[1.1 The slow march toward monolithic hell](1.1Theslowmarchtowardmonolithichell.md)
[1.2 Why this book is relevant to you](1.2Whythisbookisrelevanttoyou.md)
[1.3 What you’ll learn in this book](1.3Whatyou%E2%80%99lllearninthisbook.md)
[1.4 Microservice architecture to the rescue](1.4Microservicearchitecturetotherescue.md)
[1.5 Benefits and drawbacks of the microservice architecture](1.5Benefitsanddrawbacksofthemicroservicearchitecture.md)
[1.6 The Microservice architecture pattern language](1.6TheMicroservicearchitecturepatternlanguage.md)
[1.7 Beyond microservices: Process and organization](1.7BeyondmicroservicesProcessandorganization.md)
- 空白目录
- 1. Escaping monolithic hell
- 1.1 The slow march toward monolithic hell
- 1.1.1 The architecture of the FTGO application
- 1.1.2 The benefits of the monolithic architecture
- 1.2 Why this book is relevant to you
- 1.3 What you’ll learn in this book
- 1.4 Microservice architecture to the rescue
- 1.5 Benefits and drawbacks of the microservice architecture
- 1.6 The Microservice architecture pattern language
- 1.7 Beyond microservices: Process and organization
- 2. Decomposition strategies