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##资讯 ### [Submit Your WatchKit Apps Now]( 4月24号Apple Watch就将发售,请提交你的WatchKit App。 [APPLE.COM]( ## 技巧 ### [Quick Look Debugging]( Since version 5, Xcode has shipped with Quick Look display in the debugger。 [NSHIPSTER.COM]( ### [Use React Native in Existing iOS App]( 介绍如何在当前的iOS App中使用Reactive Native。 [LEAPOAHEAD.COM]( ### [Diary of Building an iOS App with React Native]( 使用React Native构建 iOS App。 [HERMAN.ASIA]( ##代码 ### [ios-charts]( An iOS port of the beautiful MPAndroidChart. - Beautiful charts for iOS apps。 [GITHUB.COM]( ### [iOS-Runtime-Headers]( iOS Objective-C headers as derived from runtime introspection。 [GITHUB.COM](