<code>php artisan serve</code>: Turn on the server
<code>php artisan make:migration create_demos_table --create=demos</code>: Create a Laravel data table
<code>php artisan migrate</code>: Migrating data
<code>php artisan make:controller DemoController</code>: Create controller
<code>php artisan make:model Demo</code>: Create a model
<code>php artisan make:resource Demo</code>: Create a bridge between the quick build model and the JSON return data
<code>php artisan key:generate</code>: Create an interface key
<code>Composer update –no-scripts</code>: Skip scripts defined in the composer.json file
<code>php artisan view:clear</code>: Clear view cache
<code>php artisan config:clear</code>: Clear configuration cache
<code>php artisan cache:clear</code>: Clear the cache
<code>php artisan tinker</code>: Create data
- PHP Laravel for beginners: from zero fly to the heaven !
- 1.Getting started with laravel: To do list project
- 1.Course overview
- 2.Install xampp and editor
- 3. Download and run laravel
- 4. MVC concept
- 5.Website structure and blade template engine
- 6.CRUD concept: create, read, update, and delete
- 7.Create data by Tinker
- 8.Create data by Factories
- 9.Read function
- 10.Create function
- 11.Update function
- 12.Delete function
- 13.Course summary
- Laravel common command line
- Laravel package and function
- Account 1: Laravel default auth function
- Account 2: Laravel register, login, logout
- Payment : Laravel PayPal
- Payment 2: Laravel alipay
- Payment 3: Laravel wechatpay
- Template 1: Laravel adminlte template