💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
[原文网址](https://connect.spotware.com/docs/open_api_2/protobuf_messages_reference_v2/open_api_error_codes) 在这里,您可以找到API在各种场合发送的错误列表。 使用以下响应发送错误 * ProtoOAErrorRes.errorCode。 请求后的一般错误。 * ProtoOAExecutionEvent.errorCode。 订单验证失败时发送错误。 * ProtoOAOrderErrorEvent.errorCode。 订单通过验证时发送错误,但之后出现错误。 * Here you can find a list of errors sent by the API in various occasions. Errors are sent using the following responses * ProtoOAErrorRes.errorCode. General error following a request. * ProtoOAExecutionEvent.errorCode. Error sent when order validation fails. * ProtoOAOrderErrorEvent.errorCode. Error sent when order passes validation but error appears after. **Common Errors** | **Error** | **Description** | | --- | --- | | UNKNOWN\_ERROR | Generic error. | | UNSUPPORTED\_MESSAGE | Message is not supported. Wrong message | | INVALID\_REQUEST | Generic error. Usually used when input value is not correct. | | TIMEOUT\_ERROR | Deal execution is reached timeout and rejected. | | ENTITY\_NOT\_FOUND | Generic error for requests by id. | | CANT\_ROUTE\_REQUEST | Connection to Server is lost or not supported. | | FRAME\_TOO\_LONG | Message is too large. | | MARKET\_CLOSED | Market is closed. | | CONCURRENT\_MODIFICATION | Order is blocked (e.g. under execution) and change cannot be applied. | | BLOCKED\_PAYLOAD\_TYPE | Message is blocked by server. | **Authorization Errors** | **Error** | **Description** | | --- | --- | | CH\_CLIENT\_AUTH\_FAILURE | Open API client is not activated or wrong client credentials. | | CH\_CLIENT\_NOT\_AUTHENTICATED | When a command is sent for not authorized Open API client. | | CH\_CLIENT\_ALREADY\_AUTHENTICATED | Client is trying to authenticate twice. | | CH\_ACCESS\_TOKEN\_INVALID | Access token is invalid. | | CH\_SERVER\_NOT\_REACHABLE | Trading service is not available. | | CH\_CTID\_TRADER\_ACCOUNT\_NOT\_FOUND | Trading account is not found. | | CH\_OA\_CLIENT\_NOT\_FOUND | Could not find this client id. | **General Errors** | **Error** | **Description** | | --- | --- | | REQUEST\_FREQUENCY\_EXCEEDED | Request frequency is reached. | | SERVER\_IS\_UNDER\_MAINTENANCE | Server is under maintenance. | | CHANNEL\_IS\_BLOCKED | Operations are not allowed for this account. | | CONNECTIONS\_LIMIT\_EXCEEDED | Limit of connections is reached for this Open API client. | **Pricing Errors** | **Error** | **Description** | | --- | --- | | NOT\_SUBSCRIBED\_TO\_SPOTS | When trying to subscribe to depth, trendbars, etc. without spot subscription. | | ALREADY\_SUBSCRIBED | When subscription is requested for an active. | | SYMBOL\_NOT\_FOUND | Symbol not found. | | UNKNOWN\_SYMBOL | Note: to be merged with SYMBOL\_NOT\_FOUND. | | INCORRECT\_BOUNDARIES | When requested period (from,to) is too large or invalid values are set to from/to. | **Trading Errors** | **Error** | **Description** | | --- | --- | | NO\_QUOTES | Trading cannot be done as not quotes are available. | | NOT\_ENOUGH\_MONEY | Not enough funds to allocate margin. | | MAX\_EXPOSURE\_REACHED | Max exposure limit is reached for a {trader, symbol, side}. | | POSITION\_NOT\_FOUND | Position not found. | | ORDER\_NOT\_FOUND | Order not found. | | POSITION\_NOT\_OPEN | When trying to close a position that it is not open. | | POSITION\_LOCKED | Position in the state that does not allow to perform an operation. | | TOO\_MANY\_POSITIONS | Trading account reached its limit for max number of open positions and orders. | | TRADING\_BAD\_VOLUME | Invalid volume. | | TRADING\_BAD\_STOPS | Invalid stop price. | | TRADING\_BAD\_PRICES | Invalid price (e.g. negative). | | TRADING\_BAD\_STAKE | Invalid stake volume (e.g. negative). | | PROTECTION\_IS\_TOO\_CLOSE\_TO\_MARKET | Invalid protection prices. | | TRADING\_BAD\_EXPIRATION\_DATE | Invalid expiration. | | PENDING\_EXECUTION | Unable to apply changes as position has an order under execution. | | TRADING\_DISABLED | Trading is blocked for the symbol. | | TRADING\_NOT\_ALLOWED | Trading account is in read only mode. | | UNABLE\_TO\_CANCEL\_ORDER | Unable to cancel order. | | UNABLE\_TO\_AMEND\_ORDER | Unable to amend order. | | SHORT\_SELLING\_NOT\_ALLOWED | Short selling is not allowed. |