# collection格式化markdown数据列表
$messages = [
'Should be working now for all Providers.',
'If you see one where spaces are in the title let me know.',
'But there should not have blank in the key of config or .env file.'
- Should be working now for all Providers. \n
- If you see one where spaces are in the title let me know. \n
- But there should not have blank in the key of config or .env file.
## 使用foreach循环解决
$messages = [
'Should be working now for all Providers.',
'If you see one where spaces are in the title let me know.',
'But there should not have blank in the key of config or .env file.'
$comment = '- ' . array_shift($messages);
foreach ($messages as $message) {
$comment .= "\n - ${message}";
## 使用collection的[map](/collections/map.md)和[implode](/collections/implode.md)方法
$messages = [
'Should be working now for all Providers.',
'If you see one where spaces are in the title let me know.',
'But there should not have blank in the key of config or .env file.'
$comment = collect($messages)->map(function($message){
return '- ' . $message;
- 介绍
- Laravel5发送邮件使用Service隔离业务
- 如何使用Repository模式
- 如何使用Service模式
- 如何使用Presenter模式
- Laravel 5.* 执行迁移文件报错:Specified key was too long error
- EloquentORM关联关系
- EloquentORM关联关系之一对一
- EloquentORM关联关系之一对多
- EloquentORM关联关系之远层一对多
- EloquentORM关联关系之多对多
- EloquentORM关联关系之多态关联
- EloquentORM关联关系之多对多多态关联
- Laravel测试
- Laravel中涉及认证跳转地址的修改的地方
- Laravel中Collection的基本使用
- all
- avg
- chuck
- collapse
- combine
- contains
- containsStrict
- count
- diff
- diffAssoc
- diffKeys
- each
- every
- except
- filter
- first
- flatMap
- flatten
- flip
- forget
- forPage
- get
- groupBy
- has
- implode
- intersect
- intersectKey
- isEmpty
- isNotEmpty
- keyBy
- keys
- last
- map
- mapWithKeys
- max
- median
- merge
- min
- mode
- nth
- only
- partition
- pipe
- pluck
- pop
- prepend
- pull
- push
- put
- random
- reduce
- reject
- reverse
- search
- shift
- shuffle
- slice
- sort
- sortBy
- sortByDesc
- splice
- split
- sum
- take
- tap
- times
- toArray
- toJson
- transform
- union
- unique
- uniqueStrict
- values
- when
- where
- whereStrict
- whereIn
- whereInStrict
- whereNotIn
- whereNotInStrict
- zip
- Laravel中Collection的实际使用
- collection中sum求和
- collection格式化计算数据
- collection格式化计算数据计算github事件得分总和
- collection格式化markdown数据列表
- collection格式化计算两个数组的数据
- collection中reduce创建lookup数组