## Prologue
* [Release Notes](releases.md)
* [Upgrade Guide](upgrade.md)
* [Contribution Guide](contributions.md)
## Getting Started
* [Installation](installation.md)
* [Configuration](configuration.md)
* [Directory Structure](structure.md)
* [Homestead](homestead.md)
* [Valet](valet.md)
* [Deployment](deployment.md)
## Architecture Concepts
* [Request Lifecycle](lifecycle.md)
* [Service Container](container.md)
* [Service Providers](providers.md)
* [Facades](facades.md)
* [Contracts](contracts.md)
## The Basics
* [Routing](routing.md)
* [Middleware](middleware.md)
* [CSRF Protection](csrf.md)
* [Controllers](controllers.md)
* [Requests](requests.md)
* [Responses](responses.md)
* [Views](views.md)
* [URL Generation](urls.md)
* [Session](session.md)
* [Validation](validation.md)
* [Error Handling](errors.md)
* [Logging](logging.md)
## Frontend
* [Blade Templates](blade.md)
* [Localization](localization.md)
* [Frontend Scaffolding](frontend.md)
* [Compiling Assets](mix.md)
## Security
* [Authentication](authentication.md)
* [API Authentication](api.md-authentication)
* [Authorization](authorization.md)
* [Email Verification](verification.md)
* [Encryption](encryption.md)
* [Hashing](hashing.md)
* [Password Reset](passwords.md)
## Digging Deeper
* [Artisan Console](artisan.md)
* [Broadcasting](broadcasting.md)
* [Cache](cache.md)
* [Collections](collections.md)
* [Events](events.md)
* [File Storage](filesystem.md)
* [Helpers](helpers.md)
* [Mail](mail.md)
* [Notifications](notifications.md)
* [Package Development](packages.md)
* [Queues](queues.md)
* [Task Scheduling](scheduling.md)
## Database
* [Getting Started](database.md)
* [Query Builder](queries.md)
* [Pagination](pagination.md)
* [Migrations](migrations.md)
* [Seeding](seeding.md)
* [Redis](redis.md)
## Eloquent ORM
* [Getting Started](eloquent.md)
* [Relationships](eloquent.md-relationships)
* [Collections](eloquent.md-collections)
* [Mutators](eloquent.md-mutators)
* [API Resources](eloquent.md-resources)
* [Serialization](eloquent.md-serialization)
## Testing
* [Getting Started](testing.md)
* [HTTP Tests](http.md-tests)
* [Console Tests](console.md-tests)
* [Browser Tests](dusk.md)
* [Database](database.md-testing)
* [Mocking](mocking.md)
## Official Packages
* [Cashier](billing.md)
* [Dusk](dusk.md)
* [Envoy](envoy.md)
* [Horizon](horizon.md)
* [Passport](passport.md)
* [Scout](scout.md)
* [Socialite](socialite.md)
* [Telescope](telescope.md)
- Prologue
- Release Notes
- Upgrade Guide
- Contribution Guide
- Getting Started
- Installation
- Configuration
- Directory Structure
- Homestead
- Valet
- Deployment
- Architecture Concepts
- Request Lifecycle
- Service Container
- Service Providers
- Facades
- Contracts
- The Basics
- Routing
- Middleware
- CSRF Protection
- Controllers
- Requests
- Responses
- Views
- URL Generation
- Session
- Validation
- Error Handling
- Logging
- Frontend
- Blade Templates
- Localization
- Frontend Scaffolding
- Compiling Assets
- Security
- Authentication
- API Authentication
- Authorization
- Email Verification
- Encryption
- Hashing
- Password Reset
- Digging Deeper
- Artisan Console
- Broadcasting
- Cache
- Collections
- Events
- File Storage
- Helpers
- Notifications
- Package Development
- Queues
- Task Scheduling
- Database
- Getting Started
- Query Builder
- Pagination
- Migrations
- Seeding
- Redis
- Eloquent ORM
- Getting Started
- Relationships
- Collections
- Mutators
- API Resources
- Serialization
- Testing
- Getting Started
- HTTP Tests
- Console Tests
- Browser Tests
- Database
- Mocking
- Official Packages
- Cashier
- Dusk
- Envoy
- Horizon
- Passport
- Scout
- Socialite
- Telescope