🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
# Self directed learning This section focuses on free and paid resources (video training, books etc..) that an individual can use to direct their own learning process and career as a front-end developer. The resources include free material and paid material. Paid material will be indicated with [$]. The author believes that anyone with the right determination and dedication can teach themselves how to be a front-end developer. All that is required is a computer connected to the web and some cash for books and video training. Below are a few video learning outlets (tech focused) I generally recommend pulling content from: - [Front-End Masters](https://frontendmasters.com/) - [pluralsight.com](http://www.pluralsight.com/) [careful, quality varies] - [tutsplus.com](https://tutsplus.com/courses) - [lynda.com](http://www.lynda.com/) [careful, quality varies] - [treehouse](https://teamtreehouse.com/) - [mijingo](https://mijingo.com/) - [codeschool.com](https://www.codeschool.com/) - [laracasts](https://laracasts.com/) - [eventedmind.com](https://www.eventedmind.com/) - [egghead.io](https://egghead.io/) - [codecademy.com](https://codecademy.com) - [Khan Academy](https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming) - [Tagtree](http://tagtree.tv/library) - [Udacity](https://www.udacity.com/courses/web-development)