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# 第一部分-词汇-02-易混淆词 ## 易混淆词辨析(真题解析) 1. The little village hasn't changed much ___ a new road and two more stores. A. except B. besides C. except that D. except for > 答案:D > except 表示不包括在内,并且前后对比内容地位相同; > beside 表示包括在内; > except that 后面跟从句; > except for 表示整体与部分的对比; 2. ___ Japanese, she has to study another foreign language. A. Except B. Except that C. In addition to C. Besides > 答案:D > except for 表示对整体部分的否定; > in addition to 表示另外; > besides 表示除了,还有,包括在内; 3. In learning English we should not ___ students of their mistakes all the time. A. remind B. remember C. remain D. remark > 答案:A > remind sb. of sth. :提醒某人某事; > remember:记得; > remain:存在; > remark:申明; 4. The monitor ___ the examination papers to the class for his teacher. A. delivered B. distributed C. reported D. presendted > 答案:B > deliver:送给,释放,提供; > distribute:分发,分配,分送; > report:报道; > present:介绍,引见,赠送,呈现; 5. Have you any ___ that you were not there at 90 clock last night? A. statement B. cause C. words D. proof > 答案:C 6. The children looked up as the planes passed ___ . A. overall B. overhead C. outward D. forward > B 7. Charles Dickens ___ many wonderful characters in his novels. A. invented B. discovered C. uncovered D. created > D