Person Group - Create a Person Group
创建一个带有特定personGroupId,name和user-provided userData的新person group。
Person group是Face - Identify API最重要的参数之一。在特定的person group中识别出搜索者人脸
Http Method
Request URL
`{personGroupId} `
Request parameters
| 参数名|参数类型 |描述 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| personGroupId |string | 用户提供personGroupId作为字符串。有效的字符串包括数字、小写英文字符、‘-’和‘_’。personGroupId最大长度是64|
Request headers
| 请求头 |类型 |描述 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Content-Type (optional) |string |Media type of the body sent to the API. |
| Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key | string | 提供访问此API的订阅密钥。在您的认知服务帐户中找到. |
Request body
JSON fields in request body
| Fields | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| name | String | Person group显示名称。最大长度是128 |
| userData (可选) | String | 附加到Person group的用户提供的数据。大小限制是16KB |
Response 200
Response 400
Error code and message returned in JSON
| Error Code | Error Message Description |
| --- | --- |
| BadArgument |'name'太长了 |
| BadArgument | 'userData'太长了 |
| BadArgument | 错误和无法辨认的JSON |
| BadArgument | Person group ID无效。有效格式应该是由数字组成的字符串,英文字母小写,' - ','_',不超过64个字符|
"message":"'name' is too long."
Response 401
| Error Code | Error Message Description |
| --- | --- |
| Unspecified | 无效的subscription Key 或user/plan 被冻结 |
"code": "Unspecified",
"message": "Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure you are subscribed to an API you are trying to call and provide the right key."
Response 403
"statusCode": 403,
"message": "Out of call volume quota. Quota will be replenished in 2.12 days."
Response 409
Error code and message returned in JSON
| Error Code | Error Message Description |
| --- | --- |
| PersonGroupExists |Person group已经存在 |
| ConcurrentOperationConflict | 当前资源运算有冲突 |
"message":"Person group 'sample_group' already exists."
Response 415
不支持的媒体类型错误。只有“application / json”对这个API有效。
"message":"Invalid Media Type"
Response 429
"statusCode": 429,
"message": "Rate limit is exceeded. Try again in 26 seconds."
- 空白目录
- Face
- Detect
- Find Similar
- Group
- Identify
- Verify
- Face List
- Add a Face to a Face List
- Create a Face List
- Delete a Face from a Face List
- Delete a Face List
- Get a Face List
- List Face Lists
- Update a Face List
- Person
- Add a Person Face
- Create a Person
- Delete a Person
- Delete a Person Face
- Get a Person
- Get a Person Face
- List Persons in a Person Group
- Update a Person
- Update a Person Face
- Person Group
- Create a Person Group
- Delete a Person Group
- Get a Person Group
- Get Person Group Training Status
- List Person Groups
- Train Person Group
- Update a Person Group