<a id = "header"></a>
>[info] 以下是各个子专题及其问题的索引。需要注意的是,有的问题被归入**不止一个子专题**中。
- [比对](#alignment);[组合数学](#combinatorics);[计算质谱](#comp-mass-spec);[分治法](#divide-conquer);
- [动态规划](#dyn-prog);[基因组组装](#genome-asse);[基因组重排](#genome-rear);[图论算法](#graph-algo);
- [图结构](#graphs);[遗传](#heredity);[系统发生](#phylogeny);[种群动态](#popu-dyna);
- [概率论](#probability);[集合论](#set-theory);[排序](#sorting);[字符串算法](#string-algo)
<a id = "alignment"></a>
## [比对](#header)
- Counting Point Mutations [点突变计数](HAMM.md)
- Pairwise Global Alignment 双序列全局比对
- Suboptimal Local Alignment 次优的局部比对
- Transitions and Transversions 转换与颠换
- Global Multiple Alignment 多序列全局比对
- Creating a Distance Matrix 创建距离矩阵
- Edit Distance 编辑距离
- Edit Distance Alignment 编辑距离比对
- Counting Optimal Alignments 计算最优比对
- Global Alignment with Scoring Matrix 基于打分矩阵的全局比对
- Global Alignment with Constant Gap Penalty 基于恒定空位罚分的全局比对
- Local Alignment with Scoring Matrix 基于打分矩阵的局部比对
- Maximizing the Gap Symbols of an Optimal Alignment 使最优比对的间隔信号最大化
- Multiple Alignment 多重比对
- Global Alignment with Scoring Matrix and Affine Gap Penalty 基于打分矩阵与仿射空位罚分的全局比对
- Overlap Alignment 重叠比对
- Semiglobal Alignment 半全局比对
- Local Alignment with Affine Gap Penalty 基于仿射空位罚分的局部比对
- Isolating Symbols in Alignments 区分比对信号
<a id = "combinatorics"></a>
## [组合数学](#header)
- Rabbits and Recurrence Relations [兔子与递推关系](FIB.md)
- Mortal Fibonacci Rabbits [寿命有限的斐波那契兔子](FIBD.md)
- Inferring mRNA from Protein 从蛋白质推测mRNA
- Open Reading Frames 开放读码框
- Enumerating Gene Orders 枚举基因次序
- Perfect Matchings and RNA Secondary Structures 完美匹配与RNA二级结构
- Partial Permutations 部分置换
- Enumerating Oriented Gene Orderings 枚举定向基因次序
- Catalan Numbers and RNA Secondary Structures 卡特兰数与RNA二级结构
- Counting Phylogenetic Ancestors 计算系统发生树祖先
- Maximum Matchings and RNA Secondary Structures 最大匹配与RNA二级结构
- Reversal Distance 翻转距离
- Counting Subsets 子集计算
- Introduction to Alternative Splicing 可变剪接介绍
- Motzkin Numbers and RNA Secondary Structures 莫特金数与RNA二级结构
- Sorting by Reversals 反转排序
- Wobble Bonding and RNA Secondary Structures 摇摆绑定与RNA二级结构
- Counting Optimal Alignments 计算最优比对
- Counting Unrooted Binary Trees 计算无根二叉树
- Counting Quartets 计算四分体
- Enumerating Unrooted Binary Trees 枚举无根二叉树
- Counting Rooted Binary Trees 计算有根二叉树
<a id = "comp-mass-spec"></a>
## [计算质谱](#header)
- Calculating Protein Mass 计算蛋白质质量
- Inferring Protein from Spectrum 从光谱推断蛋白质
- Comparing Spectra with the Spectral Convolution 光谱卷积的光谱比较
- Inferring Peptide from Full Spectrum 从全谱推断蛋白肽
- Matching a Spectrum to a Protein 蛋白质与光谱的匹配
- Using the Spectrum Graph to Infer Peptides 利用频谱图推断蛋白肽
<a id = "divide-conquer"></a>
## [分治法](#header)
- Binary Search 二分查找
- Merge Sort 归并排序
<a id = "dyn-prog"></a>
## [动态规划](#header)
- Rabbits and Recurrence Relations [兔子与递推关系](FIB.md)
- Mortal Fibonacci Rabbits [寿命有限的斐波那契兔子](FIBD.md)
- Longest Increasing Subsequence 最长上升子序列
- Perfect Matchings and RNA Secondary Structures 完美匹配与RNA二级结构
- Catalan Numbers and RNA Secondary Structures 卡特兰数与RNA二级结构
- Finding a Shared Spliced Motif 找出共享剪接基序
- Maximum Matchings and RNA Secondary Structures 最大匹配与RNA二级结构
- Edit Distance 编辑距离
- Motzkin Numbers and RNA Secondary Structures 莫特金数与RNA二级结构
- Interleaving Two Motifs 交错双基序
- Edit Distance Alignment 编辑距离比对
- Finding Disjoint Motifs in a Gene 找出基因中的不相连基序
- Wobble Bonding and RNA Secondary Structures 摇摆绑定与RNA二级结构
- Global Alignment with Scoring Matrix 基于打分矩阵的全局比对
- Global Alignment with Constant Gap Penalty 基于恒定空位罚分的全局比对
- Local Alignment with Scoring Matrix 基于打分矩阵的局部比对
- Maximizing the Gap Symbols of an Optimal Alignment 使最优比对的间隔信号最大化
- Multiple Alignment 多重比对
- Global Alignment with Scoring Matrix and Affine Gap Penalty 基于打分矩阵与仿射空位罚分的全局比对
- Overlap Alignment 重叠比对
- Semiglobal Alignment 半全局比对
- Local Alignment with Affine Gap Penalty 基于仿射空位罚分的局部比对
- Isolating Symbols in Alignments 区分比对信号
<a id = "genome-asse"></a>
## [基因组组装](#header)
- Genome Assembly as Shortest Superstring 基因组组装为最短“超序列”
- Error Correction in Reads 读段误差校正
- Constructing a De Bruijn Graph 构建De Bruijn图
- Genome Assembly with Perfect Coverage 具有完美覆盖度的基因组组装
- Genome Assembly Using Reads 使用读段进行基因组组装
- Assessing Assembly Quality with N50 and N75 使用N50与N75评估基因组组装质量
- Genome Assembly with Perfect Coverage and Repeats 具有完全覆盖与重复的基因组组装
<a id = "genome-rear"></a>
## [基因组重排](#header)
- Enumerating Gene Orders 枚举基因次序
- Longest Increasing Subsequence 最长上升子序列
- Partial Permutations 部分置换
- Enumerating Oriented Gene Orderings 枚举定向基因次序
- Reversal Distance 翻转距离
- Sorting by Reversals 反转排序
<a id = "graph-algo"></a>
## [图论算法](#header)
- Overlap Graphs 重叠图
- Completing a Tree 构建树
- Introduction to Pattern Matching 模式匹配介绍
- Finding the Longest Multiple Repeat 找出最长多次重复区域
- Wobble Bonding and RNA Secondary Structures 摇摆绑定与RNA二级结构
- Genome Assembly with Perfect Coverage 具有完美覆盖度的基因组组装
- Using the Spectrum Graph to Infer Peptides 利用频谱图推断蛋白肽
- Encoding Suffix Trees 编码后缀树
- Genome Assembly Using Reads 使用读段进行基因组组装
- Identifying Maximal Repeats 识别最大重复区域
- Genome Assembly with Perfect Coverage and Repeats 具有完全覆盖与重复的基因组组装
<a id = "graphs"></a>
## [图结构](#header)
- Degree Array 度的数组
- Double-Degree Array 双向度的数组
- Breadth-First Search 广度优先搜索
- Connected Components 连通分支
- Testing Bipartiteness 测试双向性
- Testing Acyclicity 测试无环性
- Dijkstra's Algorithm Dijkstra最短路算法
- Square in a Graph 图中的平方
- Bellman-Ford Algorithm BF最短路算法
- Shortest Cycle Through a Given Edge 通过给定边的最短环路
- Topological Sorting 拓扑排序
- Hamiltonian Path in DAG 有向无环图中的哈密顿路径
- Negative Weight Cycle 负权环路
- Strongly Connected Components 强连通分支
- 2-Satisfiability 2-可满足性问题
- General Sink 普遍连通节点
- Semi-Connected Graph 半连通图
- Shortest Paths in DAG 有向无环图上的最短路
<a id = "heredity"></a>
## [遗传](#header)
- Mendel's First Law [孟德尔第一定律(分离定律)](IPRB.md)
- Calculating Expected Offspring 计算预期后代
- Independent Alleles 独立的等位基因
- Independent Segregation of Chromosomes 染色体的独立分离
- Inferring Genotype from a Pedigree 从系谱图推断基因型
- Sex-Linked Inheritance 伴性遗传
<a id = "phylogeny"></a>
## [系统发生](#header)
- Completing a Tree 构建树
- Counting Phylogenetic Ancestors 计算系统发生树祖先
- Creating a Distance Matrix 创建距离矩阵
- Distances in Trees 树的距离
- Creating a Character Table 创建特征表
- Newick Format with Edge Weights 带边权值的Newick格式
- Creating a Character Table from Genetic Strings 从基因序列中创建特征表
- Counting Unrooted Binary Trees 计算无根二叉树
- Quartets 四分体
- Character-Based Phylogeny 基于特征的系统发生
- Counting Quartets 计算四分体
- Enumerating Unrooted Binary Trees 枚举无根二叉树
- Inferring Genotype from a Pedigree 从系谱图推断基因型
- Counting Rooted Binary Trees 计算有根二叉树
- Phylogeny Comparison with Split Distance 伴随分歧距离的系统发生比较
- Alignment-Based Phylogeny 基于比对的系统发生
- Fixing an Inconsistent Character Set 修复不一致的特征集合
- Quartet Distance 四分体距离
- Identifying Reversing Substitutions 识别反转替换
<a id = "popu-dyna"></a>
## [种群动态](#header)
- Counting Disease Carriers 计算疾病携带者
- The Wright-Fisher Model of Genetic Drift 遗传漂变的Wright-Fisher模型
- The Founder Effect and Genetic Drift 奠基者效应与遗传漂变
<a id = "probability"></a>
## [概率论](#header)
- Mendel's First Law [孟德尔第一定律(分离定律)](IPRB.md)
- Calculating Expected Offspring 计算预期后代
- Independent Alleles 独立的等位基因
- Introduction to Random Strings 随机序列简介
- Matching Random Motifs 随机基序的匹配
- Expected Number of Restriction Sites 限制性位点的期望数
- Independent Segregation of Chromosomes 染色体的独立分离
- Counting Disease Carriers 计算疾病携带者
- Inferring Genotype from a Pedigree 从系谱图推断基因型
- Sex-Linked Inheritance 伴性遗传
- The Wright-Fisher Model of Genetic Drift 遗传漂变的Wright-Fisher模型
- Wright-Fisher's Expected Behavior Wright-Fisher的预期行为
- The Founder Effect and Genetic Drift 奠基者效应与遗传漂变
<a id = "set-theory"></a>
## [集合论](#header)
- Counting Subsets 计算子集
- Introduction to Set Operations 集合运算简介
- Creating a Restriction Map 构建限制性图谱
<a id = "sorting"></a>
## [排序](#header)
- Insertion Sort 插入排序
- Majority Element 主元素(排序)
- Merge Two Sorted Arrays 合并两个已排序数组
- 2SUM
- Building a Heap 建立堆
- Merge Sort 归并排序
- 2-Way Partition 双向划分
- 3SUM
- Heap Sort 堆排序
- Counting Inversions 计算反演
- 3-Way Partition 3向划分
- Median 中位数
- Partial Sort 部分排序
- Quick Sort 快速排序
<a id = "string-algo"></a>
## [字符串算法](#header)
- Counting DNA Nucleotides [DNA核酸计数](DNA.md)
- Transcribing DNA into RNA [DNA转录成RNA](RNA.md)
- Complementing a Strand of DNA [DNA链互补配对](REVC.md)
- Computing GC Content [计算GC含量](GC.md)
- Translating RNA into Protein [RNA翻译成蛋白质](PROT.md)
- Finding a Motif in DNA [找出DNA中的基序](SUBS.md)
- Consensus and Profile [(序列)一致性与概况](CONS.md)
- Finding a Shared Motif 找出共享基序
- Locating Restriction Sites 定位限制性位点
- RNA Splicing RNA剪接
- Enumerating k-mers Lexicographically 按字典序枚举k-mers
- Perfect Matchings and RNA Secondary Structures 完美匹配与RNA二级结构
- Finding a Spliced Motif 找出剪接基序
- Catalan Numbers and RNA Secondary Structures 卡特兰数与RNA二级结构
- k-Mer Composition k成分
- Speeding Up Motif Finding 加速基序查找
- Finding a Shared Spliced Motif 找出共享剪接基序
- Ordering Strings of Varying Length Lexicographically 按字典序排列长度不同的字符串
- Maximum Matchings and RNA Secondary Structures 最大匹配与RNA二级结构
- Motzkin Numbers and RNA Secondary Structures 莫特金数与RNA二级结构
- Interleaving Two Motifs 交错双基序
- Introduction to Pattern Matching 模式匹配介绍
- Finding Disjoint Motifs in a Gene 找出基因中的不相连基序
- Encoding Suffix Trees 编码后缀树
- Linguistic Complexity of a Genome 基因组的语义复杂性
- Identifying Maximal Repeats 识别最大重复区域
- Finding All Similar Motifs 找出所有相似基序