企业🤖AI Agent构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
- maka app > Create a maka app called 'test' ```bash maka app test ``` - maka start > Start the app webpack dev server, browse <a href='http://localhost:8000' target='maka dev'>http://localhost:8000</a> to view the running results of the maka app. ```bash maka start maka start --dev //Start in dev mode ``` - maka build > Compile the maka app and generate the compilation result in the 'build' directory. ```bash maka build maka build --dev //Start in dev mode ``` - maka pkg > Package the maka app, generate the package result in the 'build' directory ```bash maka pkg maka pkg --dev //Start in dev mode ``` - maka add > Add a sub-application will modify the package.json file. When the start or pkg command is executed, the compilation result of the sub-application will be copied under the running directory. ```bash maka add appName ``` - maka adduser > Create a user at and log in, similar to the npm adduser function ```bash maka adduser ``` - maka publish > Publish current maka app to, other developers can refer to your published app via 'maka add'. Please use 'maka build', 'maka pkg' to build application resources before publishing. ```bash maka publish ```