在本科的大四那年接触到了Monoceros,想要进行学习却痛苦地发现资料很难找,官方的User Manual需要一定的理解成本,也没有对单个电池的介绍,所以选择自己编撰一本字典,供自己使用,也供感兴趣的同学一起学习。
默认可以找到这篇文档的同学应该是已经对波函数塌陷有点理解了,所以在此不进行赘述,不了解的同学可以打开b站看看,或者翻墙去外网搜 Wave Function Collapse看看有意思的案例。
--: Face,2023.3
- 序
- 自学指南
- 阅读指南(不要跳过!建议阅读)
- Main组
- Monoceros WFC Solver
- Materialize Slots
- Module组
- Construct Empty Module
- Construct Module
- Deconstruct Module
- Parameters组
- Module
- Module Name
- Rule
- Slot
- Rule组
- Are Rules Equal
- Construct Explicit Rule
- Construct Explicit Rule between 2 Lists
- Construct Typed Rule
- Deconstruct Explicit Rule
- Deconstruct Typed Rule
- Is Rule Explicit
- Is Rule Typed
- Collect Rules
- Unwrap Typed Rules
- Explicit Rule from Curve
- Typed Rule from Point
- Construct Indifferent Rule
- Construct Rule At Boundary
- Indifferent Rule from Point
- Indifferent Rules for unused Connectors
- Rule at Boundary from Point
- Scan Slots for Rules
- Suggest Rules from Geometry
- Preview Rules
- Slots组
- Construct Slot with All Modules Allowed
- Construct Slot with Listed modules Allowed
- Deconstruct Slot
- Add Boundary Layer
- Are Slots Boundary
- Slice Geometry
- Slots from Geometry
- Assemble Rule into Slots
- 常见bug
- Failed to collect any Slot centers from the given geometry.
- Data conversion failed from Point to Monoceros Connector Index
- 运算器不报错,但无结果
- 现实结果与理想不服
- 创建了两条相同的规则
- 具有相同键