# Angular实现下拉菜单多选
AngularJS Dropdown Multiselect
This directive gives you a Bootstrap Dropdown with the power of AngularJS directives.
### Features
Based on Bootstrap's dropdown.
jQuery is not necessary.
Seperated your data and the selection data. no modification to the data made.
Built-in search.
Complete control on the selected items model to fit it to your requirements.
Two view options: normal list and checkboxes.
Pre-selected values.
Limit selection count.
Grouping items by property.
Callback events.
### Demo
required: AngularJS >= 1.2, Lodash >= 2, Bootstrap >= 3.0
Make sure to add the dependencies before the directive's js file.
Note: Bootstrap JS file is not needed for the directive, it just uses the CSS file.
Download the files
Using bower:
Just run bower install angularjs-dropdown-multiselect
Manually: You can download the .js file directly or clone this repository.
Include the file in your app
<script type="text/javascript" src="angularjs-dropdown-multiselect.js"></script>.
You can also use the minfined version (angularjs-dropdown-multiselect.min.js).
Include the module in angular (i.e. in app.js) - angularjs-dropdown-multiselect
Usage and Documentation
See the documentation and examples in the GitHub pages: [http://dotansimha.github.io/angularjs-dropdown-multiselect/](http://dotansimha.github.io/angularjs-dropdown-multiselect/)
由以上英文文档可以得知,若使用angularjs-dropdown-multiselect,首先需要在index.html中引入AngularJS >= 1.2, Lodash >= 2, Bootstrap >= 3.0,如下所示:
<script src="js/angularjs-dropdown-multiselect.js"></script>
<script src="js/lodash.min.js"></script>
var routerApp = angular.module('routerApp', ['ui.router', 'ngCookies', 'ngTable', 'angularjs-dropdown-multiselect', 'MedListModule']);
<div style="float:left">优 惠 类 型:</div>
<!-- Demo -->
<div ng-dropdown-multiselect=""
$scope.yhctlModel = [];
$scope.yhctlModelOptions = [
{id: 1, label: '限定用户'},
{id: 2, label: "限定商家"},
{id: 3, label: "限定使用次数"},
{id: 4, label: "限定药品"},
{id: 5, label: "与其它优惠共享"}];
- 前言
- (二)AngularJS路由问题解决
- (四)ANGULAR.JS实现下拉菜单单选
- (五)Angular实现下拉菜单多选
- (六)AngularJS+BootStrap实现弹出对话框
- (七)实现根据不同条件显示不同控件
- (十)AngularJS改变元素显示状态
- (十四)AngularJS灵异代码事件
- (十七)在AngularJS应用中实现微信认证授权遇到的坑
- (十八)在AngularJS应用中集成科大讯飞语音输入功能
- (十九)在AngularJS应用中集成百度地图实现定位功能
- (二十一)Angularjs中scope与rootscope区别及联系
- (二十三)ANGULAR三宗罪之版本陷阱
- (二十四)AngularJS与单选框及多选框的双向动态绑定
- (二十五)JS实现导入文件功能
- (二十七)实现二维码信息的集成思路
- (二十八)解决AngualrJS页面刷新导致异常显示问题
- (二十九)AngularJS项目开发技巧之localStorage存储
- (三十)AngularJS项目开发技巧之图片预加载
- (三十一)AngularJS项目开发技巧之获取模态对话框中的组件ID
- (三十二)书海拾贝之特殊的ng-src和ng-href
- (三十三)书海拾贝之简介AngularJS中使用factory和service的方法
- (三十四)Angular数据更新不及时问题探讨
- (三十六)AngularJS项目开发技巧之利用Service&Promise&Resolve解决图片预加载问题(后记)