# TCL script for DC
set hdlin_translate_off_skip_text "true"
set verilogout_no_tri "true"
set default_schematic_options "-size infinite"
set write_name_nets_same_as_ports "true"
# dc_shell TcL startup script:
set designer "klin"
set company "QiXin"
# Some design environment variables:
set search_path ". $search_path ../../library"
# tc = Typical; bc = Best; wc = Worst:
set target_library typical.db
set link_library "* typical.db"
set symbol_library tsmc090.sdb
# ---------------------------------
# Set up a work library for this design in a subdirectory:
define_design_lib Intro_Top -path ./Intro_TopSynth
# Precompile and check all modules:
analyze -work Intro_Top -format verilog AndOr.v
analyze -work Intro_Top -format verilog SR.v
analyze -work Intro_Top -format verilog XorNor.v
analyze -work Intro_Top -format verilog Intro_Top.v
# Prelink the complete design (top module):
elaborate -work Intro_Top Intro_Top
# ---------------------------------
set_operating_conditions typical
# Must specify every module ("design"):
set_wire_load_model -name "tsmc090_wl10" [all_designs]
# For XG mode portability to back-end tools:
set_fix_multiple_port_nets -all -buffer_constants
# Some netlist-level design rules:
set_drive 5.0 [all_inputs]
set_load 1.0 [all_outputs]
set_max_fanout 5 [all_inputs]
# Design-specific constraints:
set_max_area 200
set_max_delay 0.5 -to [all_outputs]
# Drop into interactive mode for compile & optimize:
# check the timing and area infomation
# Save the netlist in Synopsys (ddc) format:
write -hierarchy -format ddc
# Save the netlist in verilog netlist format:
write -hierarchy -format verilog -output Intro_TopNetlist.v
# Write a Standard Delay Format (SDF) back-annotation
# file for future simulation, using DC library delays:
write_sdf Intro_Top.SDF
# Quit DC:
# re-synthesize the RTL to improve the timing
# dc_shell-t -f Intro_Top.sct
# ungroup -all -flatten
# compile -map_effort high
# change_names -rules verilog
# write -hierarchy -format verilog -output Intro_Flatten_Netlist.v
# write_sdf Intro_Top.sdf