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# haasomeapi.dataobjects.accountdata package ## 子模块 ## haasomeapi.dataobjects.accountdata.AccountInformation module ``` class haasomeapi.dataobjects.accountdata.AccountInformation.AccountInformation Bases: object ``` Data Object containing the account information Variables: **guid** | str: **name** | str: - platformType | [EnumPlatform]( - connectedPriceSource | [EnumPriceSource]( **isSimulatedAccount** | bool **availableOrderTemplates** | Dict[str, str]: ## haasomeapi.dataobjects.accountdata.BaseOrder module ``` class haasomeapi.dataobjects.accountdata.BaseOrder.BaseOrder Bases: object ``` Data Object containing the Base Order Variables: - pair | [Market]( **orderId** | str: - orderStatus | [EnumOrderStatus]( - orderType | [EnumOrderType]( - fundMovement | [EnumFundMovingPosition]( **price** | float: **amount** | float: **amountFilled** | float: - addedTime | datetime: **unixAddedTime** | int: ## haasomeapi.dataobjects.accountdata.OrderContainer module ``` class haasomeapi.dataobjects.accountdata.OrderContainer.OrderContainer Bases: object ``` Data Object containing the Base Order Variables: - exchangeOrderList | Dict[str, BaseOrder(本链接)]: - marginOrderList | Dict[str, BaseOrder(本链接)]: - leverageOrderList | Dict[str, BaseOrder(本链接)]: ## haasomeapi.dataobjects.accountdata.Position module ``` class haasomeapi.dataobjects.accountdata.Position.Position Bases: object ``` Data Object containing the Base Order Variables: - side | [EnumFundPosition]( **usedMargin** | float: **amount** | float: **leverage** | float: - priceMarket | [Market]( **investmentPrice** | float: **profitLossRatio** | float: **profitLossNow** | float: **marginCallPrice** | float: **amountLabel** | str: **profitLabel** | str: ## haasomeapi.dataobjects.accountdata.SoftwareInformation module ``` class haasomeapi.dataobjects.accountdata.SoftwareInformation.SoftwareInformation Bases: object ``` Data Object containing the software information Variables: **isBeta** | bool: **versionNumber** | str: - licenceType | [EnumSoftwareLicence]( ## haasomeapi.dataobjects.accountdata.Wallet module ``` class haasomeapi.dataobjects.accountdata.Wallet.Wallet Bases: object ``` Data Object containing the Wallet Variables: **coins** | Dict[str, float]: - positions | Dict[str, Position(本链接)]: ## 模板内容