This is a list of organizations that are using this style guide. Send us a pull request or open an issue and we'll add you to the list.
* **Aan Zee**: [AanZee/javascript](
* **Adult Swim**: [adult-swim/javascript](
* **Airbnb**: [airbnb/javascript](
* **American Insitutes for Research**: [AIRAST/javascript](
* **Apartmint**: [apartmint/javascript](
* **Avalara**: [avalara/javascript](
* **Billabong**: [billabong/javascript](
* **Compass Learning**: [compasslearning/javascript-style-guide](
* **DailyMotion**: [dailymotion/javascript](
* **Digitpaint** [digitpaint/javascript](
* **Evernote**: [evernote/javascript-style-guide](
* **ExactTarget**: [ExactTarget/javascript](
* **Expensify** [Expensify/Style-Guide](
* **Flexberry**: [Flexberry/javascript-style-guide](
* **Gawker Media**: [gawkermedia/javascript](
* **GeneralElectric**: [GeneralElectric/javascript](
* **GoodData**: [gooddata/gdc-js-style](
* **Grooveshark**: [grooveshark/javascript](
* **How About We**: [howaboutwe/javascript](
* **InfoJobs**: [InfoJobs/JavaScript-Style-Guide](
* **Intent Media**: [intentmedia/javascript](
* **Jam3**: [Jam3/Javascript-Code-Conventions](
* **JSSolutions**: [JSSolutions/javascript](
* **Kinetica Solutions**: [kinetica/javascript](
* **Mighty Spring**: [mightyspring/javascript](
* **MinnPost**: [MinnPost/javascript](
* **ModCloth**: [modcloth/javascript](
* **Money Advice Service**: [moneyadviceservice/javascript](
* **Muber**: [muber/javascript](
* **National Geographic**: [natgeo/javascript](
* **National Park Service**: [nationalparkservice/javascript](
* **Nimbl3**: [nimbl3/javascript](
* **Orion Health**: [orionhealth/javascript](
* **Peerby**: [Peerby/javascript](
* **Razorfish**: [razorfish/javascript-style-guide](
* **reddit**: [reddit/styleguide/javascript](
* **REI**: [reidev/js-style-guide](
* **Ripple**: [ripple/javascript-style-guide](
* **SeekingAlpha**: [seekingalpha/javascript-style-guide](
* **Shutterfly**: [shutterfly/javascript](
* **StudentSphere**: [studentsphere/javascript](
* **Target**: [target/javascript](
* **TheLadders**: [TheLadders/javascript](
* **T4R Technology**: [T4R-Technology/javascript](
* **Userify**: [userify/javascript](
* **VoxFeed**: [VoxFeed/javascript-style-guide](
* **Weggo**: [Weggo/javascript](
* **Zillow**: [zillow/javascript](
* **ZocDoc**: [ZocDoc/javascript](
- 关于
- 1. 类型
- 2. 引用
- 3. 对象
- 4. 数组
- 5. 解构
- 6. 字符串
- 7. 函数
- 8. 箭头函数
- 9. 构造函数
- 10. 模块
- 11. Iterators & Generators
- 12. 属性
- 13. 变量
- 14. 提升
- 15. 比较运算符 & 等号
- 16. 代码块
- 17. 注释
- 18. 空白
- 19. 逗号
- 20. 分号
- 21. 类型转换
- 22. 命名规则
- 23. 存取器
- 24. 事件
- 25. jQuery
- 26. ECMAScript 5 兼容性
- 27. ECMAScript 6 编码规范
- 28. 测试
- 29. 性能
- 30. 资源
- 31. 使用人群
- 32. 翻译
- 33. JavaScript 编码规范说明
- 34. 一起来讨论Javascript
- 35. Contributors
- 36. License