## 官网链接
## 启动命令
systemctl status packetbeat
systemctl restart packetbeat
/usr/share/packetbeat/bin/packetbeat --environment systemd -c /etc/packetbeat/packetbeat.yml --path.home /usr/share/packetbeat --path.config /etc/packetbeat --path.data /var/lib/packetbeat
./packetbeat devices
# =============================== Network device ===============================
# Select the network interface to sniff the data. On Linux, you can use the
# "any" keyword to sniff on all connected interfaces.
packetbeat.interfaces.device: ens192
packetbeat.interfaces.type: af_packet
packetbeat.interfaces.poll_default_route: 1m
# The network CIDR blocks that are considered "internal" networks for
# the purpose of network perimeter boundary classification. The valid
# values for internal_networks are the same as those that can be used
# with processor network conditions.
# For a list of available values see:
# https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/packetbeat/current/defining-processors.html#condition-network
- private
./packetbeat test config -c /etc/packetbeat/packetbeat.yml
- 写在前面
- linux命令行
- 基础篇
- 1.SSH连接工具
- 2.查看系统版本信息
- 3.查看IP地址
- 4.查看cpu信息
- 5.查看内存磁盘信息
- 6.文件上传下载
- 7.linux中查找文件(find)
- 8.修改root账号密码
- 9.通过进程号查看端口
- 10.校验MD5值
- 11.Linux命令之seq
- 12.Linux命令之corntab
- 13.linux命令之awk
- 进阶篇
- 查看防火墙是否开启
- linux创建新的用户
- 更改文件的用户组
- Linux主机时间同步
- 高CPU排查-个人总结
- Linux查看GPU性能
- 文件排序工具sort
- sed
- grep
- 实战篇
- 1.Linux基线
- 2.iptables学习
- 3.Tcpdump抓包命令
- 4.CentOS7更换镜像源
- shell脚本篇
- 1.Shell脚本速查手册
- 2.Shell中获取取昨天和多天前日期
- 3.rsync删除文件
- 4.nginx自动化安装脚本
- 5.后台启动服务
- 6.备份文件保留5天
- 数据库
- MySQL数据库备份命令
- ES数据库备份
- filebeat工具
- packetbeat工具
- MySQL数据库中删除表
- Docker容器
- 1.安装docker容器
- 2.docker容器的使用
- 3.docker overlay2 是存放什么的
- 4.docker删除已停止的容器
- 5.docker网卡的IP地址修改
- Ubuntu容器下载vim,curl命令
- docker磁盘占用瞬间变大问题解决
- Python学习
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