工具名称: dnsmap
所属分类: Information Gathering
标签: [information gathering,recon,dnsmap,dns,kali linux]
创建时间: 2016-10-20 17:55:00
0x00 dnsmap介绍
dnsmap起源于2006年,是受到一个叫做“The Thief No One Saw”的小故事的启发后开发的,这个小故事能在Paul Craig的书《Stealing the Network - How to Own the Bow》中找到。
dnsmap 主要用来在渗透测试的信息收集阶段来协助测试网络的基础设施的安全性,它能发现目标的网段,域名,甚至是电话号码等等。
[dnsmap主页][1] | [Kali dnsmap Repo仓库][2]
- 作者:pagvac
- 证书:GPLv2
0x01 dnsmap功能
dnsmap - DNS域名蛮力穷举工具
root@kali:~# dnsmap
dnsmap 0.30 - DNS Network Mapper by pagvac (gnucitizen.org)
用法: dnsmap <目标域> [选项]
-w <指定字典文件>
-r <指定结果以常规格式输出文件>
-c <指定结果以csv格式输出文件>
-d <设置延迟(毫秒)>
-i <忽略的IP> (当你遇到一个虚假的IP地址时很有用)
dnsmap target-domain.com
dnsmap target-domain.com -w yourwordlist.txt -r /tmp/domainbf_results.txt
dnsmap target-fomain.com -r /tmp/ -d 3000
dnsmap target-fomain.com -r ./domainbf_results.txt
0x02 dnsmap用法示例
root@kali:~# dnsmap example.com -w /usr/share/wordlists/dnsmap.txt
dnsmap 0.30 - DNS Network Mapper by pagvac (gnucitizen.org)
[+] searching (sub)domains for example.com using /usr/share/wordlists/dnsmap.txt
[+] using maximum random delay of 10 millisecond(s) between requests
0x02 dnsmap-bulk用法示例
root@kali:~# dnsmap-bulk.sh domain.txt
dnsmap 0.30 - DNS Network Mapper by pagvac (gnucitizen.org)
[+] searching (sub)domains for acm.cuit.edu.cn using built-in wordlist
[+] using maximum random delay of 10 millisecond(s) between requests
[+] 0 (sub)domains and 0 IP address(es) found
[+] completion time: 17 second(s)
dnsmap 0.30 - DNS Network Mapper by pagvac (gnucitizen.org)
[+] error: entered domain is not valid!
dnsmap 0.30 - DNS Network Mapper by pagvac (gnucitizen.org)
[+] error: entered domain is not valid!
dnsmap 0.30 - DNS Network Mapper by pagvac (gnucitizen.org)
[+] error: entered domain is not valid!
dnsmap 0.30 - DNS Network Mapper by pagvac (gnucitizen.org)
[+] searching (sub)domains for using built-in wordlist
[+] using maximum random delay of 10 millisecond(s) between requests
[1]: http://code.google.com/p/dnsmap/
[2]: http://git.kali.org/gitweb/?p=packages/dnsmap.git;a=summary
- Information Gathering
- acccheck
- ace-voip
- Amap
- Automater
- bing-ip2hosts
- braa
- CaseFile
- CDPSnarf
- cisco-torch
- Cookie Cadger
- copy-router-config
- DMitry
- dnmap
- dnsenum
- dnsmap
- DNSRecon
- dnstracer
- dnswalk
- DotDotPwn
- enum4linux
- enumIAX
- Fierce
- Firewalk
- fragroute
- fragrouter
- Ghost Phisher
- GoLismero
- goofile
- hping3
- InTrace
- lbd
- Maltego Teeth
- masscan
- Metagoofil
- Miranda
- nbtscan-unixwiz
- Nmap
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- p0f
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- Recon-ng
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- sslstrip
- SSLyze
- theHarvester
- twofi
- URLCrazy
- Wireshark
- Xplico
- Vulnerability Analysis
- cisco-auditing-tool
- cisco-global-exploiter
- cisco-ocs
- cisco-torch
- copy-router-config
- Doona
- Exploitation Tools
- Wireless Attacks
- Ghost-Phisher
- mfoc
- Forensics Tools
- Binwalk
- bulk-extractor
- Web Applications
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- BurpSuite
- sqlmap
- w3af
- Sniffing-Spoofing
- Bettercap
- Burp Suite
- DNSChef
- Fiked
- hamster-sidejack
- HexInject
- Password Attacks
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- hashcat
- John the Ripper
- Johnny
- Hardware Hacking
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- apktool
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- Sakis3G
- Reverse Engineering
- apktool