# 指标API
## 指标API
### isUserEditEnabled()
### setUserEditEnabled(enabled)
1. `enabled` - `true` or `false`
Enables or disables removing/changing/hiding a study by the user.
### getInputsInfo()
Returns the information about all the inputs - an array of [StudyInputInfo](#studyinputinfo) objects.
### getInputValues()
Returns values of study inputs - an array of [StudyInputValueItem](#studyinputvalueitem) objects.
### setInputValues(inputs)
1. `inputs` should be an array of [StudyInputValueItem](#studyinputvalueitem) objects.
Sets input values for a study. It may contain only some of the inputs that you wish to change.
### mergeUp()
Merges the study up (if possible).
### mergeDown()
Merges the study down (if possible).
### unmergeUp()
Unmerges the study up (if possible).
### unmergeDown()
Unmerges the study down (if possible).
### changePriceScale(priceScale)
1. `priceScale` should be a string with one of the following values:
- `left` - attach the study to the left price scale
- `right` - attach the study to the right price scale
- `no-scale` - do not attach the study to any price scale. The study will be added in 'No Scale' mode
- `as-series` - attach the study to the price scale where the main series is attached (it is only applicable if the study and the main series are located on the same pane)
Changes the price scale of the study
### isVisible()
Returns `true` if the study is visible.
### setVisible(value)
1. `value` - `true` or `false`
Shows/hides the study.
### bringToFront()
Places the study on top of all other chart objects.
### sendToBack()
Places the study behind all other chart objects.
### applyOverrides(overrides)
1. `overrides` - new [overrides](Studies-Overrides) for the study
Applies `overrides` to the study.
Note: `overrides` object keys don’t need to start with the study name. The key is applied to a particular study. For example, you should use `style` instead of `Overlay.style` to override the current style of the Overlay study.
## Primitive types
### StudyInputInfo
An object with the following keys:
- `id` - input ID of the study
- `name` - name of the input
- `type` - type of the input
- `localizedName` - name of the input translated to the current language
### StudyInputValueItem
An object with the following keys:
- `id` - input ID of the study
- `value` - value of the input
- 序言
- 更新日志
- 1、Charting Library是什么
- 2-1、图表库内容
- 2-2、运行图表库
- 3-1、如何连接我的数据
- 3-2、JS Api
- 3-3、UDF
- 3-4、Symbology
- 3-5、交易时段
- 3-6、报价
- 4-1、定制概述
- 4-2、Widget构造器
- 4-3、Widget方法
- 4-4、图表方法
- 4-5、功能集
- 4-7、定制的使用案例
- 5-1、交易终端简介
- 5-2、交易控制器
- 5-3、经纪商API
- 5-4、交易主机
- 5-5、账户管理器
- 5-6、交易对象和常量
- 6、储存和载入图表
- 7、创建自定义指标
- 7、最佳做法
- 9、经常被问到的问题
- 10、版本变更点
- 周期
- 时间范围
- 本地化
- 覆盖
- 绘图覆盖
- 指标覆盖
- 形状与覆盖
- 订阅
- 交易元语
- 在K线上做标记
- 委托
- WatchedValue
- 指标API
- 形状API
- 容器API
- 价格坐标Api