|标记| 用途| 描述|
| --- | --- | --- |
|@abstract| |抽象类的变量和方法|
|@access| public, private or protected |文档的访问、使用权限. @access private 表明这个文档是被保护的。|
|@author| 刘贤松 <326427540@qq.com> |文档作者|
|@copyright| 名称 时间 |文档版权信息|
|@deprecated| version |文档中被废除的方法|
||@deprec | 同 @deprecated|
|@example| /path/to/example |文档的外部保存的示例文件的位置。|
|@exception| |文档中方法抛出的异常,也可参照 @throws.|
|@global| 类型:$globalvarname |文档中的全局变量及有关的方法和函数|
|@ignore| |忽略文档中指定的关键字|
|@internal| |开发团队内部信息|
|@link| |URL 类似于license 但还可以通过link找到文档中的更多个详细的信息|
|@name| 变量别名| 为某个变量指定别名|
|@magic| |phpdoc.de compatibility|
|@package| 封装包的名称 |一组相关类、函数封装的包名称|
|@param| 如 [$username] 用户名 |变量含义注释|
|@return| 如 返回bool |函数返回结果描述,一般不用在void(空返回结果的)的函数中|
|@see| 如 Class Login() |文件关联的任何元素(全局变量,包括,页面,类,函数,定义,方法,变量)。|
|@since| version |记录什么时候对文档的哪些部分进行了更改|
|@static| |记录静态类、方法|
|@staticvar| |在类、函数中使用的静态变量|
|@subpackage| |子版本|
|@throws| |某一方法抛出的异常|
|@todo| |表示文件未完成或者要完善的地方|
|@var| type |文档中的变量及其类型|
|@version| |文档、类、函数的版本信息|
* start page for webaccess
* PHP version 5
* @category PHP
* @package PSI_Web
* @author Michael Cramer <BigMichi1@users.sourceforge.net>
* @copyright 2009 phpSysInfo
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License
* @version SVN: $Id: class.Webpage.inc.php 412 2010-12-29 09:45:53Z Jacky672 $
* @link http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net
* generate the dynamic webpage
* @category PHP
* @package PSI_Web
* @author Michael Cramer <BigMichi1@users.sourceforge.net>
* @copyright 2009 phpSysInfo
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License
* @version Release: 3.0
* @link http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net
class Webpage extends Output implements PSI_Interface_Output
* configured language
* @var String
private $_language;
* configured template
* @var String
private $_template;
* all available templates
* @var Array
private $_templates = array();
* all available languages
* @var Array
private $_languages = array();
* check for all extensions that are needed, initialize needed vars and read config.php
public function __construct()
* checking config.php setting for template, if not supportet set phpsysinfo.css as default
* checking config.php setting for language, if not supported set en as default
* @return void
private function _checkTemplateLanguage()
$this->_template = trim(PSI_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE);
if (!file_exists(APP_ROOT.'/templates/'.$this->_template.".css")) {
$this->_template = 'phpsysinfo';
$this->_language = trim(PSI_DEFAULT_LANG);
if (!file_exists(APP_ROOT.'/language/'.$this->_language.".xml")) {
$this->_language = 'en';
* get all available tamplates and store them in internal array
* @return void
private function _getTemplateList()
$dirlist = CommonFunctions::gdc(APP_ROOT.'/templates/');
foreach ($dirlist as $file) {
$tpl_ext = substr($file, strlen($file) - 4);
$tpl_name = substr($file, 0, strlen($file) - 4);
if ($tpl_ext === ".css") {
array_push($this->_templates, $tpl_name);
* get all available translations and store them in internal array
* @return void
private function _getLanguageList()
$dirlist = CommonFunctions::gdc(APP_ROOT.'/language/');
foreach ($dirlist as $file) {
$lang_ext = substr($file, strlen($file) - 4);
$lang_name = substr($file, 0, strlen($file) - 4);
if ($lang_ext == ".xml") {
array_push($this->_languages, $lang_name);
* render the page
* @return void
public function run()
$tpl = new Template("/templates/html/index_dynamic.html");
$tpl->set("template", $this->_template);
$tpl->set("templates", $this->_templates);
$tpl->set("language", $this->_language);
$tpl->set("languages", $this->_languages);
echo $tpl->fetch();