# Introduction
GraphQL 是一种应用程序层查询语言,可以用于任何数据库。它也是开源的(MIT许可证),由 Facebook 创建。它与REST 的主要区别在于 GraphQL 不使用端点,而是使用查询(GraphQL does not use endpoints, but queries instead),并且大多数服务器语言都支持它,比如 JavaScript (Node.js)、Go、Ruby、PHP、Java和Python。
We'll now look at the main differences between GraphQL and REST.
- The queries are readable
- You can evolve the API without versions
- Type system
- You can avoid doing multiple round trips to fetch related data
- It's easy to limit the set of data we need
- In REST, everything is a resource
- REST is schemaless
- You need versions to evolve the API
- It's hard to limit the set of data we need
- If you need data from different resources, you need to make multiple requests