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Sometimes, you'll want to hook your own Gulp tasks into Elixir. Perhaps you have a special bit of functionality that you'd like Elixir to mix and watch for you. No problem! As an example, imagine that you have a general task that simply speaks a bit of text when called. ~~~ gulp.task("speak", function() { var message = "Tea...Earl Grey...Hot"; gulp.src("").pipe(shell("say " + message)); }); ~~~ Easy enough. From the command line, you may, of course, call gulp speak to trigger the task. To add it to Elixir, however, use the mix.task() method: ~~~ elixir(function(mix) { mix.task('speak'); }); ~~~ That's it! Now, each time you run Gulp, your custom "speak" task will be executed alongside any other Elixir tasks that you've mixed in. To additionally register a watcher, so that your custom tasks will be re-triggered each time one or more files are modified, you may pass a regular expression as the second argument. ~~~ elixir(function(mix) { mix.task('speak', 'app/**/*.php'); }); ~~~ By adding this second argument, we've instructed Elixir to re-trigger the "speak" task each time a PHP file in the "app/" directory is saved. For even more flexibility, you can create full Elixir extensions. Using the previous "speak" example, you may write an extension, like so: ~~~ var gulp = require("gulp"); var shell = require("gulp-shell"); var elixir = require("laravel-elixir"); elixir.extend("speak", function(message) { gulp.task("speak", function() { gulp.src("").pipe(shell("say " + message)); }); return this.queueTask("speak"); }); ~~~ 请注意我们 扩增( extend ) Elixir 的 API 时所使用的第一个参数,稍后我们需要在 Gulpfile 中使用它,以及建立 Gulp 任务所使用的回调函数。 如果你想要让你的自定义任务能被监控,只要在监控器注册就行了。 `this.registerWatcher("speak", "app/**/*.php");` 这行程序的意思是指,当符合正则表达式 app/**/*.php 的文件一经修改,就会触发 message 任务。 很好!接着你可以将这行程序写在 Gulpfile 的顶端,或者将它放到自定义任务的文件里。如果你选择后者,那么你必须将它加载至你的 Gulpfile,例如: `require("./custom-tasks")` 大功告成!最后你只需要将他们结合。 ~~~ elixir(function(mix) { mix.speak("Tea, Earl Grey, Hot"); }); ~~~ 加入之后,每当你触发 Gulp,Picard 就会要求一些茶。