // console.log(p) if(p.value[2]== undefined){ return '' } var displayValue = $vsUtils.processValue(p.value[2], component.config["digit_" + seriesIndex]); // console.log(p.seriesName) var str = p.name + "<br/>" + p.seriesName + ": " + $vsUtils.comdifyValue(displayValue) + "" + unit+"<br/>"+"地理坐标:[" + p.value[0]+","+p.value[1] +"]"; console.log(str) return str }; option.series[0].name = measures[measureIdx].label; option.series[2].name = measures[measureIdx].label; option.series[0].data = convertData(chartData); option.series[1].data = chartData; option.series[2].data = convertData(chartData); component.context.chart.setOption(option, true) } ~~~ 三 接收其他组件传来的联动指令 ~~~ case "echartsBubbleMap": var dataIndex = -1; // console.log(component.config.chartConfig) var option = component.config.chartConfig; console.log(option) for (var i = 0; i < component.config.chartConfig.series[0].data.length; i++) { if ("" + component.config.chartConfig.series[0].data[i].name === "" + event.source.value) { console.log(component.config.chartConfig.series[0].data[i].name) dataIndex = i; break } } console.log(dataIndex) if (dataIndex < 0) { component.context.chart.dispatchAction({ type: "hideTip" }); return } if (dataIndex > -1) { console.log(event.source.value) component.context.chart.dispatchAction({ type: "showTip", name: event.source.value, seriesIndex: 0 }) } break; ~~~ 四 组件推送联动指令 ~~~ case "echartsBubbleMap": component.context.chart.on("mouseover", function (param) { if (component.config.datasourceConfig.measures == null || component.config.datasourceConfig.dimensions == null) { return } var data = component.context.data; var dataIndex = param.dataIndex; var to = param.data.name; if (to == null || param.value == null || param.value === "-") { return } component.context.tooltipName = to; scope.notifyDimensionValueChange(null, scope.getLastDimension(), to) }); break; ~~~ 五 同理添加顶级对象 地图需要坐标数据 后期和新加的地图公用 ~~~ let geoCoordMap3d = { "海门": [121.15, 31.89], "鄂尔多斯": [109.781327, 39.608266], "招远": [120.38, 37.35], "舟山": [122.207216, 29.985295], "齐齐哈尔": [123.97, 47.33], "盐城": [120.13, 33.38], "赤峰": [118.87, 42.28], "青岛": [120.33, 36.07], "乳山": [121.52, 36.89], "金昌": [102.188043, 38.520089], "泉州": [118.58, 24.93], "莱西": [120.53, 36.86], "日照": [119.46, 35.42], "胶南": [119.97, 35.88], "南通": [121.05, 32.08], "拉萨": [91.11, 29.97], "云浮": [112.02, 22.93], "梅州": [116.1, 24.55], "文登": [122.05, 37.2], "上海": [121.48, 31.22], "攀枝花": [101.718637, 26.582347], "威海": [122.1, 37.5], "承德": [117.93, 40.97], "厦门": [118.1, 24.46], "汕尾": [115.375279, 22.786211], "潮州": [116.63, 23.68], "丹东": [124.37, 40.13], "太仓": [121.1, 31.45], "曲靖": [103.79, 25.51], "烟台": [121.39, 37.52], "福州": [119.3, 26.08], "瓦房店": [121.979603, 39.627114], "即墨": [120.45, 36.38], "抚顺": [123.97, 41.97], "玉溪": [102.52, 24.35], "张家口": [114.87, 40.82], "阳泉": [113.57, 37.85], "莱州": [119.942327, 37.177017], "湖州": [120.1, 30.86], "汕头": [116.69, 23.39], "昆山": [120.95, 31.39], "宁波": [121.56, 29.86], "湛江": [110.359377, 21.270708], "揭阳": [116.35, 23.55], "荣成": [122.41, 37.16], "连云港": [119.16, 34.59], "葫芦岛": [120.836932, 40.711052], "常熟": [120.74, 31.64], "东莞": [113.75, 23.04], "河源": [114.68, 23.73], "淮安": [119.15, 33.5], "泰州": [119.9, 32.49], "南宁": [108.33, 22.84], "营口": [122.18, 40.65], "惠州": [114.4, 23.09], "江阴": [120.26, 31.91], "蓬莱": [120.75, 37.8], "韶关": [113.62, 24.84], "嘉峪关": [98.289152, 39.77313], "广州": [113.23, 23.16], "延安": [109.47, 36.6], "太原": [112.53, 37.87], "清远": [113.01, 23.7], "中山": [113.38, 22.52], "昆明": [102.73, 25.04], "寿光": [118.73, 36.86], "盘锦": [122.070714, 41.119997], "长治": [113.08, 36.18], "深圳": [114.07, 22.62], "珠海": [113.52, 22.3], "宿迁": [118.3, 33.96], "咸阳": [108.72, 34.36], "铜川": [109.11, 35.09], "平度": [119.97, 36.77], "佛山": [113.11, 23.05], "海口": [110.35, 20.02], "江门": [113.06, 22.61], "章丘": [117.53, 36.72], "肇庆": [112.44, 23.05], "大连": [121.62, 38.92], "临汾": [111.5, 36.08], "吴江": [120.63, 31.16], "石嘴山": [106.39, 39.04], "沈阳": [123.38, 41.8], "苏州": [120.62, 31.32], "茂名": [110.88, 21.68], "嘉兴": [120.76, 30.77], "长春": [125.35, 43.88], "胶州": [120.03336, 36.264622], "银川": [106.27, 38.47], "张家港": [120.555821, 31.875428], "三门峡": [111.19, 34.76], "锦州": [121.15, 41.13], "南昌": [115.89, 28.68], "柳州": [109.4, 24.33], "三亚": [109.511909, 18.252847], "自贡": [104.778442, 29.33903], "吉林": [126.57, 43.87], "阳江": [111.95, 21.85], "泸州": [105.39, 28.91], "西宁": [101.74, 36.56], "宜宾": [104.56, 29.77], "呼和浩特": [111.65, 40.82], "成都": [104.06, 30.67], "大同": [113.3, 40.12], "镇江": [119.44, 32.2], "桂林": [110.28, 25.29], "张家界": [110.479191, 29.117096], "宜兴": [119.82, 31.36], "北海": [109.12, 21.49], "西安": [108.95, 34.27], "金坛": [119.56, 31.74], "东营": [118.49, 37.46], "牡丹江": [129.58, 44.6], "遵义": [106.9, 27.7], "绍兴": [120.58, 30.01], "扬州": [119.42, 32.39], "常州": [119.95, 31.79], "潍坊": [119.1, 36.62], "重庆": [106.54, 29.59], "台州": [121.420757, 28.656386], "南京": [118.78, 32.04], "滨州": [118.03, 37.36], "贵阳": [106.71, 26.57], "无锡": [120.29, 31.59], "本溪": [123.73, 41.3], "克拉玛依": [84.77, 45.59], "渭南": [109.5, 34.52], "马鞍山": [118.48, 31.56], "宝鸡": [107.15, 34.38], "焦作": [113.21, 35.24], "句容": [119.16, 31.95], "北京": [116.46, 39.92], "徐州": [117.2, 34.26], "衡水": [115.72, 37.72], "包头": [110, 40.58], "绵阳": [104.73, 31.48], "乌鲁木齐": [87.68, 43.77], "枣庄": [117.57, 34.86], "杭州": [120.19, 30.26], "淄博": [118.05, 36.78], "鞍山": [122.85, 41.12], "溧阳": [119.48, 31.43], "库尔勒": [86.06, 41.68], "安阳": [114.35, 36.1], "开封": [114.35, 34.79], "济南": [117, 36.65], "德阳": [104.37, 31.13], "温州": [120.65, 28.01], "九江": [115.97, 29.71], "邯郸": [114.47, 36.6], "临安": [119.72, 30.23], "兰州": [103.73, 36.03], "沧州": [116.83, 38.33], "临沂": [118.35, 35.05], "南充": [106.110698, 30.837793], "天津": [117.2, 39.13], "富阳": [119.95, 30.07], "泰安": [117.13, 36.18], "诸暨": [120.23, 29.71], "郑州": [113.65, 34.76], "哈尔滨": [126.63, 45.75], "聊城": [115.97, 36.45], "芜湖": [118.38, 31.33], "唐山": [118.02, 39.63], "平顶山": [113.29, 33.75], "邢台": [114.48, 37.05], "德州": [116.29, 37.45], "济宁": [116.59, 35.38], "荆州": [112.239741, 30.335165], "宜昌": [111.3, 30.7], "义乌": [120.06, 29.32], "丽水": [119.92, 28.45], "洛阳": [112.44, 34.7], "秦皇岛": [119.57, 39.95], "株洲": [113.16, 27.83], "石家庄": [114.48, 38.03], "莱芜": [117.67, 36.19], "常德": [111.69, 29.05], "保定": [115.48, 38.85], "湘潭": [112.91, 27.87], "金华": [119.64, 29.12], "岳阳": [113.09, 29.37], "长沙": [113, 28.21], "衢州": [118.88, 28.97], "廊坊": [116.7, 39.53], "菏泽": [115.480656, 35.23375], "合肥": [117.27, 31.86], "武汉": [114.31, 30.52], "大庆": [125.03, 46.58], "安徽": [117.17, 31.52], "澳门": [115.07, 21.33], "北京": [116.24, 39.55], "福建": [119.18, 26.05], "甘肃": [103.51, 36.04], "广东": [113.14, 23.08], "广西": [108.19, 22.48], "贵州": [106.42, 26.35], "海南": [110.2, 20.02], "河北": [114.3, 38.02], "河南": [11340, 34.46], "黑龙江": [126.36, 45.44], "湖北": [114.17, 30.35], "湖南": [112.59, 28.12], "吉林": [125.19, 43.54], "江苏": [118.46, 32.03], "江西": [115.55, 28.4], "辽宁": [123.25, 41.48], "内蒙古": [111.41, 40.48], "宁夏": [106.16, 38.27], "青海": [101.48, 36.38], "山东": [117, 36.4], "山西": [112.33, 37.54], "陕西": [108.57, 34.17], "上海": [121.29, 31.14], "四川": [104.04, 30.4], "台湾": [121.3, 25.03], "天津": [117.12, 39.02], "西藏": [91.08, 29.39], "香港": [115.12, 21.23], "新疆": [87.36, 43.45], "云南": [102.42, 25.04], "浙江": [120.1, 30.16], "重庆": [106.33, 29.35] }; ~~~