企业🤖AI Agent构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
部署前需要关闭防火墙: `iptables -F` ### 安装python3 环境centos7.2 下载、解压(编译安装,把下载好的python3安装包解压): Linux下默认系统自带python2.7的版本,这个版本被系统很多程序所依赖,所以不建议删除,如果使用最新的Python3那么我们知道编译安装源码包和系统默认包之间是没有任何影响的,所以可以安装python3和python2共存   首先去python官网下载python3的源码包,网址:   进去之后点击导航栏的Downloads,也可以鼠标放到Downloads上弹出菜单选择Source code,就是源码包的意思,这里选择最新版本36.2,当然下面也有很多其他历史版本,点进去之后页面下方可以看到下载链接,包括源码包、Mac OSX安装包、Windows的安装包 tar -xvf Python-3.6.2.tgz * * * * * 进入目录: ~~~ cd Python-3.6.2/ ~~~ 添加配置: ~~~ ./configure --with-ssl --prefix=/usr/python ~~~   这里配置自己的安装目录,接下来编译源码、安装: ~~~ make && make install ~~~ 如果出现错误提示缺少zlib...啥的则需要安装zlib相关依赖包 ~~~ yum -y install zlib* ~~~ 注:如果安装后出现```Ignoring ensurepip failure: pip 9.0.1 requires SSL/TLS``` 则 ```yum install -y openssl-devel``` 2、进入 Python安装包,修改Module路径的setup文件: ~~~ vim Modules/Setup ~~~ 找到下面一行代码,去掉注释: ~~~ #zlib zlibmodule.c -I$(prefix)/include -L$(exec_prefix)/lib -lz 去掉注释 zlib zlibmodule.c -I$(prefix)/include -L$(exec_prefix)/lib -lz ~~~ 系统中原来的python在/usr/bin/python,通过ls -l可以看到,python是一个软链接,链接到本目录下的python2.7 我们可以把这个删除,也可以新建一个python3的软链接,只不过执行时python要改成python3,或者python脚本头部声明要改为#!/usr/bin/python3 ``` ln -s /usr/python/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python3 ``` #### 安装pip ~~~ wget --no-check-certificate python3 ~~~ 如果pip安装模块时提示 ~~~ pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not available. ~~~ 则需要安装openssl ~~~ yum install -y openssl-devel ~~~ 然后重新编译安装即可 #### 安装virtualenv ~~~ pip install virtualenv mkdir myproject cd myproject virtualenv --no-site-packages venv (指定python版本:virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv) linux:source venv/bin/activate windows:venv\Scripts\activate deactivate 退出 ~~~ 注:如果出现 ```bash: pip: command not found``` 首先查找pip安装目录 ```find / -name pip``` 然后建立软链 ```ln -s /usr/python/bin/pip /usr/bin/pip ``` #### 安装uwsgi ~~~ pip install uwsgi ~~~ 配置uwsgi 在网站根目录下创建config.ini文件,写入以下内容 ~~~ [uwsgi] # uwsgi 启动时所使用的地址与端口 socket = # 指向网站目录 chdir = /home/project/flask/ # python 启动程序文件 wsgi-file = # python 程序内用以启动的 application 变量名 callable = app # 处理器数 processes = 4 # 线程数 threads = 2 #状态检测地址 stats = ~~~ #### 安装nginx ~~~ yum -y install nginx ~~~ 配置nginx ~~~ vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf server{ listen 80; server_name; root /home/project/flask; location / { include uwsgi_params; uwsgi_pass; # 指向uwsgi 所应用的内部地址,所有请求将转发给uwsgi 处理 uwsgi_param UWSGI_PYHOME /home/project/flask/flask_env361; # 指向虚拟环境目录 uwsgi_param UWSGI_CHDIR /home/project/flask; # 指向网站根目录 uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCRIPT manage:app; # 指定启动程序 } } 开启 /bin/systemctl start nginx.service 重启 /bin/systemctl restart nginx.service ~~~ #### 安装supervisor ~~~ yum install python-setuptools pip install supervisor ~~~ 测试是否安装成功 ~~~ echo_supervisord_conf ~~~ 创建配置文件 ~~~ mkdir -m 755 -p /etc/supervisor/ cd /etc echo_supervisord_conf > /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf cd supervisor ~~~ 创建项目配置文件目录 ~~~ mkdir -m 755 conf.d cd /etc/supervisor/conf.d vim flask.conf [program:flask] command =/home/project/flask/flask_env361/bin/uwsgi /home/project/flask/config.ini directory =/home/project/flask user =root autostart=true autorestart=true startsecs=5 priority=1 stopasgroup=true killasgroup=true stderr_logfile=/home/project/log/error.log#要确保该目录存在 ~~~ 在主配文档中引入flask.conf ~~~ vim supervisord.conf ~~~ 找到include ~~~ ;[include] ;files = relative/directory/*.ini //改为 [include] files = ./conf.d/*.conf ~~~ 启动supervisor ~~~ supervisord -c supervisord.conf ~~~ 如果出现以下错误 ~~~ Error: Another program is already listening on a port that one of our HTTP servers is configured to use. Shut this program down first before starting supervisord. For help, use /root/.pyenv/versions/2.7.6/bin/supervisord -h ~~~ 找到 supervisor.sock ~~~ unlink supervisor.sock ~~~ 重新启动supervisor 用supervisorctl查看已经被监控的program ~~~ (flask_env361) [root@iZ2zefw4wlcm0he1pjkawoZ supervisor]# supervisorctl flask RUNNING pid 1764, uptime 0:59:45 ~~~ 如果supervisorctl没效果,换成 ~~~ supervisorctl -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf ~~~ 重启监控服务 ~~~ supervisorctl reload ~~~ 异常解决 ~~~ [root@iZ2zefw4wlcm0he1pjkawoZ supervisor]# supervisorctl unix:///tmp/supervisor.sock no such file supervisor> reload Really restart the remote supervisord process y/N? y error: <class 'socket.error'>, [Errno 2] No such file or directory: file: /usr/lib64/python2.7/ line: 224 supervisor> status unix:///tmp/supervisor.sock no such file supervisor> exit [root@iZ2zefw4wlcm0he1pjkawoZ supervisor]# supervisord /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security. 'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching ' [root@iZ2zefw4wlcm0he1pjkawoZ supervisor]# supervisorctl flask RUNNING pid 2 2995, uptime 0:00:15 ~~~ #### 安装mysql 1.下载MySQL源 ~~~ wget ~~~ 2.安装MySQL源 ~~~ sudo rpm -ivh mysql57-community-release-el7-7.noarch.rpm ~~~ 3.安装mysql-community-server ~~~ sudo yum install mysql-community-server -y ~~~ 4.重启mysql ~~~ systemctl restart mysqld 注:自动启动服务用 systemctl enable mysqld ~~~ 5.查看临时密码 ~~~ grep 'A temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log ~~~ 6.数据库修改密码 ~~~ set global validate_password_policy=0; ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxxxxx'; ~~~ yum -y install mysql-devel 查看日志 ~~~ tail -f /var/log/mysqld.log ~~~