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>[success] # 使用迭代器 ~~~ 1.iter 函数一个鲜为人知的特性是它接受一个可选的 callable 对象和一个标记(结尾)值作为输入参数。当以这种方式使用的时候,它会创建一个迭代器, 这个迭代器会不断调用 callable 对象直到返回值和标记值相等为止。 2.也就是说第一个参数必须是一个函数 def iter(source, sentinel=None): # known special case of iter """ iter(iterable) -> iterator iter(callable, sentinel) -> iterator Get an iterator from an object. In the first form, the argument must supply its own iterator, or be a sequence. In the second form, the callable is called until it returns the sentinel. """ pass ~~~ ~~~ CHUNKSIZE = 8192 def reader(s): while True: data = s.recv(CHUNKSIZE) if data == b'': break process_data(data) ~~~ * 可以写成 ~~~ def reader2(s): for chunk in iter(lambda: s.recv(CHUNKSIZE), b''): pass # process_data(data) ~~~