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## A到Z个python小技巧 ![](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/2000/0*omyr-SRrpmo80-28) Python是世界上最流行的编程语言之一,这有如下原因: * python很容易学习 * python有丰富的使用场景 * python有大量的模块和库作为支持 在日常工作中,我使用python完成数据科学的工作,在工作中,我总结了一些有用的技巧。 我尝试把这些技巧在字母a-z进行了分类。下面是具体的小技巧 ## all or any python之所以如此流行的原因是,它的可读性非常高。而且有很多的语法糖,看下面的例子: ~~~ x = [True, True, False] if any(x): print("At least one True") if all(x): print("Not one False") if any(x) and not all(x): print("At least one True and one False") ~~~ ## bashplotlib 你想在控制台绘制图表? `pip install bashplotlib` bashplotlib是在控制台画图表的库。 ## collections python有很好的默认集合类,有时候我们需要一些增强的python类来完成对数据的处理,看下面列子: ~~~ from collections import OrderedDict, Counter # Remembers the order the keys are added! x = OrderedDict(a=1, b=2, c=3) # Counts the frequency of each character y = Counter("Hello World!") ~~~ ## dir 你想知道python对象内部有什么东西吗?dir方法可以帮助你查看,看代码: ~~~ dir() dir("Hello World") dir(dir) ~~~ 这在你使用一个新的包时会非常有用。 ## emoji python的emoji表情表: `$ pip install emoji` 看代码: ~~~ from emoji import emojize print(emojize(":thumbs_up:")) ~~~ 👍 ## from __future__ import 想提前尝试python的新特性,可以使用 __future__语法。 ~~~ from __future__ import print_function print("Hello World!") ~~~ ## geopy python的地理位置包 `$ pip install geopy` 使用这个包可以完成地址和经纬度的转换和距离检测等操作。看代码: ~~~ from geopy import GoogleV3 place = "221b Baker Street, London" location = GoogleV3().geocode(place) print(location.address) print(location.location) ~~~ ## howdoi 不知道一些事情该怎么做?用`howdoi `这个命令吧 `$ pip install howdoi` 看使用例子: ~~~ $ howdoi vertical align css $ howdoi for loop in java $ howdoi undo commits in git ~~~ ## inspect 想知道别人包的代码是是什么?使用inspect模块吧。看代码: ~~~ import inspect print(inspect.getsource(inspect.getsource)) print(inspect.getmodule(inspect.getmodule)) print(inspect.currentframe().f_lineno) ~~~ ## Jedi python的代码补全器,如果没有用IDE编写python代码,可以尝试一下这个 ## **kwargs python的参数语法糖,看代码: ~~~ dictionary = {"a": 1, "b": 2} def someFunction(a, b): print(a + b) return # these do the same thing: someFunction(**dictionary) someFunction(a=1, b=2) ~~~ ## List comprehensions 集合操作的语法糖,是不是很绕 哈哈 ~~~ numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] evens = [x for x in numbers if x % 2 is 0] odds = [y for y in numbers if y not in evens] cities = ['London', 'Dublin', 'Oslo'] def visit(city): print("Welcome to "+city) for city in cities: visit(city) ~~~ ## map 函数式编程语法糖,不过现在很少用了 ~~~ x = [1, 2, 3] y = map(lambda x : x + 1 , x) # prints out [2,3,4] print(list(y)) ~~~ ## newspaper3k 用python读新闻,这个太极客了 ~~~ $ pip install newspaper3k ~~~ ## Operator overloading 操作符重载是python的一个重要特性。在定义一个类时,可以用操作符重载来对两个对象做简单判断。看代码: ~~~ class Thing: def __init__(self, value): self.__value = value def __gt__(self, other): return self.__value > other.__value def __lt__(self, other): return self.__value < other.__value something = Thing(100) nothing = Thing(0) # True something > nothing # False something < nothing # Error something + nothing ~~~ ## pprint `print`方法可以做简单输出,如果要输出复杂对象,可以使用`pprint` ~~~ import requests import pprint url = 'https://randomuser.me/api/?results=1' users = requests.get(url).json() pprint.pprint(users) ~~~ ## Queue python的队列实现 #### \_\_repr\_\_ `__repr__`方法将一个对象用字符串表示。在定一个一个类时,可以重写`__repr__`方法 ~~~ class someClass: def __repr__(self): return "<some description here>" someInstance = someClass() # prints <some description here> print(someInstance) ~~~ ## sh 用python执行shell命令 ~~~ from sh import * sh.pwd() sh.mkdir('new_folder') sh.touch('new_file.txt') sh.whoami() sh.echo('This is great!') ~~~ ## Type hints python是一个弱类型语言,为了安全,还可以对方法参数声明类型。 ~~~ def addTwo(x : Int) -> Int: return x + 2 ~~~ ## uuid 生成uuid ~~~ import uuid user_id = uuid.uuid4() print(user_id) ~~~ ## Virtual environments 为自己的项目虚拟一个独立的python环境,防止模块污染 ~~~ python -m venv my-project source my-project/bin/activate pip install all-the-modules ~~~ ## wikipedia python访问维基百科 ~~~ import wikipedia result = wikipedia.page('freeCodeCamp') print(result.summary) for link in result.links: print(link) ~~~ ## xkcd Humour is a key feature of the Python language — after all, it is named after the British comedy sketch show [Monty Python’s Flying Circus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Python%27s_Flying_Circus). Much of Python’s official documentation references the show’s most famous sketches. The sense of humour isn’t restricted to the docs, though. Have a go running the line below: import antigravity Never change, Python. Never change. ## YAML ymal数据的python客户端 `$ pip install pyyaml` `import yaml` PyYAML lets you store Python objects of any datatype, and instances of any user-defined classes also. ## zip 将两个集合变为一个字典 ~~~ keys = ['a', 'b', 'c'] vals = [1, 2, 3] zipped = dict(zip(keys, vals)) ~~~ python是一个非常灵活的语言。里面还有很多内置的语法糖,一方面方便了我们的编码,另外一方面也会造成一些困惑。有奇怪的语法记得多谷歌。 **阿达老师-孩子身边的编程专家** *完整课程请关注阿达老师,主页里有完整的课程目录和观看地址*