### 根据商品ID查询满足的满减活动ID
**位置:** Common\Common\function.php
* @param int $no_id 商品ID
* @param int $type 商品ID类型 1表示唯一码 2表示SKU 3表示SKC
$total_reduce = check_total_reduce($skc_id, 3);
{$vo.no_id|check_total_reduce = 3}
* 根据商品ID查询满足的满减活动ID
* QuJinming 2018-07-18
* @param int $no_id 商品ID
* @param int $type 商品ID类型 1表示唯一码 2表示SKU 3表示SKC(活动范围为唯一码时必须传入唯一码)
* @return array|string $active 查询到的活动ID数组
* 异常返回 -1:传入商品ID的SPUID不存在
* -2:传入商品ID的SKUID不存在
* -3:传入商品ID的SKCID不存在
function check_total_reduce($no_id, $type) {
// 1、查询所有正在进行的满减活动
$time = time();
$map['start_time'] = array('elt', $time); // 活动开始时间
$map['end_time'] = array('egt', $time); // 活动结束时间
$map['types'] = array('eq', 2); // 活动类型 1为限时折扣,2为满减,3为满折
$map['status'] = 1; // 审批状态(0为未审批;1为审批通过;2为终止或审批不通过)
$event_result = M('event_basic')->where($map)->select();
// 2、根据传入的商品ID获取商品的SPUID和SKUID及商品品类信息
if ($type == 1) {
$spu_id = M('goods_item')->where('id=' . $no_id)->getField('spu_id'); // 获取SPUID
$sku_id = M('goods_item')->where('id=' . $no_id)->getField('sku_id'); // 获取SKUID
$skc_id = M('goods_item')->where('id=' . $no_id)->getField('skc_id'); // 获取SKCID
$item_id = $no_id; // 获取唯一码ID
} elseif ($type == 2) {
$spu_id = M('goods_sku')->where('id=' . $no_id)->getField('spu_id'); // 获取SPUID
$sku_id = $no_id; // 获取SKUID
$skc_id = M('goods_sku')->where('id=' . $no_id)->getField('skc_id'); // 获取SKCID
} elseif ($type == 3) {
$spu_id = M('goods_skc')->where('id=' . $no_id)->getField('spu_id'); // 获取SPUID
$sku_ids = M('goods_sku')->where('skc_id=' . $no_id)->getField('id', true); // 获取SKUID
$skc_id = $no_id; // 获取SKCID
if (empty($spu_id)) {
return -1; //异常:传入商品ID的SPUID不存在
if (empty($sku_id) && empty($sku_ids)) {
return -2; //异常:传入商品ID的SKUID不存在
if (empty($skc_id)) {
return -3; // '异常:传入商品ID的SKCID不存在'
$goods['price'] = M('goods_sku')->where('skc_id=' . $skc_id)->getField('original_price'); // 获取商品吊牌价
$goods['brand'] = M('goods_spu')->where('id=' . $spu_id)->getField('brand_id'); // 获取品牌ID
$goods['sex'] = M('goods_spu_category')->where('level=1 and spu_id=' . $spu_id)->getField('cat_id'); // 获取性别ID
$goods['big_class'] = M('goods_spu_category')->where('level=2 and spu_id=' . $spu_id)->getField('cat_id'); // 获取大类ID
// 3、判断商品符合的活动
foreach ($event_result as $key => $value) {
// 满减范围 1为品类,2为SPU,3为SKU,4为SKC,5为唯一码
if ($value['order_reduce'] == 1) {
$where_a['event_id'] = array('eq', $value['id']);
$where_a['is_delete'] = array('eq', 0);
$event_class = M('event_total_goods_class')->where($where_a)->select();
foreach ($event_class as $k => $v) {
// 判断品牌ID是否相等
if (!empty($v['brand_id'])) {
if ($v['brand_id'] != $goods['brand'] && $v['cat_big_id'] != 1) {
// 判断性别ID是否相等
if (!empty($v['cat_sex_id'])) {
if ($v['cat_sex_id'] != $goods['sex'] && $v['cat_big_id'] != 1) {
// 判断大类ID是否相等
if (!empty($v['cat_big_id'])) {
if ($v['cat_big_id'] != $goods['big_class'] && $v['cat_big_id'] != 1) {
if (empty($event_class)) {
} else {
foreach ($event_class as $kk => $vv) {
$id = $vv['event_id'];
$active[] = array('id' => $id);
} elseif ($value['order_reduce'] == 2) {
$where_b['event_id'] = array('eq', $value['id']);
$where_b['mark'] = array('eq', 1); // 1是款号;2是SKU
$where_b['is_delete'] = array('eq', 0);
$where_b['menu_id'] = array('eq', $spu_id);
$event_no = M('event_total_goods_no')->where($where_b)->select();
if (!empty($event_no)) {
$id = array_column($event_no, 'event_id')[0];
$active[] = array('id' => $id);
} elseif ($value['order_reduce'] == 3) {
$where_c['event_id'] = array('eq', $value['id']);
$where_c['mark'] = array('eq', 2); // 1是款号;2是SKU
$where_c['is_delete'] = array('eq', 0);
// $type表示传入的ID类型, 1表示传入的是唯一码,2表示传入的是SKU, 3表示传入的SKC
if ($type == 1 || $type == 2) {
// 在限时折扣款号表中查询该SKU
$where_c['menu_id'] = array('eq', $sku_id);
$event_no = M('event_total_goods_no')->where($where_c)->select();
} elseif ($type == 3) {
// 在限时折扣款号表中查询该SKU
$where_c['menu_id'] = array('in', $sku_ids);
$event_no = M('event_total_goods_no')->where($where_c)->select();
if (!empty($event_no)) {
$id = array_column($event_no, 'event_id')[0];
$active[] = array('id' => $id);
} elseif ($value['order_reduce'] == 4) {
$where_d['event_id'] = array('eq', $value['id']);
$where_d['mark'] = array('eq', 3); // 1是款号;2是SKU;3是SKC;4是唯一码
$where_d['is_delete'] = array('eq', 0);
$where_d['menu_id'] = array('eq', $skc_id);
$event_no = M('event_total_goods_no')->where($where_d)->select();
if (!empty($event_no)) {
$id = array_column($event_no, 'event_id')[0];
$active[] = array('id' => $id);
} elseif ($value['order_reduce'] == 5) {
// $type表示传入的ID类型, 1表示传入的是唯一码,2表示传入的是SKU, 3表示传入的SKC
if ($type == 1) {
// 在限时折扣款号表中查询该唯一码
$where_e['event_id'] = array('eq', $value['id']);
$where_e['mark'] = array('eq', 4); // 1是款号;2是SKU;3是SKC;4是唯一码
$where_e['is_delete'] = array('eq', 0);
$where_e['menu_id'] = array('eq', $item_id);
$event_no = M('event_total_goods_no')->where($where_e)->select();
if (!empty($event_no)) {
$id = array_column($event_no, 'event_id')[0];
$active[] = array('id' => $id);
// 4、返回查询到的活动ID数组
return $active;
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