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~~~ λ boot2docker -h Usage: boot2docker [<options>] <command> [<args>] Boot2Docker management utility. Commands: init Create a new Boot2Docker VM. up|start|boot Start VM from any states. ssh [ssh-command] Login to VM via SSH. save|suspend Suspend VM and save state to disk. down|stop|halt Gracefully shutdown the VM. restart Gracefully reboot the VM. poweroff Forcefully power off the VM (may corrupt disk image). reset Forcefully power cycle the VM (may corrupt disk image). delete|destroy Delete Boot2Docker VM and its disk image. config|cfg Show selected profile file settings. info Display detailed information of VM. ip Display the IP address of the VM's Host-only network. shellinit Display the shell commands to set up the Docker client. status Display current state of VM. download Download Boot2Docker ISO image. upgrade Upgrade the Boot2Docker ISO image (restart if running). version Display version information. Options: --basevmdk="": Path to VMDK to use as base for persistent partition --clobber=false: overwrite Docker client binary on boot2docker upgrade -c, --cpus=4: number of CPUs for boot2docker. --dhcp=true: enable VirtualBox host-only network DHCP. --dhcpip= VirtualBox host-only network DHCP server address. -s, --disksize=20000: boot2docker disk image size (in MB). --dockerport=0: host Docker port (forward to port 2376 in VM). (deprecated - use with care) --driver="virtualbox": hypervisor driver. --force-upgrade-download=false: always download on boot2docker upgrade, never skip --hostip= VirtualBox host-only network IP address. --iso="C:\\Users\\hyy\\.boot2docker\\boot2docker.iso": path to boot2docker ISO image. --iso-url="": source URL to provision the boot2docker ISO image. --lowerip= VirtualBox host-only network DHCP lower bound. -m, --memory=2048: virtual machine memory size (in MB). --netmask=ffffff00: VirtualBox host-only network mask. --no-dummy="": Example parameter for the dummy driver. --retries=75: number of port knocking retries during 'start' --ssh="ssh": path to SSH client utility. --ssh-keygen="ssh-keygen": path to ssh-keygen utility. --sshkey="C:\\Users\\hyy\\.ssh\\id_boot2docker": path to SSH key to use. --sshport=2022: host SSH port (forward to port 22 in VM). --upperip= VirtualBox host-only network DHCP upper bound. --vbm="D:\\Program Files\\Oracle\\VirtualBox\\VBoxManage.exe": path to VirtualBox management utility. --vbox-share=[]: (defaults to 'C:\Users=c/Users' if no shares are specified; use 'disable' to explicitly prevent any shares from being created) List of directories to share during 'up|start|boot' via VirtualBox Guest Additions, with optional labels -v, --verbose=false: display verbose command invocations. --vm="boot2docker-vm": virtual machine name. --waittime=300: Time in milliseconds to wait between port knocking retries during 'start' ~~~