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呵呵,  这几天看到社区里大家对如何在vc中调用WPF兴致很高, 现在我就带领大家按部就班来实现它.废话不说了, 开始. WPF是微软主推的新一代桌面程序开发技术, 它极大加快了程序界面开发,也增强了界面的用户体验,至于详细的介绍大家可以google,  本文主要还是介绍如何在vc中处理wpf数据和事件.开发工具嘛vs2008+sp1+[Blend]. 1.新建一个项目MFCHostWpf, 建立2个工程, 一个为vc对话框的工程MFCDlgDemo,另一个为C#普通应用程序的工程WPFDemo.如图所示: [![1278723_1273161107cp9e[1]]( "1278723_1273161107cp9e[1]")]( 2.分别运行2个工程后, 程序截图如下: [![1278723_1273161107MdJ7[1]]( "1278723_1273161107MdJ7[1]")]( [![1278723_1273161107VLvW[1]]( "1278723_1273161107VLvW[1]")]( 3.修改WPF工程以便MFC工程调用, 具体如下: > 1.删除WPF工程中的 App.xaml和App.xaml.cs两个源文件. > 2.双击WPF工程的Properties(属性), 选择Application(应用程序)选项卡, 将Output type(输出类型)下拉框选为Class Library(类库). 保存后关闭. 如图所示: > [![1278723_1273161108R27Y[1]]( "1278723_1273161108R27Y[1]")]( 4.接下来修改MFC工程以便调用WPF组件, 具体如下: > 1.右击MFC工程, 选择弹出菜单的Properties(属性), 在Configuration Properties/General/Common Language Runtime support中选择Common Language Runtime support(/clr), 保存关闭后按F7编译. 如图所示: > [![1278723_12731611095S2j[1]]( "1278723_12731611095S2j[1]")]( > 2.重新右击MFC工程, 选择"工程属性", 在Common Properties中, 点击"Add New Reference", 在".net"选项卡下添加如下引用PresentationCore, PresentationFramework, System, System.Core, Systems.Data, Systems.Data.DataSetExtensions, Systems.Xml, System.Xml.Linq, WindowsBase. (p.s. 具体引用一定要和WPF工程中的引用一致),保存后退出, 如图所示: > [![1278723_1273161112au2U[1]]( "1278723_1273161112au2U[1]")]( > 3.重新选择"工程属性", 在Common Properties中, 点击"Add New Reference", 在"Project"选项卡下选择WPFDemo工程, 选择"Ok"后保存退出, 如图所示: > [![1278723_12731611134Nim[1]]( "1278723_12731611134Nim[1]")]( > 4.建立一个CLI类CHostWPFWnd, 代码如下: > ~~~ //HostWPFWnd.h #pragma once using namespace System; using namespace System::Windows; using namespace System::Windows::Interop; using namespace System::Runtime; using namespace WPFDemo; public ref class CHostWPFWnd { public: CHostWPFWnd(void){}; ~CHostWPFWnd(void){}; protected: !CHostWPFWnd(){}; public: static Window1^ hostedWnd; static HWND hWnd; }; HWND GetHwnd(HWND hwnd = NULL); //HostWPFWnd.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "HostWPFWnd.h" HWND GetHwnd(HWND hwnd) { CHostWPFWnd::hostedWnd = gcnew Window1(); WindowInteropHelper^ wih = gcnew WindowInteropHelper(CHostWPFWnd::hostedWnd); wih->Owner = IntPtr(hwnd); CHostWPFWnd::hWnd = (HWND) wih->Handle.ToPointer(); return CHostWPFWnd::hWnd; } ~~~ > 5.在MFC工程的App文件CMFCHostWpfApp中添加CLI类的引用#include "HostWPFWnd.h", 在App的InitInstance函数里, 修改如下代码: ~~~ CMFCHostWpfDlg dlg; m_pMainWnd = &dlg; INT_PTR nResponse = dlg.DoModal(); if (nResponse == IDOK) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with OK } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel } ~~~ [](> 为: ~~~ ::GetHwnd(); if (CHostWPFWnd::hostedWnd) { CHostWPFWnd::hostedWnd->ShowDialog(); } ~~~ [](> 6.通过以上5步, 我们已经成功在MFC工程调用WPF, 按F7编译后, F5运行, 效果如下: > [![1278723_1273161113Zpd5[1]]( "1278723_1273161113Zpd5[1]")]( > ok, 相信细心的哥们已经发现这个运行出来的Dlg的程序图标已经换为咱们熟悉的MFC默认icon. O(∩_∩)O~. (p.s. 注意启动的是MFC工程, 应将MFCDemo设为首选项, 具体是右击MFCDemo, 选择Set as StartUp Project). > 7.接下来, 我们在WPF工程中定义一个实现INotifyPropertyChanged 接口的类TestModel, 里面有个int字段TestValue, 添加一个Button和一个TextBox, 并添加一个Click事件, 具体代码如下: > //cs ~~~ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Data; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using System.Windows.Navigation; using System.Windows.Shapes; using System.ComponentModel; namespace WPFDemo { /// <summary> /// Interaction logic for Window1.xaml /// </summary> public partial class Window1 : Window { public class TestModel : INotifyPropertyChanged { public TestModel() { } private int _testValue = 0; public int TestValue { get { return _testValue; } set { _testValue = value; OnPropertyChanged("TestValue"); } } // Declare the event public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; // Create the OnPropertyChanged method to raise the event protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name) { PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged; if (handler != null) { handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name)); } } } public Window1() { InitializeComponent(); } private TestModel test; public TestModel Test { get { return test; } set { test = value; } } public delegate void ButtonClickHandler(); public event ButtonClickHandler ClickEvent; private void _btnTest_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // ClickEvent(); } } } ~~~ []( ~~~ ~~~ []([](> //xaml ~~~ <Window x:Class="WPFDemo.Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300"> <Grid> <TextBox Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10,10,0,0" Name="_txtValue" VerticalAlignment="Top" ~~~ ~~~ Width="120" /> <Button Height="23" Margin="136,10,67,0" Name="_btnTest" VerticalAlignment="Top" Click="_btnTest_Click">Test ~~~ ~~~ </Button> </Grid> </Window> ~~~ [](>   > 8.这一步我们把_txtValue的Text属性绑定到我们上面定义的TestValue字段, 把_txtValue设为ReadOnly, 并修正下Dlg显示出来的位置, 修改后的xaml代码为: ~~~ <TextBox Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10,10,0,0" Name="_txtValue" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" ~~~ ~~~ Text="{Binding Test.TestValue, ElementName=window, Mode=OneWay}" IsReadOnly="True" /> ~~~ []([]([](> 运行效果如图: > 9.接下来我们自定义一个event, 在Button的Click事件中触发此事件, 具体代码如下: ~~~ public delegate void ButtonClickHandler(); public event ButtonClickHandler ClickEvent; private void _btnTest_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // ClickEvent(); } ~~~ [](> 10.然后我们在MFC通过自定义一个Add方法, 并在方法中通过CLI修改WPF中的TextValue字段, 然后通过CLI把此Add方法加到自定义event中. 修改后代码如下: ~~~ //HostWPFWnd.h #pragma once using namespace System; using namespace System::Windows; using namespace System::Windows::Interop; using namespace System::Runtime; using namespace WPFDemo; public ref class CHostWPFWnd { public: CHostWPFWnd(void){}; ~CHostWPFWnd(void){}; protected: !CHostWPFWnd(){}; public: static Window1^ hostedWnd; static HWND hWnd; }; HWND GetHwnd(HWND hwnd = NULL); void Add(); //Increase TestValue; ~~~ []( ~~~ //HostWPFWnd.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "HostWPFWnd.h" HWND GetHwnd(HWND hwnd) { CHostWPFWnd::hostedWnd = gcnew Window1(); CHostWPFWnd::hostedWnd->ClickEvent += gcnew Window1::ButtonClickHandler(Add); WindowInteropHelper^ wih = gcnew WindowInteropHelper(CHostWPFWnd::hostedWnd); wih->Owner = IntPtr(hwnd); CHostWPFWnd::hWnd = (HWND) wih->Handle.ToPointer(); return CHostWPFWnd::hWnd; } ~~~ ~~~ void Add() { CHostWPFWnd::hostedWnd->Test->TestValue++; } ~~~ []([](> 11.F7编译后, F5运行, 结果如下: > [![1278723_12731611135MH4[1]]( "1278723_12731611135MH4[1]")]( ok, 通过本文相信大家都了解了如何在MFC中调用WPF, 有什么问题欢迎大家和我讨论. 工程附件:[MFCHostWPF](