企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
--- description: >- IF(BOOL 学习= =FALSE)BOOL 落后=TRUE;不断的学习,我们才能不断的前进。知识梳理,感谢朋友们,感谢所有参与这个开源项目的所有人。感谢iOS编程的爱好者们!国内服务器访问很慢,请耐心等待,谢谢!有条件,建议翻墙反问! --- # 前言 ## `Can I become who I want to be?` No mood, do not understand romance, maybe this is a side of programmers, but have unpretentious love is their other side. **`I believe`** I believe that with curiosity and a little effort, we can go from "know nothing" to "know a little" and then "know a little", which will accumulate slowly. Maybe one day, I will suddenly find that I can also stand on the shoulders of giants, so I really stand on the shoulders of giants. By then, we must have started on a new journey. It will be truly creative work. ## Objective-c基础知识 * **@property等关键字知识** * **动态特性** * **Category类别、扩展、继承** * **Protocol 协议** * **KVO/KVC** * **Notification 通知** * **Delegate** * **Block** * **多线程(GCD与NSOperation等)** * **内存管理** ## CocoaTouch * **MapKit** * **iAd** * **Message UI** * **UIKit** * **Address Book UI** * **Event Kit UI** * **Game Kit** ## Core Services * **Core Location** * **Core Data** * **Event Kit** ## Media Layer * **Quartz Core \(**_**Core Animation、CALayer**_**\)** * **AVFoundation** * **Audio Toolbox** * **AssetsLibrary** * **Core Text \(RTLable 、DTCoreText\)** * **OpenCV** * **GPUImage** ## Open Source Framework * **MBProgressHUD** * **SDWebImage** * **MWPhotoBrowser STPhotoBrowser** * **ReactiveCocoa 框架** * **AFNetworking** * **YTKNetwork** * **WebViewJavascriptBridge** * **待续约** ## 网络通信 * **XML解析** * **Json解析** * **网络请求、监控** * **socket** ## 数据存储 * **SQLite** * **FMDB** * **Core Data** * **文件管理器** * **NSUserdefault** * **序列化** ## 通知 * **本地通知** * **远程通知** ## APPStore * **上架流程** * **内购配置** * **待续** ## 图像处理 * **GPUImage** * **OpenCV** ## URLScheme * **打电话** * **发短信** * **发邮件** * **自定义scheme** ## 加密与解密 * ~~**Base64**~~**与MD5** * **DES** * **AES** * **Open SSL** ## 项目管理 * **GIT** * **SVN** * **SCRUM** * **** * **UML** ## 设计模式 * **MVC** * **组件化** ## 开发技巧 * **调试工具** * **bug管理** * **友盟统计反馈** * **宏定义** ## 三方平台 * **即时通讯** * **支付品台** * **三方登录** * **分享平台** * **统计平台** ## 结束语 * **感谢**