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# 六种量化你代码的方式 本文为译文,译者为Leo Hui(我自己!)。 ~~~ Businesspeople dig numbers. They don’t necessarily want to hear that you got something done; they want to hear how much you got done—especially relative to past results or some other relevant benchmark—and they want to know the value of what you did. ~~~ 商人关注的是量化,他们想从你哪里通道你做了什么,带来了什么价值,而不是你做了多少。 ~~~ Some professionals have it easy when it comes to quantifying their job performance. Salespeople can measure their achievements in dollars and cents, for example, and many other fields also have clear-cut numbers with which to calculate their contributions. ~~~ 教授可以轻松地量化出他们的工作,销售人员可以计算出他们的收益。其他的领域也可以通过一些方式算出他们的贡献。 ~~~ For software developers and some other technology-based roles, however, quantifying your work can be a struggle without a straightforward solution. Yet doing so is crucial not just in job searches, but in many aspects of a software engineer’s career: performance reviews, effectively communicating up the chain of command, working efficiently with non-technical business units, and ensuring you’re properly valued within your organization. ~~~ 但是从事软件开发以及技术相关的人员,量化工作确实一个困难的事情。量化这件事情,不是在求职,更是一个技术人员生涯的一部分。绩效评估,有效的了解沟通,高效的和非技术人员合作,确保你再团队或组织中的价值。 ~~~ So how do you measure the value of the applications you build, scale, monitor, test, and otherwise support? Here are some of the approaches used at New Relic, as well as industry best practices: ~~~ 但是我们要如何量化工作中的价值呢?这里有一些New Relic推荐的做法: ~~~ “I like to see work accomplishments described in terms of situation, action and results,” says Merilee Krebs, a technical recruiter at New Relic. “What was the business or technical problem to be solved? What unique actions did you take to resolve them and what was the resulting improvement.” ~~~ New Relic的技术招聘人员这样说:"我喜欢看到用情况,行动和结果去描述工作成果, 技术人员需要解决的问题是什么?采用什么样的行动去解决和提升这个问题。" ~~~ What does that look like in the real world? Try asking yourself some pointed questions: Did your monitoring and testing lead to a code update that cut down on help desk tickets by X percent? That’s quantitative gold right there. Did you deliver a new app six weeks ahead of schedule? Yeah, you’ll want to brag about that (in a professional manner, of course). Can you connect your code to strategic company objectives? Please, do so. Are you doing something that’s outperforming the traditional standards in your industry? You should be able to quantify the achievement is some way. ~~~ 现实世界中是怎样的呢?你试着问自己一些关键的问题:你有在更新你的代码的时候去监控和测试...这就是量化的目标。如果你在日程表前六周就完成了一个app,你肯定会去炫耀一下。但是你有考虑公司的战略目标吗,如果没有,请思考一下。... ~~~ If this exercise feels unnatural to you, you’re not alone—many programmers often aren’t born sales and marketing pros. If they were, they’d probably work in sales or marketing. So let’s consider six ways to better measure and communicate the value of your code and related work. ~~~ 你是不是感受到一些不同的感觉,这不是你一个人的问题,技术人员的通病。如果技术人员做好了量化这一块,那么他们也许就去从事销售了。所以,让我们考虑六种去量化你代码以及工作的方式: ### Think in percentages ### Get involved with open source projects ### Measure progress, not just products ### Keep a work journal ### Communicate in two languages ### Collect recommendations ### 参考资料 - [6 Ways to Quantify Your Code—and Why You Need to Do It](http://blog.newrelic.com/2014/12/16/quantify-your-code/)